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Everything posted by Exception

  1. Oh, a donator rank. That's completely different, the worst that can happen is somebody can set themselves to it. As for admin, if you failed to put the right checks in place on the server, anybody who knew what they were doing could easily set themselves to admins, and obliterate any of your content, which is why it's generally not a good idea to leave something even remotely open when it comes to the likes of access levels.
  2. Then just create all of the required accounts beforehand, and set them all to the required access. No need to compromise security.
  3. I would assume that this wasn't added for a VERY good reason. You should think about that reason, mainly exploits and security. But, if you **really must** add it, it's a simple matter of making a new packet from the client to the server, where the server handles the change of access. It would also be very wise to add an "If Player(Index).Access
  4. @Ace: > If I do recall Correctly the number of items you can have maximum is 255 (unless you change it in the source) and I think you can have a unlimited number of tilesets. If not that is also 255. ._., have you actually read the source, more specifically, the single 21 lines of code that handle counting graphics? * * * Well, logically speaking, the NumGRAPHICFILEHERE (Such as NumTileset, NumItems, etc) are a long value, which in VB6, the maximum is ~~4,294,967,295~~ 2,147,483,648 So, you're limited to ~~4,294,967,295~~ 2,147,483,648 for each folder of graphics. Not that you'd want to use that much, considering it loads all graphics at the start. The loading times would be horrendous, and I imagine attempting to keep that much graphics in memory would not go down well on any persons computer. =P. Also note, that I've not considered the DDS_*** arrays, and such. This is just on the basis of the array that counts said graphics. However, you say "I notice i can't get anything over the default number to work in either.", and I really doubt you're attempting to use that much graphics, so I'm probably missing the point. If so, mind being a bit more specific?
  5. Yay, finally, you're making 'em again. =D Now go make a tileset, and make a game with 'em already. =P
  6. Scripting Engine? VBMP? Sounds like you're using something pre-Eclipse Origins. We don't offer support for Eclipse Evolution/Eclipse Stable.
  7. You don't, errorhandlers were never inserted into the server (Unless if you've already done it, or are using a version that's done that). You're just gonna have to run it in the VB6 IDE, and try and recreate what caused the error. Once you do that, you can find out exactly what's causing RTE 11, add an If x = 0 Then Exit Sub check before it, and that side of the issue should be perfectly fine. As for RTE 9, somewhere, you're most likely attempting to load/reload bad data, for example, you're loading a mismatched item structure. As for the client automation error, are you using FMOD by any chance? Because clearly it's not a DX matter, the client's loaded, and I know that FMOD has the funny tendency to occasionally unload incorrectly, at the wrong time. If not, it's still most likely a sound issue, either way, as DS7 in the legacy EO had a few sound issues, too. As for the server automation error, I have no idea.
  8. :o, Epic. My only little nitpicky complaint would be that the stairs (at least, I think that's what it's meant to be) aren't really dark where the shadow should be, so, it's not really obvious that they're stairs. Apart from that, go revive Project Red & Black already, make a side-scroller after Tyras!
  9. Welp, HDD decided to melt down, and I'm not here for long, and I'm without all my usual programs, so, yeah, I'm gonna be gone for a while. D:. For how long, I have no idea. (As for the source code for The Tower, at least THAT's safely on DropBox. v_v)
  10. The incidental thing, is that it should still work fine for the most part, the only modification would be rendering.
  11. Just go torrent VB6\. Microsoft haven't supported VB6 since the 8th of April, 2008\. They don't care about making money off of it, it's deprecated, in favour of the .NET framework.
  12. VB6 isn't illegal, downloading it is illegal. Either buy it on eBay, buy it locally, drop your morals for a few minutes and torrent it, or make do without. And no, you can't, unless if you find yourself a programmer who's willing to do source edits for you.
  13. Then open it in VB6, press Ctrl + F5, do exactly the same thing, and tell us what highlights.
  14. @rigpop98: > -snip- 1) To download, per-se, torrent it. It's illegal, so, do it at your own discretion. Alternatively, you can buy it at eBay, or local software shops, etc. 2) Simply add another item, and assign it the currency type in the item editor? 3) Use Boot Map and Boot X/Y in the map editor. They set the respawn points for when you die. 4) There's a tutorial here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,75062.0.html 5) There's a tutorial here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,78441.0.html 6) In frmMain_KeyUp, there's a line of code; If KeyCode = 111 + i Then. Change 111 to represent the ASCII (I believe) value that you want. This will require additional research on your part. Just Google an ASCII table. 7) There's a projectiles system here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,73708.0.html . As for magic, melee, etc, it's already there. Use the spell editor for magic. 8) There's a tutorial for CSDE (Here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,77052.0.html). If you are not using CSDE (Which, I advise in your case), it will require modification. I suggest developing your skills first, before attempting this. 9) Well…I can't say I've seen a video, but there's a good site, on RMXP events, which is quite similar to this one, and does work in the exact same way (Tried it.) at http://rmxp.tigerseye.uk.com/tutorial_event3.shtml. I typed the query "Making a quest in RMXP events" into YouTube, and it provided with a vast array of videos. Please do search for these things, before asking. It DOES show very little effort on your part.
  15. @GodWar: > Hmmm! > > First: I don't try it with the EO 2.0! Because i do this for EO 3.0 :) > Second: You know that this only work with the myBB i post!? Because this forum use the easyest salt i found. Other Boards use antother salt method. > Third: The sqlAddUser is not finished yet because i delete it because the user MUST register in the forum! Same with sqlDelUser 1) The registration systems haven't changed. It'd work exactly the same. My point is, have you actually tested this outside of your source, and followed the tutorial in a clean source, to make sure it's actually functional? 2) Yes, I was testing on myBB. It still didn't unsalt the passwords, as said. 3) I was registering in the forum, I was just mentioning that you used it in the tutorial, when it didn't actually work, which leads me to believe that this wasn't really tried.
  16. I tried this in a blank EO, and the login doesn't appear to work. From what I can work out, it's attempting to use the normal password, and comparing that against the salted password, and as a result, will always return false. I had little idea, but I did change something around, and got it to work (can't remember what, I didn't save my changes. Was just playing around)…if I'm honest, this is one of the few times I've played around with SQL. GodWar, when you wrote this, did you try it in a base EO yourself? As an example, the sub sqlAddNewChar doesn't exist, instead it's sqlAddUser. I still think this needs a bit more testing before it can be used. Although, you were right about it being weirdly instant, seriously, it logged in exactly the same time as normal for me. xD
  17. Exception


