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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. 1\. no, modConstants for that area. 2\. i don't understand what you mean? look for CanMove in the project
  2. this game is looking very promising. i can't wait to see the actual game play first hand :)
  3. ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/6f4f523548149876ee25bd25c7b17b83.jpg) Thought i'd finally post a pic of myself. imo i just look horrible lol
  4. Growlith1223

    Learning VB6

    i can help you through team viewer if you like
  5. Growlith1223

    Learning VB6

    I can help you. i got nothing but time so it's not a problem
  6. That is a wonderful description of the error. 1\. what engine? 2\. Have you tried this on other engines? 3\. Have you tried to re-add the system?
  7. > I understand, and I won't bother with them lol. It's just so funny some of the things they say, "Scrolling credits: We don't know why EO has not added this. Maybe some day they will take the 30 seconds it takes to add this". Really? Who even needs that, lol! People who have a large team.
  8. i have already fixed it with the help of Ertzel, no need for anymore help.
  9. ``` G.DrawImage(Tex_Tileset(1), Map.tile(X + 1, Y + 1).Layer(i).x, Map.tile(X + 1, Y + 1).Layer(i).y) ``` just gonna say that it has nothing to do with this specific line. it's any line that has Map.Tile(X, Y).Layer(i)
  10. [http://gyazo.com/fa62eca556e0501f99a80a0695d9af96](http://gyazo.com/fa62eca556e0501f99a80a0695d9af96) **It doesn't do anything**
  11. So, Development on my Map Editor has gone smoothly EXCEPT for when i use Layer…. ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/a371863fbb887510587a11383fb1ff8a.png) Comes up with this shiz… Everything else works fine but once it 'tries' to read Map.Tile(X, Y).Layer(i) all hell breaks loose and errors pop up. That's really the only thing i have to fix and it's pretty much ready. I have tried using a Class, nope. Structure, nope. tried everything i could think of, nope. It's the only thing that's set to Nothing. it's the only thing i can't get a Tooltip from(the thing where in debug, you hover over and you get the value of it) it. If anyone can seriously help fix this, it would be GREATLY appreciated
  12. Growlith1223

    DAX Engine

    > Why are you showing only an FPS of 30? What are you using for your graphics library? it was probably set to that?
  13. Lel, you seem to not know what i mean. let me elaborate :D What i have said about fixes is a lot of the DX8 fixes, Event system was fixed, and a ton more. "directional blocking was removed" never said it was a fix ;D plus the fact that my response was done **BEFORE** they stated it was removed. "crying" you complain about us "crying" yet when you tell us to shut up, it's not complaining? :P im confused by your logic. please elaborate oh wise man. "seems like you don't want to do the work yourself" im not working on fixing an engine in an outdated language. i know i know, the irony, BUT, i can say i would still like it open source as an option if i ever decided to work on it. I would do the work if i was that determined to fix up an engine someone else created. on another note, i think it should be pretty clear as to why we want the source. like almost everyone has said, there shouldn't be anything to be scared of. and another, if they would have lowered the price and add more freedom with the engine, none of this probably would have happened. but that's just me crying apparently! :D Sincerely, Growlith1223
  14. Yes because everyone totally wants to fix up a custom engine someone else started and surely doesn't want to use the new engine's source because it has most of the fixes there have been found ;) you say it's crying yet you cry about people crying about things. irony i guess? :P on-topic: i don't really feel it's worth it especially since it's being used in an outdated language. i do know there is already a new engine in the works but my point still stands. if they maybe lowered the price a bit, then it might be worth it but since they most likely won't, then i guess i will have to say it's not worth $60\. you can say that there are custom engines but most of them(probably all actually) are bugged more than the standard eo2 and eo3\. it all comes down to a matter of preference. it's like saying "well, we have this car, it is for sale but you get little to no control on it. we are planning to add some things to it to give you more control but you will never get full. we do have all these other cars here but some won't start, others would have horrible insides, and some would have trash in them." Sure we have eo2 and eo3\. people like the stability of eo2 but they don't want the event system and don't know how to rip it out or make a whole new graphics engine. people like eo3 but don't want the event system or dx8\. and yet again, they wouldn't know how to rip it out. im probably going to get a lot of butthurt messages because of this
  15. Are you still looking for a coder?
  16. there's tutorials on youtube for portforwarding, there's even a site that has it too, it's just a matter of actually searching.
  17. > I recommend using Visual Studio. sry for the offtopic but your profile is a major acid trip.
  18. i agree with dax on the first half of his answer, HOWEVER, i disagree with the bottom half. "learn to (ACTUALLY) program". i take it you don't think vb6 is not a language? also what does date have to do with how good the "language" is? "you do the second set of steps and you will be far better off in the long run!" i am going to take it that because it's made in vb6, it's not good? lol sorry im confused by your statements Sincerely, Growlith1223
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