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  1. Thanks for the fix, didn't even know this bug existed until now :P
  2. I'm sure you can do this in the source code, doubt you can do it without VB6 though…
  3. Brodyzera

    [EO] Fix - Kick

    @Whack: > Your quote says "I have 12 years, problem?" It should be I am 12 years In other languages (Spanish for example), saying I am ___ years old translates directly to I have ___ years in English. An example; Yo Tengo dos anos = I am 2 years old aka I have 2 years. Sorry if its a bit off, Spanish is my worst subject. As for the topic, very nice. This will be very useful :)
  4. Brodyzera

    Bigger Sprites

    http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,68363.0.html Read it, mentions somewhere that for tilesets/characters you simply create the image in the size you want it to render, but as far as characters go, all frames need to be the same size. For example, if you have a character with frame A being 50x50, all the other frames need to be 50x50 as well.
  5. I receive this runtime error while trying to set up a bank event; ![](http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i368/BrodyZera/Error.png) Not sure why this is happening, never had any problems with events before. I would use the map attribute instead of an event, but I want to present the player with a dialogue choice instead of just simply opening up the bank when they step on the attribute. Edit: Ran in debug mode, got this in the error log; The following error occured at 'SoundStop' in 'modSound'. Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set. Any ideas? Don't know what sound has to do with adding a bank event…
  6. I would honestly suggested just searching for VB6 tutorials around the net, it'll save you the money. Most of what people have learned came from experience, so experiment!
  7. @Harris: > These are terms used in pretty much any online game. From Runescape to World of Warcraft. Exactly what I was gonna say :P
  8. For old school RPGs with PvP and such, I find top-down more enjoyable. For a more actiony-type RPG, side scrolling might be better (cough Maplestory cough) I personally think side-scrolling is more enjoyable, but it also seems like you would need to edit the EO source quite a lot :P Something entirely out of my scope.
  9. I myself haven't exactly gotten into any serious editing yet, but I did explore a bit. I'm sure you might already know this, but clicking on an area will usually show a name/caption as to what the button/menu is used for in the bottom-right properties menu. Oh, and there's also some additional areas to edit if you expand the form and scroll down. Sorry if any of this isn't new, don't know any other tips myself >.<
  10. Go into the client data files, then graphics, then menu. Select the image you wish to edit, open it up in any image-editing program, and make any changes that you want. I'm pretty sure in order to rearrange the buttons you need to open up the client in VB6 and change the location of the buttons on the form to match the image your using for the menu.
  11. Is there any way to delete a map event without being on the map itself? I placed an event that warps a player to one map, but accidentally selected parallel process for the event, so that whenever you enter the map with the warp event, you are automatically warped to the targeted map. I basically need to remove the event, but can't access the map anymore. I would rather not delete the map from my server files, since it took awhile to build…is there any other way, or am I just going to have to start over making the map? Thanks! P.S. The reason why I didn't use the warp attribute instead of an event is that, for some odd reason, the music from the old map seems to get glitched and play in the background of the new map's music (about an 80% chance, not sure if it's because of the map attribute or the music itself...) Edit - Never mind, I think I'll just redo the 2 maps, shouldn't be that hard :P
  12. @zerohero: > It doesn't help anyone fix anything if you don't at least reference what topic you was reading. Chrome would not allow me to view this topic due to 'detected malware' - > > http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,63604.0.html > > Perhaps you where possibly trying to access the same post within the tutorial named "[Eo] Change Screen Size : 800x600 "? Yup, that's the same thread.
  13. Chrome just detected malware while I was trying to read a topic. Since it was only this one time, I'm sure its just the ads o.O
  14. Worked perfectly, only problem I had was that when my friend tried to edit NPCs, his client crashed, although I tested on his client and worked fine so it's probably just that his account is bugged xD Oh and you shouldn't have to delete all of your NPCs, just re-enter their values like the post above said.
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