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Everything posted by Colonello

  1. I'd suggest using Eclipse Worlds simply because it still gets updates. Eclipse Origins 4 is no longer supported but it still offered for those who wish to use it. I've made a few guides on using Worlds if you need any help with that. For tutorials on using Origins there's a ton on YouTube (although most are for 2 or 3 they will still work).
  2. Looks pretty nice for a .webs website but I suggest getting your own domain and having someone make you one. Theres plenty of people out there willing to code websites for free. Anyway you should probably add a screenshots page to the website too. Most people wont want to download it without knowing what it looks like.
  3. @'Nate: > Zezima is the extreme case - and I'm hoping everyone knows who I'm talking about. To this day after years of playing RS I still have no idea how to properly pronounce Zezima. Anyway, what makes a good ORPG for me is having options. If I get bored training my skills I don't want to feel as if there is nothing else to do. Things such as minigames, random events, holiday quests, admin events, etc are very important. For example, holiday events are something most players will participate in but there's many reasons why. Some will participate for the XP, others the items, and others just for the sake that it exists. Having multiple options is also good for community building. With games like Castle Wars in RuneScape there are clans devoted to just that one game. This builds friendships and allows players to enjoy themselves while getting to participate in the social aspect of the game as well as gaining rewards from playing. When it comes to a storyline I feel as if having one main story line isn't great. There should multiple different quests and stories within the game. Although a main lore should exist it shouldn't have to be something you're forced to know in order to get an understanding about the game. Some quests can be short one time things where you have to slay a dragon and others can be expanded in to multiple quests to form a quest line. This once again gives players options. If they don't want to slay the dragon and wish to collect items for someone they can. For people who love to do quests there could be quests that tie in with the lore as well. Skills/Grinding are also very important in modern ORPGS. Tons of people who don't care about the story, minigames, or anything else just focus entirely on gaining stats. These are the people that are on the top of the leaderboards and will do anything to keep their positions. Competition is huge in ORPGS and having skills is the main reason for that. Lasting Botters/Hacking. Although only the most experienced programmers could possibly make a bot detecting system in an Eclipse game it's still quite important for other larger ORPGS. If you're running an Eclipse game I don't think you'll need to worry too much about this though seeing as how most bots exist to try and gain real life profits by selling their items/gold/accounts. Anyway bots have been a huge problem for ORPGs. For years RuneScape was plagued with them (and at times still can be). Bots, if they get out of hand, can ruin an entire game. They ruin the playerbase, community, economy, skills, minigames, etc. It's gotten so bad for some games that 50%+ of the active playerbase is filled with bots. Bots seriously turn me away from games. If I know someone else can accomplish what I'm doing with no effort and get away with it then I have no reason to play the game.
  4. Colonello


    I'm not too excited for E3\. There's nothing there this year that really peaks my interest.
  5. Wow that's very nice. I always found skill/talent trees to be a cool part of MMOs. :)
  6. Wow this absolutely amazing. I really love the pixel art character!
  7. 1\. Yup both are open source now. 2\. Eclipse Origins, depends on what version you are using. Eclipse Worlds can handle up to 100\. Also yes your hosting will also affect how many players it can fit. If you want to get caught up to date with the site then I suggest reading through the News section.
  8. Awesome! This a great feature to have in an MMO especially for players who want to play as more than one class.
  9. Very cool art. Excited to see this become a game!
  10. This is an awesome tutorial and something I think every game should use. I could definitely see this being used to inform players of the weekly patch notes, new quests, an upcoming update, etc.
  11. The new sprites look nice but if you're going to have them then a lot of things need to be bigger. For example the well and those chopped logs. The only problem with those sprites is since they were used in a commercial game you may get a cease and desist letter from the creators.
  12. Wow that looks really nice. Definitely a nice touch to add that extra bit of immersion.
  13. I'm more of a Mac guy when it comes to laptops so I think it's a good choice. If I had to pick I'd suggest the retina Macbook Pro but the non-retina will suit you fine as well. The retina screen looks absolutely fantastic and I suggest it because of the fact that you'll be working with all visual things. The Macbook Air also won't have that same boost of power and performance that the Pro has. I edited videos using a Pro for around 3 years and over all it just runs very smoothly. Plus the trackpad is the best one I have ever used on any laptop. I liked it so much I didn't use an actual mouse for a long time.
  14. Excellent tutorial, hopefully we'll start to see even more being made soon. :)
  15. What was causing this to happen has been removed and the site has been submitted for review by Google.
  16. > @James Very cool game! Great work. > > Is this still in development? I checked and it is, the Facebook page is still being updated with concept art, renders, etc.
  17. Ah darn, I don't really know anything else that could be the issue. Hopefully somebody else knows a solution.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX6j6DYjpnU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms7xcSRDsMo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9VK5xAy5zE
  19. I just picked out nearly 50 songs I plan on using in my game once I continue work on it. I really appreciate all the work you've done to make such a wonderful resource. :)
  20. I used to get errors like this with other engines such as a blank copy of EO 3\. Launching VB6 in administrator mode and then compiling it may fix it for you.
  21. Well it depends on how you wish to host your game. If you want to run it from home you can do one of two things. Buy/use another computer as the server host or use your own computer as the host. The only problem with this is the host computer will need to be on all the time. You will also have to portforward, there's a few tutorials on how to do that here on Eclipse and YouTube but it'll be slightly different depending on your router. Your second option is to buy a VPS also known as a Virtual Private Server (basically a computer you pay monthly for that you can connect to). The good part about a vps is that it's online 24/7\. The only issue is it costs money so I wouldn't suggest buying one unless your game is really popular. Anyway since you're most likely going to be hosting from home there's quite a few tutorials that can teach you how to portforward. Other users have had this same question before so if you type in portforward in the search bar here on Eclipse you'll find quite a few threads about it.
  22. Sort of a difficult choice for me but it kind of depends on what you like. Black is sleek, less noticable, and goes with every outfit. The gold and blue is a bit flashier, doesn't match every outfit, but can look better than black in certain situations.
  23. > continues with please tutorials helped me a lot is to create map and NPC Glad I could help :D I'll try to add some more to it this weekend.
  24. The new tracks sound great :D. I really like Insert Quarter.
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