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Everything posted by blkcrow

  1. if its actually used by the engine you should have resized it just move it far from the visible screen
  2. Looks like a control to me. Open up the frmMain in vb6 and check if there are any controls on the screen in the place where you see the dot
  3. this happend to me too when i tried to open Eclipse Evolution in vb6 i just installed the library files for EE and it worked
  4. blkcrow

    [EA] MiniMap

    this is the problem ``` CameraXSize = frmMain.Width - (frmMain.Width - 780) ``` CameraXSize will always be 780 no matter what frmMain.Width is
  5. i think i know whats the problem try this out and tell me if it works in modGameLogic in sub Party_ShareExp find this ``` ' give the exp' GivePlayerEXP tmpIndex, leftOver ``` and replace it with this ``` If leftOver > 0 Then ' give the exp' GivePlayerEXP tmpIndex, leftOver End If ```
  6. you didnt convert to twips read the first post again
  7. Did you install the library files?
  8. @Murdoc He never saied that both players where in the same map he might meant that he was in the same map the npc was killed @adiif1 please try to answer my questions i cant help you like that
  9. > Ok for every EA haters. I finnaly found what caused that slow down issues and it was bigger screen size (guess to what optimization project this will happen too if that system will add bigger screensize with rendered GUI, but it will hit it harder, becouse i already fixed half of the problem). And Richy i said to you i locked it on 32 FPS, so why the hell you unlocked it? I wanted from you to test it on locked, becouse when you unlock it, it will start to use your full processor power, so if you do not have good processor, it will slow down your game when you will unlock it. why the hell will unlocking the FPS makes it drop? Why your game will run slower when you are using full processor power is beyond my understanding or you just lack common sense > Dont say on what you do not looked into. I do not ripped DX8 from CS:DE, i used EO 3.0 as baseā€¦. I have seen your code and the GUI is ripped straight from CS:DE. I have also seen you saying so yourself in the shoutbox i think not sure
  10. you really need to give us more info. Are you both on the same map? is the player who gets the kill also the one who gets the exp?
  11. i didnt try to draw something just some random stuff it looks a bit like a skull though [http://new.weavesilk.com/?50j](http://new.weavesilk.com/?50j)
  12. Why me? ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png) Zeffrit x
  13. checked out your repository but got lost with all these changes from uppercase to lowercase ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  14. i dont know if this is fixed in the newer versions but in version 3.0.10 his server will reach 100% CPU usage with locked CPS after a while
  15. Nice i am curious to see how you have done it
  16. i am really interested in your GUI class system. Are you gonna make custom controls (textboxes, labels, combo boxes etc.)? I started making my own once but i quited after 20 minutes due to lack of motivation
  17. blkcrow

    New Developer

    > I think epicly optimized engine will be best, and i am trying to do it with EA and as i see Iris is trying too ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) But i think engine without any features is not very good too. Atleast event system is good start . I now downloaded EO 2.0, EO 3.0 and CS:DE and i gonna compare speeds, CPU usage etc and i am gonna find what i maybe done wrong (but i think my speed is almost exactly same as CS:DE, but i am not 100 % sure about CPU usage). I gonna use same tileset and graphics and same maps on same PC so i will try to compare everything and then i will try to optimize EA code a lot too (i done my GUI cls few days ago i must now just test it and then i will implement it) And i suggesting to you Iris to rewrite or optimize Event System, becouse it have really impact on packets and CPS on server (i removed packet flooding check in my game becouse Events, but then i readded it becouse i maked custom Event System and implemented it to it ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) ) A base engine needs to be as much flexible as it can. Not every game needs guilds and pets. Its really a pain having to remove uneeded features. I end up covering them up because i am lazy but its a waste of resources.
  18. you need to be on the same map to get exp
  19. you mean that the second member of the party gets 0 exp?
  20. i dont understand what you are trying to say. Try to explain what the problem is
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