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Everything posted by Marsh

  1. ``` input = 0; numbers = [] while True: input = raw_input() if int(input) is not 42: numbers.append(input) else: print numbers break ```
  2. > Sorry, I don't quite understand what you're trying to say. Whos having difficulty understanding the problem now? *snaps fingers like sassy black women.
  3. > So you go to greater lengths to get that original buzz. Slippery path to darkness. I know for my own pics I had to go to "greater lengths", there may have been some slippery paths to darkness involved.
  4. This is definitely a large problem. One of the biggest problems I had when starting at Ubi was understanding the tasks. Most of the time you are given one line Jira tasks with little or no information given. It is up to you to figure out what it means. The first example took me about 30 seconds to figure out what it meant. I did have to read it two or three times to figure it out. It is definitely drawn out. I think the only reason I got it so fast is that I have been practising this type of thing. My advice is go to www.hackerrank.com. They have a bunch of problems of all skill levels. They are mostly worded like your examples. Doing these challenges has really helped me read programming challenges that use unnecessary verbose or syntax like: ``` The first line of each test case contains two space-separated integers, N and K. The next line contains N space-separated integers, a1,a2,…,aN, representing the arrival time of each student. ``` and really just solve programming challenges in general. Its a great site, you can use just about any language you want. Its also used by a lot of tech companies to hire employees. Not to mention all the cash prizes etc.
  5. > At least it's not pictures of my hoo haw. Lel. Give it time
  6. > ![](http://i59.tinypic.com/15n95wk.jpg) This is the greatest thing I have ever seen.
  7. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
  8. Congrats on the promotion.
  9. Drug addition? That some kind of like drug mathematician?
  10. C++14 Whitespace Overloading This is an old idea from Bjarne Stroustrup (Creator of c++) finally making it into the standard. The idea is to be able to write: x y to mean "multiply x by y". The implementation is simple: ``` float operator (float a, float b) { return a * b; } ``` or more explicitly: ``` float operator ' '(float a, float b) { return a * b; } ``` There are actually much more to Stroustrup proposal, which I suggest you to read: [http://www.stroustrup.com/whitespace98.pdf](http://www.stroustrup.com/whitespace98.pdf). It's an interesting and good read, and depending on your mindset and personality, it can also be a good laugh. Even if not all the compilers on the floor actually fully support C++14, You should use whitespace overloading anyway.
  11. If your paying someone to do it you might want to leave the details to them. Try to provide high levels details of what you want not how to do it. I mean they are trained in this, reading a article on it and then asking him to do it a certain way is really just throwing away his professionalism. You can do it but the end result may not be nearly as good as it could have been. I am not sure if thats what you meant though. Are you just providing details of how you want a formula to work? Or how you want the game to work? Because thats fine, or are you telling him how to code the overall system?
  12. I am sure there is a ipb app that works with any board. A Eclipse specific app would be cool but not cool enough to put all the effort in.
  13. > A dirty kitchen. This, half the reason I eat so much premade food is that I dont want to clean up the kitchen from my roomate.
  14. Luckily nothing really bugs me that much, but if I had to choose one. People that argue every point and have to win.
  15. One of my best friends has a boyfriend who is 13 year or so older. They are as happy as can be. Though make sure it is for the right reasons and not just lust.
  16. Looking good man! Keep us updated.
  17. > AND I AM GOING TO,…. ask him politely to hand it over, Thats all? At least give the man a reacharound.
  18. I dont think its a matter of unsocialness (though that is part of it, and a real word…shutup) its more of a matter that we all live miles apart and would need plane tickets to get more then a couple people together.
  19. Or just get a normal credit card and put it in on paypal?
  20. > Not saying it would solve the issue, but I'd rather pay $25 and get a T-Shirt than to just donate $25. We had a store before, you get about 1$ tops for that tshirt. Not 25$, someone had to make it and take there cut. Unless you add a big markup on the shirts. Which is doable I suppose.
  21. > but I'd like to be a nuclear engineer (not making bombs) Wow, way to show us up.
  22. My dream job is my current one, except to be good at it. That or professional partier!
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