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Everything posted by Fyr

  1. No, I'm pretty sure Kusy was being most useful. If your watermark isn't effective at all, why even use it? People could reproduce every angle using that one ship. It would be best to just ditch the watermark.
  2. I recommend getting this one: [http://www.wacom.com/creative/products/pen-tablets/bamboo/bamboo-create](http://www.wacom.com/creative/products/pen-tablets/bamboo/bamboo-create) I have the bamboo Fun, which is what that one was before they remodeled/rebranded it. It's the size of a half sheet of paper. It is more expensive, but that extra room really does make a difference. $200
  3. Maybe this will help… Lena spleena was a ballerina, she became a queen-a and built an arena... (I think that's how it went... it's been a long time)
  4. Miss Lena! Not that you'll recognize me in this username, but hello again!
  5. Fyr

    My Homework.

    Yeah, because of the crappy dimensions we had to use, I chose to make the people much larger than would be realistic, compared to the size of the ship. It's an unfortunate choice, but one that I stand by.
  6. The newer UI is much more modernized. I think it's far superior to the old one. Thumbs up from me.
  7. Fyr

    GDC 2013

    I wish things like this happened in the MidWest as well, instead of strictly on either coast.
  8. Fyr

    Hockey Pre-game Set

    > I have no idea why colors keep getting brighter and brighter, though. Starting to piss me off. What now?
  9. Fyr

    Hockey Pre-game Set

    I designed this for my college's broadcasting program. We broadcast the hockey for the neighbouring state university. This is the pre-game show set: >! ![](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/59825_10151088079961373_1851206073_n.jpg) It printed a tad darker than I had hoped, but I guess that's a lesson learned. I haven't done much actual print design before this. Also, shot was with my phone, so quality is bad.
  10. I'm the one sitting in the chair, holding the microphone. We were recording little bits of the hockey players for use in the broadcasting. I am in charge of every 2D graphic, but was an extra hand for this, so they gave me the Microphone, lol. Yes, I am still wearing sandals in November. Hippy? Possibru. ![](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/598639_3832179564359_1252598896_n.jpg)
  11. Fyr

    My Homework.

    That text that's harder to read is supposed to be more faint, but yeah, typography is my weakest point in design. It took me a long time to even settle on those fonts.
  12. Fyr

    My Homework.

    Updated the original post with the finished HMS Pinafore Poster.
  13. All the links are broken, so you're obviously only posting for the post count.. Not amused.
  14. Fyr

    My Homework.

    That's also part of it being a WIP. Itt'l be done by this Friday.
  15. Fyr

    WallPaper WP3

    you* while* though* because* little* Your grammar also needs improving. Reading your post is like having a seizure. > Art: is something you make. no one can make it good or bad. False. Just because it's art, doesn't make it good. You can suck at art, much like that wallpaper. Just because you think it's good does not make it so. The best source for judging such things are outside opinions, which you did receive here. If you are so offended by people's opinions, then why are you posting your work?
  16. Fyr

    My Homework.

    I'll be posting My graphic design assignments here upon completion. There are already quite a few that are done, so I will go back and get those up too. Until then, starting off, we have this: H.M.S. Pinafore Poster. This is my colleges upcoming musical, and we are designing the poster for it as homework. Winner gets $25, which is small, but a nice gesture. Finished Poster: (The texture really isn't that strong. I'm not sure why it saved the PNG that way) >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/222942f6d4c01383c8aa35f5161dc735.png)
  17. Fyr

    Metal/Stone UI PSD

    > N. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) Ha! Keep it hush-hush… lol
  18. It also does not have layer options like photoshop has. Paint.NET is pretty bad, in my humble opinion. I'd suggest GIMP over it any day.
  19. No Linux version, which completely destroys the purpose, for me. If this ran on linux, I would completely ditch photoshop, and move completely over to Ubuntu. But, since I already have photoshop, I don't need to make any sort of move.
  20. A huge thing that Photoshop has had over it's competition is the layer styles/blending options. Does this also have layer styling, as photoshop does?
  21. Fyr

    WallPaper WP3

    > come bk when ur done. do u evn lift? fite me irl.
  22. Shoot me a PM as well, if you would, for the graphics position.
  23. Fyr

    Mainmenu Gui :)

    Heh, it's not bad for piecing bits together. I remember one time when someone used a PSD of mine… They posted screenies of it up on IndieDB. It was horrible. They massacred anything artistic, and completely ruined it... not you, though. I approve.
  24. Oh, I've been around much longer than you'd think.
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