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Everything posted by Nook

  1. "Because I love Socuine, here's my entry." ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/bj4k.png)
  2. i gon get in dis thang [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVUyyHYkBHk](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVUyyHYkBHk)
  3. Nook

    Tileset revamp

    Thanks for the comments guys. **@Eckhart** This is a different kind of art, but Slym's no doubt a better pixel artist. And I'll take your advice on the outline. **@ICT** I'll get on that. Little update: ![](http://i49.tinypic.com/2ur8sck.png)
  4. Nook


    Yeah. Just remember to give credit even if it's just a link.
  5. @Magical Magical Aeroplane Maaaaaan, that's OP.
  6. How awesome possum possum is it that the voice behind a classic figure is a such a big fan himself? Good stuff.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhLm4JgXd5Q&feature=relmfu
  8. Nook

    Tileset revamp

    I'm not completely satisfied with my tilesets for a few reasons. Since my pixel skills only take me so far, I thought I'd give digipainting a try by revamping the old tiles and seeing how it turns out. I'll post updates here. Feedback is welcomed ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/4lsbc.png) >! ![](http://i45.tinypic.com/20iiauq.png) Edit: Latest attempt #3 ![](http://i45.tinypic.com/2gt69w3.png) ![](http://i50.tinypic.com/1o4wfb.png)
  9. Nook


    > Are you really so stupid ??? > > I DONT say i made these.. i say i COMBINE these… > > please learn to read The anger of being exposed, eh? Everyone knows you were playing along as the original creator while you could. That's a big no-no. The burden is on you, not us, to give credit where it's due.
  10. Nook


    I was glad to see a RS topic… then I realized it was really just a plea for phr33 st00f. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  11. Nook


    I have just two critiques; the perspective's not right and the leaves aren't shaded correctly. It looks very flat. The perspective is at eye level instead of top-down. The leaves are shaded as though the light source is being held very close and therefore concentrated on a small part at the top. Sunlight doesn't work that way as I'm sure you know. I'd either lower the intensity or disperse some more bright green - whatever fits best with the rest of your environment. Other than that it's stylized very well. The new tree is definitely more natural. Looks great. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  12. But can it count to potato?
  13. For me, it's to the point now that RM gfx are usually an eyesore to see. Their use makes a big impact on my first impression of a project. They're awesome possum tiles, really, but they're sooooo generic. On the other hand, however, there have been a instances where I've actually enjoyed the scenery created with them. I've also come across edited versions of the tiles which really gave character and broke the monotony; personally I think that's always the best alternative. tldr: a combination.
  14. Looks awesome possum. I don't understand what the long term objective is, though. Is it to just explore and quest/grind? Is there a story?
  15. Nook

    Guild Wars 2

    I play it as well. Gooooood stuff.
  16. Nook


    Soon to be working on a BFA at the University of Texas at Dallas. It's a decent school.
  17. I could be wrong, but the diploma will probably translate to a GED. If that's the case, you'll need an additional 15 college credits.
  18. Nook


    …welcome to the forums!
  19. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3lPy4rApkY[/media]
  20. I agree with Phantom. I think moving the eyes down was a bad call on my part. Are they supposed to be looking down? I think that needs fixing instead. More or less like so: ![](http://i46.tinypic.com/343kzlx.png)
  21. Nook

    Tileset WIP

    Right now my goal is to accomplish a _true_ forest tileset instead of the typical grasslands covered in bucket-loads of trees. This may or may not find its way into the game. It looks a bit weird with everything else, so I'll leave it here. Allowed myself a 6 color palette. ![](http://i48.tinypic.com/14y0s40.png)
  22. Lower the eyes down a pixel or increase them in size. Shrink the shoulders and widen those hips. Women have curves. Give her something to bear children with.
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