    @Synergy: > I've not looked into it much, but I think [GoDaddy](https://www.godaddy.com/products/websites-hosting.aspx?ci=72738) are pretty good. Maybe I'm just picky, but I refuse to ever use GoDaddy, just for supporting that parasite-of-a-bill SOPA. @JustinSD: > DO NOT use go daddy > > I use Bitesites.com Never had any downtimes in two years. > > Pay Yearly for a fair price. > > PM me and I will get you a coupon > > **EDIT** > > Just buy a $10.00 domain and pm me > > I'll give you free hosting on my server if you want. I have two In LA and one in Kansas I'll have a look into it. Thanks. EDIT: Just had a look into it, and in all honesty, inMotionHosting offers (way) more, for a cheaper price. Thanks for showing me, though. =D
  18. Exception


    @or3o: > Do you mean to host your server of your games webpage? Considering I've said **web**host, what else? xD
  19. Exception


    I've reached the point of development where it would be nice for me to get my own domain, but my problem is that I have very little money to spend, and I'm having trouble looking for a good host, that's also cheap. Currently, I'm considering iPages, or inMotionHosting, but I'm unsure of what to use…I'm looking for suggestions. On the basis of good customer service, cost, and features, what would you suggest? Ideally, I'd like something that's less than £8 (~$12.50/~€10).
  20. @rex510: > Anyone playing this that can give a rating out of 10? 3\. Ugly mapping in general, still default EO GUI, and if I'm quite honest, currently boring content. A lot that's posted around is also rather misleading, as whenever I go on, nobody else is on (I've seen claims where there are at least 5+ players online), and many of the features posted around aren't actually in-game. **It is enough to curb your boredom**, **quite well**, though (Although, I do suppose that's because this is probably the only actively updated EO game at the moment. :P). Not to mention, Kajamaz's insistent advertising does leave a bad taste. **Not** intended to flame/insult, but you did ask for opinions. **Try it out for yourself, make an educated decision on your own experiences. ^_^**
  21. Exception

    [EO] Titles 1.2

    @Whack: > Wait so what is this? A title system. It's just not been translated.
  22. @Kajamaz: > Does this work for eo 2.0? Of course.
  23. I had my screen on high-brightness, and I was in the dark. The moment my page loaded, I swung back to shield my eyes, except, I did it too forcefully, and so, I fell off of my flipping chair from the glariness. Thank you. v_v
  24. Exception

    Battle, anyone?

    Why not just make it into a contest, then? ;p
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