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Everything posted by Duders

  1. Yeah, good finds kibbelz, and I am obsessed with filling just about every tile so I add tons of grass. I'm probably going to do another mapping tutorial soon seeing as how this one helped a lot.
  2. Just a quick one: ![](http://i.imgur.com/bTnPZ.png)
  3. You could only expand a map right and down through map properties making it so if you wanted to add something in those directions, you'd have to make a new map. Now you can expand the map in all directions to preserve the current mapping. Good tut, been looking for a way to do this for a while :cheesy:
  4. Duders


    Here's some of them: http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/7066/thaenntilesetv2.png
  5. Wow, it just looks so smooth. Very professional!
  6. Nice and clean looking. I like :cheesy:
  7. I read, while working on RMXP and RMVX games for a while, that you can use the RTP as long as you are making a free game or if you buy the RMXP or RMVX license before selling a product. Basically if your project becomes large enough you should spend the like $30 on the license.
  8. @Tahnner: > explain what a developer is and i might want that but other then that i'll be the mapper aswell > Eclispe Name:Sunku > Work:[![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/50b633edfd60cafee9693c0e2f3b596b.jpg)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#50b633edfd60cafee9693c0e2f3b596b.jpg) > > [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/91c8cf5ffd244abd36598ecf2bbce0ca.jpg)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#91c8cf5ffd244abd36598ecf2bbce0ca.jpg) > also i'll be on most the time. Yeah, thanks for using my map tutorial exactly, yet still making it worse…
  9. That's actually pretty complex for a being bored project.
  10. Here are a couple RMXP Christmas themed tiles and sprites. Most are not mine and are found on various websites such as RPG Revolution and RMXP Unlimited. Christmas Plants: >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/km22U.png) Grass-Snow Autotile: >! ![](http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/9538/47742223.png) Winter Themed Tileset: >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/ZG3bW.png) Christmas Girls: >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/Ck740.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/avgfe.png) ![](http://i.imgur.com/gKLd0.png) Santa!! >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/M6jld.png) Enjoy and Happy Holidays :cheesy:
  11. Thanks guys, and @Lukin, I've been meaning to switch those tiles because I got a lot of people telling me the same thing. UPDATE: New Maps!
  12. Thanks guys, the tiles I'm using are for the upcoming Avian II.
  13. I've been mapping for about 5 years now and I've been getting a lot better. Still, I always like to get feedback from those who would be playing the games. So, here's a couple maps I've made for a few different projects, just thought I'd get some feedback from you guys. *New* Custom Gate >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/Sm3xX.png) *New* RMXP Interrogation: >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/ZCRmf.png) RMXP Crypt: >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/vNayi.png) RMXP Swamp >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/lU3X0.png) Custom Swamp >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/03aqh.png) Custom Pub >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/o8m6m.png) Any and all feedback is appreciated. I'll update this topic whenever I make something good :cheesy:
  14. Not bad, but the entrances on both sides of the map look a bit too small for the sprites ;)
  15. As a pixel artist myself who joined a game on the Eclipse forums, I only joined because the game I was joining had a skilled programmer already and the engine pretty much done. Right now all I see you have is a bunch of websites and hardware for a game that doesn't have anything done yet except for a concept. I say get some skills before you start heading a project, because anyone can map (and your map you posted is nothing special) and don't spend money or advertise a game that doesn't exist.
  16. Lol, everyone is concerned about the realism of the art. You are a good pixel artist and as they said, great colors and shine effects.
  17. @Raphaelâ„¢: > Attach this tileset, please *-* Just google the RMXP RTP tiles, these come with the engine.
