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Everything posted by gdog12356

  1. look at when the other buttons are clicked, and get the code where it sets the others visibility to false. Then just copy that and replace the name to the name of your questlog.
  2. @Yumi: > [x]Who the hell are you? > [/qoute] > > lmao… Hi! I'm Gianni :P *greets yumi* > > @Yumi: > > > Did you draw the profile yourself? If that so then you deserve the [x] intermediate pixel artist > > Kinda, i recolored the skin, and did edited some shading that my pixel artist did, and thanks! :]
  3. gdog12356

    Site Issues

    @Robin: > It's actually his country code. Over here that translates to 0\. Not sure how it is in the states. do it to me u n00b
  4. @Growlith1223: > I am new to the whole coding thing >.< Then you shouldn't just right into coding things if you dont understand them. Take a look at components of the engine and see how it works. Then pick pieces from certain things and put them together to try to create what you want.
  5. http://jaspermods.com/images/55e38f0d268557b18abc.png
  6. @Growlith1223: > Hey so i was wondering…Is there a way to make a chancing code so for example: > in a pmd game, Recruit rate is +34 > which would mean you have a chance out of 34 to recruit it.. > Is there a way to do that and if so, could someone tell me how? > I know i ask too many questions >.< > I also don't know a lot about coding DX yes, for a recruitment code you will need to think of how this engine works, and also how pokemon games work. Now when a pokemon dies, it will see if you can recruit it. So you will want to look for the code in the npc death. And you will want to call a sub you will have to create to manage the actual recruitment. As for the percentile chance, you can do a random select of cases. like case1=exit sub case2= exit sub case 3= call recruitment code… so then its a 1/3 chance. As for the recruitment code you will have to experiment with that.
  7. ![](http://jaspermods.com/images/182f16cb9133dd95f05b.png) NinjaSnap is a program which save's you the hassle of uploading your screenshot's. This tool saves you the trouble of print-screening, saving the image, and then uploading it to an image host. After you run this tool, your cursor will turn into a '+'. When this happens you want to click and drag your cursor on the region of the screen you would like to have captured. After you select the region you would like to be captured, your default browser will open(if it is not open already) and it will navigate to the url of your image. You can download this program here: http://www.mediafire.com/?3pnafqcnenk6p0c .
  8. gdog12356


    ![](http://gyazo.com/8a4ba3970a63c84c34219116ef2006ea.png?1325652716) Skyline is a all-in-one purpose modding utility that has tons of Gamesave editors and other Xbox Package Tools! There are lots of features like a Gamesave Sharer, Achievement Unlocker, and loads of gamesave editors! If you're going to start modding, then why not start with Skyline? Download now! The Head Developer of this tool told me to post it because he is too busy to. I am also Helping :]! [TEST HERE](http://www.jaspermods.com/smf/index.php?action=page;id=2) >! 1.52 >! - Re-coded the Avatar Color Changer - Re-designed the "Game Tools" menu - Updated Resigner "Package Contents" area and some code. - More Bug Fixes >! 1.51 >! -Added Drag and Drop Support -Added Trusted Seller and Awesome group support >! 1.5 >! -Added F.E.A.R 3, Sonic Unleashed and Modern Warfare 2 Editors -Removed Shoutbox -More bug Fixes. >! 1.4 >! -Added SMF Login support, Avatar Fetcher, and Midnight Club: LA editor. -Re-designed the game editor menu with a scroll function. >! 1.3 >! -Added (previous) IPB Login support, bug fixes, a Shoutbox TAG changer, and a Call of Duty World at War editor. >! 1.2 >! -Added LIMBO and Grand Theft Auto: IV, TLAD, and TBoGT editors, and more bug fixes. >! 1.1 >! -Added Skyrim editor and bug fixes. (Version re-coded for JasperMods from NoHandsGaming.) >! 1.0 >! -Skyline Release!
  9. @Rusher: > Like it's been said a lot of times. If someone wanted your graphics, they just have to start your game, make a screenshot, open it in paint and start ripping. But that is, if they want to go to all the trouble for just a bunch of pixels. Yes, and since some people are lazy. If they know they cant get them any other way then that may derive them from their actions.
  10. I would go with guzman's (nameless_soul) idea. That would be really helpful. And if people made better projects they would be more confident knowing their gfx wont get stolen. I would love it if that was possible lol.
  11. @Fuu: > I never saw this post until right now. Thanks. > Alright, I've got tons of shitty new animations that I don't feel confident in posting here. post em bro! :] its not like he can make anything better lol.
  12. gdog12356

    EO 3.0?

    @Scrooge: > I'd say it is. Rather than everyone buying a copy they get one and then release it themselves. Gives them the credit for what I did which is worth quite a lot. > > If you consider the fact that Crystalshire & Eclipse were equal to a degree in my job application then that's 3 years of student loans, debt and lost earnings I've avoided. > > Considering I get paid £24,000/yr and the cost of tuition alone is £9,000/yr having my name linked to Eclipse and Crystalshire has been worth at least £150,000. So your basically getting paid to release your stuff on here?
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