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Everything posted by iSnow

  1. JC I don't think the problem lies in the engine or language, wonders can be done with anything really, it's our standards in the stuff some of us take seriously. Standards as in what gets approval as an Eclipse project, what were seeing the development process of Eclipse and how we handle people who are in a higher up position with bad effects. Now do we need democracy or some sort of government around here? This is the internet, course not, that leads to nothing but problems. But should the issues we have be monitored more often with a bit of quality control around here with this nice new site and progress? I think so.
  2. > I am currently traveling home, i will reply to these in the morning. Though keep posting. It is good to here peoples thought on the community. As long as it is actually trying to help ( as it is currently). This might be a bit much to ask out of some Eclipsians but let's get this over with and truly bring Eclipse to a new frontier. Let's tighten our guidelines on Projects and get more visible evidence of progress being done on Engines and get them out there in the first place, and let's review everyone and make sure we have a team that isn't going to cause these problems regardless of their work, and review each one without bias so we can see the issues clearly. Eclipse is a place to chill, I understand, but our game development side needs some a bit of tuning.
  3. I think we need a revision of the staff or even policies in question and then we need to realize that in Eclipse we've seen that when someone is being a complete arse usually we see a lot of people on the side against him, that's basically human nature. Aer was being a jackass, okay, now let's figure out what needs to be done and get it over with. On my offensive side Aer may have done a load of work for the new Eclipse site but that means nothing if you're going to become a jerk about it. Robin wasn't exactly liked by everyone but he did the site and never became a power-drunk arse about it, he just was who he was. Quit if you will, Eclipse has gotten through plenty of problems before and should be able to now with the community almost in it's prime before this came up.
  4. > Well I have something and since we're on the topic of reformation I think it's pretty valid. > > * Creativity is discouraged here. I suggest you bring back the having to approve topics thing in the Eclipse Project board because frankly there's more and more garbage being posted. Moderators who could give these members some tips would also be nice. > * Members need to be listened to more. Okay, I admit some of us are idiots but some of us actually know what we're talking about. > * A bit unrelated but we need an actual engine. I know people have commitments but without a stable, well-updated engine Eclipse is going to die. No one cares about VB6 anymore and no one is even bothering to learn such a simple language in the first place. We either need a new engine or to actually encourage members to program. > > Just my 2p. That third point is quite right. Mirage again fell because it was filled with problems and nobody was moving forward. We could at least do with 3.0 already and E.net is in the making and Jeff's task list is a good engine in the making. I agree with the creativity problem too, I once saw a project around here with nothing more than the town included in the event system demo, what kind of crap is that. Let's set some guidelines and be a bit tougher on things.
  5. > Why not let the bells ring Marshy Dearest? > > Yes Pm's can be a good way to handle things, but it seems like you are trying to push problems into the dark here. If there is one thing about communities like ours is making everything public and stuff leads to bum candy starting all over because someone was being immature. Let Marshy Dearest handle it if he wants to take it privately.
  6. I think it would be a favor to all of us if we don't consider time existing within the community as a measure of influence or control one would have in the community and Death is right on that. Straighten yourselves out and don't take his or her crap seriously, were all here because we like where we are or what we do, and it should be that way.
  7. Sigh, that was indeed getting out of hand. Eclipse is better than ever as of recently in progress and it's really a bad idea to have these conflicts, it's how Mirage went down. I have some love for all of you at Eclipse, let's chill.
  8. This, or you can grab an updater and have a professional approach. Still, good work for figuring out some code.
  9. iSnow

    [EA] MiniMap

    So, I know features like these keep getting put out for EA, but this would in theory work all the same with 3.0 no?
  10. iSnow

    You Laugh You Lose

  11. I'd like to see that website hosting feature you mentioned in an article, A place to get a few pages of space for your project would be nice. Other than that, a retro green skin from the previous forum on SMF would be cool,just to switch it up for those who used it originally.
  12. These are a bit old but if anyone has these do put them up, these were quite useful.
  13. That helps, thanks Maxus.
  14. Could anyone be bothered to upload his NPC form again for this tutorial or even provide an image of the form work and the code that goes with it to put in the NPC editor?
  15. After some work adding 8 Directional Movement and Projectiles for DX8 Tech I for some reason get a problem with walking to the left, it skips and has this weird shaking when moving, Any ideas on which of those two could cause a problem?
  16. Hmm, considering you can't face diagonally anyway everyone aligns to a normal combat position. If you can keep the movment rate of the player at a decent speed it doesn't come out too bad.
  17. So, enumerate a packet, send it from the client, verify, and then when it gets the packet back use the function it intend it to use?
  18. I have this in 3.0 and everything is the same and requires no change of code. But instead of bltPlayer and NPC, it's Draw.
  19. So, I want to know something. Say I add an auction house system or even a player notes system, and the player has to interact with it to open the form, how would I go about creating an NPC that can do that? All the script systems I've seen so far handle scripts server side and don't allow for a script that does things client side. Help is appreciated.
  20. iSnow

    (EO)House System

    Excuse my asking, but to set a house I have to specify the houses position on the map? Is there a way to combine this with General General Pony's instancing?
  21. Question about the code, say I added ranged projectiles or linear spells, would I need to change anything to make this work? Any difference in how it targets?
  22. Alright, I'll redo that side of it. Thanks. EDIT: Nothin. Still the same problem, server side on UpdateMapLogic for the 'close the doors area. I went through and redid both ends of the tutorial as well.
  23. I've got an error, RTE9 highlighting the same line Whack had for the doors, but I dimmed CanWarp under PlayerMove but it doesn't work, This is serverside, UpdateMapLogic. Any ideas?
  24. Very good points Anna, I do agree. I find that if were looking at the same few trees over and over not only does it seem to take away from a realistic-like style but also doesn't allow for a lot of variation. Mixing and matching foliage of similar palette works pretty well for RMVX, RMXP just requires you to be a bit more complicated with how you use the trees. Of course they are overused as well, because their availability and wide-spread coverage of genres that are possible with them is very large.
  25. Likestodraw is indeed right on that one, if people put more effort into them we wouldn't be sick of them. The RPG Maker community has been mapping with skill ever since they took up Parallax mapping and even just modifying their tiles, thing is we don't see much of those people willing to take the time and build tilesets that are modified to their purposes and only Crystalshire has done this so far with it's preset buildings and modified foliage. As I've said, there are simple ways to fix the problems were seeing with Eclipse's mapping in general, and the RPG Maker guys have known this for ages and have been fixing them since the beginning/
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