  18. Ummm. I really want to be nice, but that needs a lot of work. Try and add some more plants and I agree, the path needs to be more jagged to look natural. If you need some help: [[Mapping] Detail in Mapping](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72882.0.html) [[Mapping] Clean and Simple RMXP Mapping](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72859.0.html)
  19. Nice simplistic style :cheesy: Though the underwear is hard to see one such a light body, I though he was naked.
  20. This tutorial will teach you how to add a lot more detail into every inch of your maps. It's not about cramming your maps with tiles, but more of cramming your maps with content. **Step 1: Basic Outline** I draw the basic outline of the map with a few cliff walls. It's good to start with a very open map so you can fill it easier. ![](http://i.imgur.com/g4WMU.png) **Step 2: Layers** Adding layers on your map helps create extra depth and more area for detail. Add some water or extra cliffs to add depth. ![](http://i.imgur.com/lVjyk.png) **Step 3: Major Objects** Now add in your large objects. It's good to have some overhanging objects like flags strung between buildings, ivy hanging, or some wooden scaffolding ![](http://i.imgur.com/oxMSM.png) **Step 4: Detail** Now start adding in some various tiles. Crystals are great for filling up wall space and rocks can fill unused gaps. Also, add your tiles realistically. I create a pile of rocks to the left as well as put some small rocks scattered around it and my mine cart tracks have the ore boxes right next to it like they are ready to be shipped or already dropped off. ![](http://i.imgur.com/B85Pw.png) **Step 5: MOAR DETAIL!!1!1!!11** Fill in some more gaps, blank space=bad. I like to have a lot of object propped up against walls like barrels or tools. ![](http://i.imgur.com/ahPBB.png) **Step 6: Finishing Detail** Add some finishing clutter like more rocks and pots. Also, readjust any tiles that don't seem very natural. ![](http://i.imgur.com/fVsYP.png) And there you go, mapping with detail. Just remember to create a multi-layered base and make fill it with content. Each map should be unique and complex. It is much better to make one detailed map, than many blank ones. _Check out my other tutorials in my signature below._
  21. @jcsnider: > I agree perfect amount of detail but the house should be fixed…. HOWEVER, without leed saying anything I would have never noticed the house. Good Work ;) Well I've done better houses, but these tiles were not helping. I would have editted the tileset, but it was late and I was lazy. I'll try and post more mapping tutorials in the future.
  22. Most of the games on Eclipse currently use graphics from the RPG Maker XP engine, but it can be difficult to use these graphics to their full potential. I will teach you how to make detailed maps using just a basic RMXP tileset. _The tileset I used is attached below._ **Step 1: Blank Canvas** Start off with just simple grass ground layer. ![](http://i.imgur.com/suvet.png) **Step 2: Buildings** Get your large object in there to first. I start with the slanted roof portion of the house. ![](http://i.imgur.com/8Yj4e.png) **Step 3: Complex Buildings** It's good to add some more complexity to your buildings other than just one roof type. I added a flat roof as well as some nice roof windows. ![](http://i.imgur.com/QMG9d.png) **Step 4: Building Detail** Get your windows and other house features added. I didn't have a door tile handy so I just added some ivy running up the walls. ![](http://i.imgur.com/Aitmr.png) **Step 5: Basic Construction** Add in the larger portions of the map such as cliffs, caves, or fences. ![](http://i.imgur.com/r82Pl.png) **Step 6: More Construction** Add in the various points of interest such as a well, a large sign, or a tent. ![](http://i.imgur.com/iKRE6.png) **Step 7: Plant Life** Make sure you have some clutter on your map, be it plants or rocks. _Weeds are your friend,_ these tiles are great for filling in empty gaps. ![](http://i.imgur.com/ySWCD.png) **Step 8: Trees** Trees should come in towards the end. Added them manually through tiles or through resources if you are using Origins. ![](http://i.imgur.com/wwuPd.png) **Step 9: Final Details** Add in small details like broken fences or some rocks, and move are objects that you may have obstructed by the trees. Make sure you have covered most of the blank areas of the map and add in anything extra you wish. ![](http://i.imgur.com/DUQTK.png) And there you go, a simple RMXP tiles map using just one tile sheet. Get yourself some more tiles and add more detail and your on your way to making some amazing maps. _Check out my other tutorials in my signature below._
  23. I'll try to post something daily. I already have a new one I'll be posting tomorrow :cheesy:
  24. I've always wanted to make a game with the graphics, but never could. So now I'm just making the graphics for show.
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