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Everything posted by blkcrow

  1. blkcrow

    Combo Editor

    the problem is here ``` ReDim ComboData(ComboSize - 1) ```you delete everything in ComboData put this instead ``` ReDim Preserve ComboData(ComboSize - 1) ```
  2. blkcrow

    Help plz!!!

    it seems it cant cache resources try delete everything in resources folder
  3. blkcrow


  4. you have declared sub picInventoryButton as private change it to public
  5. this code is for calculating the max damage the ncp can do after that you have to calculate a random number from a lower value to max damage (the lower value is up to you). My english is bad so i hope you understand what i am saying
  6. blkcrow

    Online ???

    in mode constants ``` Public Const GAME_WEBSITE As String = "http://www.touchofdeathforums.com" ```
  7. on server in modHandleData search for the HandleUseStatPoint sub then find this ``` ' Make sure they have points If GetPlayerPOINTS(index) > 0 Then ' make sure they're not maxed# If GetPlayerRawStat(index, PointType) >= 255 Then PlayerMsg index, "You cannot spend any more points on that stat.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If ``` change 255 to whatever you want and you are done
  8. blkcrow

    Masking trouble

    of the paperdoll. the color of the top left pixel is the color of transparency
  9. blkcrow

    Sound problem

  10. i cant quite understand what you want to do with your code but for generating a random number for each player in the party you can try this: 1\. put a new variable in the tmpPlayer UDT wich will hold the roll and another one to check whether the player has pass or roll 2\. in the roll_Click() send a request to the server to generate a random number for you pass it to the new variables and then check if the other players has roll or pass 3\. send the random numbers to all party players hope this helps
  11. blkcrow

    How maps work?

    put me.show before render_graphics in the form_load or add render_graphics at Form_Activation
  12. instead of deleting main\main.jpg you deleted menu\main.jpg add this line ``` frmMenu.picMain.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\menu\main.jpg") ``` and delete this ``` frmMain.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\gui\main\main.jpg") ```
  13. blkcrow

    Help please

    its because the color around the sprite isnt the same as your background its slightly different. this happens when you convert the image file from a format to another or when you re size the original file
  14. really nice now where is that download button again? XP
  15. blkcrow


    1\. you open your sprite sheet with an image editing programs which got layers 2\. then on a new layer you paste your weapon/armor above the sprites and fixed them in place 3\. then delete the layer with the sprite sheet and you have your paperdoll
  16. blkcrow


    you are doing it wrong you should open your sprite sheet place your weapon/armor over the sprite and then delete the sprite sheet
  17. you cant compile only the frmMenu file you have to compile the whole project which is client.vbp
  18. i never said yours isn't good i just think its a bit limited. you will have to edit the source every time you add a sprite. anyway i posted because you wrote that you wanted someone (skipping more advanced XP) to show you how to do it. i meant no offense =)
  19. with your code if sprite = 3 or more it wont blit any paperdoll try this instead **SERVER SIDE** in modPlayer add anywhere this function ``` Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal index As Long) As Byte If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerSex = Player(index).Sex End Function ``` in modServerTCP find the function PlayerData under ``` Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerPK(index) ``` add ``` Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerSex(index) ``` **CLIENT SIDE** at modTypes in the PlayerRec type add ``` Sex as byte ``` then in modDatabase add this sub ``` Function GetPlayerSex(ByVal index As Long) As Byte If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function GetPlayerSex = Player(index).Sex End Function Sub SetPlayerSex(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Sex As Byte) If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler If index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub Player(index).Sex = Sex Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "SetPlayerSex", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` the in modHandleData in the sub HandlePlayerData under ``` Call SetPlayerPK(i, Buffer.ReadLong) ``` add ``` Call SetPlayerSex(i, Buffer.Readbyte) ``` now go to modDirectDraw7 in the BltPlayer sub replace ``` Call BltPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, Anim, spritetop) ``` with ``` If GetPlayerSex(index) = 1 Then Call BltPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, Anim, spritetop) ElseIf GetPlayerSex(index) = 2 Then Call BltPaperdoll(x, y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll + 1, Anim, spritetop) End If ``` dont know if this works havent tested it
  20. blkcrow

    Pixel art

    @Lightning: > You can't expect everyone to like it. O_O i dont expect him to like it but… am i the only one that sees the shading? @S.J.R.: > Read some tutorials like [this one](http://www.petesqbsite.com/sections/tutorials/tuts/tsugumo/). You just made some common errors like using gradients. > > Regards, > Stephan. i didnt use gradients i made it all pixel by pixel with paint and if you look a bit closer you will see it anyway thanks for the link @Nayte: > SJR Nailed it ^ > > Give it some sort of dynamic to make it pop out from it's background, and try not to use such vibrant and plain colours such as the red on the handle (unless you're going to mix it with other softer/darker colours. > > Initially though, it's not a bad attempt at all :) i didnt know how to do the shading in the handle so i didnt do it
  21. @Rithy58: > I thought when you said "transparency", you meant Alpha Blending. > Like the Alpha Transparency of PNG. Isn't that what everyone want? > > Sincerely, > Rithy no. i said transparency which **can** be done with DirectDraw. **You** meant Alpha Blending (alpha blending makes images semi-transparent) where you need DirectX 8 and later
  22. @Rithy58: > What? No. > > If you want transparecy, you'll have to learn DirectX8 and convert the engine from Dx7 to Dx8. > That also mean stop using DirectDraw7. > > Sincerely, > Rithy you mean alphablending
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