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  1. Girl next to you has braces on–sucks to be her, lol
  2. Then post a new one, poohead.
  3. Got myself a half-arsed handlebar moustache going! ![](http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/154110_10151193018476373_1287940430_n.jpg)
  4. Fyr

    Our Little Slym…

    As I said, I'm pretty sure Slym did it as contractual work, so Just admire the art and be content.
  5. I just want to get it done as soon as possible, because I'm busy enough as it is, and don't need this hanging over my head. I've already got the index layout coded out. I've definitely been plowing through it at good pace.
  6. Alright, perfect. In that case, I am about 20% done.
  7. Well yes, but seeing as I don't have my own game, I was wondering if I could simply make a generic, fake game's website? I would just make the logo say "IndieGame", or something like that. Lemme know your thoughts.
  8. Fyr

    Our Little Slym…

    Our little Slym is all growned up! - And by that, I mean that he has continued to develop his craft of pixel art and has been working on a game that truly just blows me away. His art is absolutely fantastic, and I really wish I would have kept up with him all those years ago when we both started off; unfortunately I went the web design route. While I love my own craft, his art truly is something to be proud of. Let's all oogle over his work: http://www.indiedb.com/games/chasm I'm not sure if he's a part of the team, or did it as a contractor, but regardless, his art should really be 'praised'. - Just think, he came from this very community!
  9. You said that it could be as generic or specific as we'd like. Does this have to be for a specific indie game? Or can we simply make a webby with a fake title - one that still is designed for a game, though.
  10. Life is like a box of chocolates; half of them taste terrible.
  11. > Nope. > > Marshy Dearest Dearest! ^ Obviously didn't understand the reference.
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