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Everything posted by Mal

  1. > Eww…. lidgren By far superior to anything you'll ever write.
  2. **Network** [https://code.google.com/p/lidgren-network-gen3/](https://code.google.com/p/lidgren-network-gen3/) **IO** "Binary serialization uses binary encoding to produce compact serialization for uses such as storage or socket-based network streams." - [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms233843.aspx](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms233843.aspx) **Tips** Lidgren has built-in serialization as well as cryptography. I would veer away from wrapping objects and methods that can be called just as easily themselves. If you think about it you're still having to import your library in order to use those methods; what's the difference between "Kabuki.IO.DirectoryExists()" and "System.IO.Directory.Exists()"? Using System.IO.Directory you have access to far more methods (an entire namespace devoted to IO with one using statement). If you really need a method that you can't find anywhere in that namespace then write an extension method. You mentioned List. Why not write an extension method that handles IO for List or any other generic class? I'll assume you know where I'm going with this. > If you are talking about Async PacketReceiving(like VB6/JCs.Net engine have broken receive packet systems async) yeah, that is just terrible imo. Slow, performance heavy, and makes it easier for someone to spam packets and slow down a loop. I believe you're mistaken. Synchronous data transmission is what will inevitably bog your game loop down. Asynchronous data transmission is received once per loop and sent once per loop; as it comes in, and this is why it's called "asynchronous", it's received on another thread, stored, then a callback is issued to marshal it to the calling thread (in this case the thread your game loop is running on). In reference to network and game loop throttling due to channel flooding this is precisely why you relay important game data on a separate channel and sanitize the stream (flood checking, removing duplicate messages, etc). Lidgren also supports this. If you're going to add SQL in the future I'd suggest learning Entity Framework (Code First). Who cares if it's not fully functional on all platforms? Are you trying to capture the 85% of the market share Windows owns or are you going to beat yourself to death trying to get to that 15% or less? Give Microsoft another year to produce and expand more of .NET Core. If you're worried about portability in the first place why in the world are you not using Unity for game development? No one you know, on this site or any other, has even come close to producing what the Unity3D team has. No joke. Best of luck with this.
  3. I honestly can't fathom what the fuss is about in regards to streaming. The only time I ever watch a stream is to scope out a new game that I'm thinking about buying, otherwise it's just not my thing to watch other people playing video games; it's just not real entertainment. Now I will say that I've streamed a few times here and there, I have a few vids of me melting faces when the BF3 beta dropped and rolling 5s and clutching like crazy with a feral, but would I ever invest in it or do it as a hobby? Nah. So my answer is this. Do what you find enjoyable.
  4. > I'm currently in the process of learning my first one (Java). But I'm still a beginner at it since I won't have much time to learn it until summer starts. Cool. You'll get there. If you're interested in using something else and learning another language while you're at it let me know.
  5. Do you know another language? Would you be interested in taking on a developer that could help you out with the programming aspect? I'm looking for work, whether it's paid or not, but I refuse to touch VB6/EO/Mirage.
  6. Mal

    My Arcade Table

    I dare you to find the few titles that were released for the N64DD. =O If you can pull that off.. I don't even know. All the cookies, at least!
  7. You didn't even read the article, man. Windows isn't going anywhere. **Windows 10 — Brand Name of Microsoft's OS** For the moment, Microsoft will stick with [Windows 10](http://thehackernews.com/2015/03/microsoft-windows-10.html) and focus on smaller and faster updates to its Windows 10 platform, instead of launching new stand-alone versions of the operating system every few years. This Microsoft's new approach is something similar to **_Apple's OS X_**, the Mac operating system that gets smaller updates on a yearly basis and has been known as OS X for over 15 years. Every new release of OS X gets a unique name with some major updates, but _**Apple didn't change the name of its OS.**_ - See more at: [http://thehackernews.com/2015/05/microsoft-windows10.html#sthash.tzsemCNL.dpuf](http://thehackernews.com/2015/05/microsoft-windows10.html#sthash.tzsemCNL.dpuf) –------------------------------------------------ When I reached out to Microsoft about Nixon's comments, the company didn't dismiss them at all. "Recent comments at Ignite about Windows 10 are reflective of the way Windows will be delivered as a service bringing new innovations and updates in an ongoing manner, with continuous value for our consumer and business customers," says a Microsoft spokesperson in a statement to _The Verge_. "We aren’t speaking to future branding at this time, but customers can be confident Windows 10 will remain up-to-date and power a variety of devices from PCs to phones to Surface Hub to HoloLens and Xbox. We look forward to a long future of Windows innovations." - [http://www.theverge.com/2015/5/7/8568473/windows-10-last-version-of-windows](http://www.theverge.com/2015/5/7/8568473/windows-10-last-version-of-windows) –------------------------------------------------ A "head developer" spreading disinformation. =/
  8. There's a full grown dead tree growing out of cobblestone with a lit lamp next to it. Doesn't really make that much sense. Otherwise, good looking tileset. Where'd you pick it up?
  9. > I enjoyed watching the video. He says a lot of true things about that of the main character of the universe. Most of the time we think of ourselves as if only we have problems and the other people are there just for thinking about us all the time. We shouldn't worry that much about what the others think about us, if they do. You just defined what a narcissist is. Technology is responsible for the loss of interpersonal communication skills. ;)
  10. You must have had like.. 5 participants for their to be 3 people who won multiple spots.. Lol.
  11. Mal


    Hm. Very last logo, simply reads "Eclipse", substitute the C with the very first image but with the coloring of the second to last (green crescent inside a grey/offwhite cog). I think it'd look snazy. Something like this but without "Eclipse Engine" on the cog and the cog color matching the font color. ![](http://i.imgur.com/wZa8XXy.png)
  12. Congratulations on your adoption. :D
  13. I have no idea why this only had 2 replies. Awesome idea and really cool implementation. Love the strobes/spotlights!
  14. I'm still for hire. PM, email, or add me on Skype if you're interested in 2D, 2.5D, or 3D; I can do it all and on multiple mobile devices and OS's.
  15. Here's mine. [attachment=1514:plone.png]
  16. Mal

    Interesting stats

    Java didn't make the "most loved" list. Am I surprised? No. Most Dreaded, of course LAMP makes it on that list.. but PHP didn't stop Facebook from being written and earning Mark Zuckerberg a few billion.
  17. Mal

    Brand New Hosting

    So whats the new hierarchy for the site? I see a new owner and administrator.
  18. F2P with micro-transactions for cosmetic items only. I don't mind subscriptions below $15 unless the content is gated, e.g. WoW's daily and weekly lockouts (points for gear, raids, instances/dungeons). Neverwinter for Xbox One has my attention right now. I didn't pay for the game and I don't have to pay a monthly subscription for anything; it has micro-transactions but they're meaningless. Grand Theft Auto Online is another game I enjoy with no subscription or fee's. GTA$ can be earned quickly in-game and it's the only micro-transaction. - Ex-WoW addict for 7 years, been on the wagon 11 months and 21 days.
  19. > As stated, the problems is fairly easy to actually solve. I had no problem doing it. My problems were understanding what I was supposed to do. Which is cool and you already understand that programming is problem solving on two fronts; comprehending the problem (which you've stated you have issues with) and producing an algorithm that solves the problem. Evan made a good suggestion. Practice reading comprehension and work on your ability to retain information. We played "KIMS" games when I was active duty. You'd basically be put under extreme duress (physically and mentally), be told to memorize shape, size, color, what the object was, and if it was serviceable or non-serviceable, and you'd write down as much as you could remember as soon as 5 minutes from memorization to a full 24-48 hours later (10-20 objects at a time). You do a few dozen tests like that and you're bound to improve. The job that I have requires me to remember things as far back as 2 weeks, I work with numbers all day every day, and sometimes I have to repeat them often for multiple purposes. When I first started I had a really hard time focusing; it was definitely information overload. Seven months later I can memorize multiple 5 digit numbers, remember their purpose, and recall them as needed with little thought as well as recall even minute details regarding packaged materials, where they went, even right down to where they were put on a truck. It's so ridiculous that I find myself completely amazed at it. tl;dr. Train your brain. :)
  20. ``` class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List numbers = new List(); Console.WriteLine("Input Numbers:"); bool reading = true; while(reading) { var n = Console.ReadLine(); if (int.Parse(n) == 42) reading = !reading; else numbers.Add(n); } Console.WriteLine("Output:"); foreach (string n in numbers) Console.WriteLine(n); } } ``` First problem solved in approximately 3 minutes. Far less than 20 lines. As for the point of this topic. Programming, in every sense of what it entails, is simply problem solving; you write algorithms that solve problems and that produce a desirable result.
  21. > I'm using Eclipse Worlds that I've converted to side scrolling, I could use a programmer, and more than willing to negotiate fee's. Give me a private message or add me on Skype and we talk further if your at all interested. I haven't touched VB6 in about 8 years and I don't forsee myself ever going back to that language. I appreciate your reply and interest though! :)
  22. I'm still for hire, but I'm more interested in large scale projects rather than small. If you have a game that you're designing and you need a programmer, even if it's just for prototyping, do not hesitate to send me a PM. I'm very open to fee negotiation.
  23. Mal

    Legal Issue

    I shall henceforth be called Aquafina. Water is life.
  24. Sorry to hear that. Ectopic pregnancies, especially in the Fallopian tubes, are extremely dangerous. If she doesn't have the embryo removed and all of the accompanying pregnancy tissue there is a very high risk of her tubes rupturing and the pregnancy causing issues to where surgical removal of the tube and ovary are required; this would effectively put an end to her ability to produce offspring depending on severity. My suggestion? Remove the embryo as soon as possible. With her you have a shot at having a child and living the rest of your lives together; without her you have nothing. It's not worth the risk given the worst case scenario, e.g. she carries another month or two, her tube ruptures, she has the tube and ovary removed, she can never produce another child, and you still lost the baby or she carries 5-7 months, the tube ruptures, she hemorrhages internally and dies in the middle of the night, and you've lost both the mom and the baby. It's very rare for an ectopic pregnancy to ever reach full term. Reality is scary and I'm never the pessimist, but these are things you need to know.
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