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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Found an interesting article on reddit. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj133828.aspx
  2. https://www.google.com/search?sugexp=chrome,mod=0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=how+to+install+video+card+drivers Also, run a scan with a anti virus or two. It could also be a virus.
  3. Got indie developer. Sounds fair.
  4. Jeff

    Num's Pixel Art

    Yeah, the side view is side on instead of in an orthographic view. Make it more top down then it is now.
  5. Jeff

    Tileset by me

    Looks too tiled still, try making a few different cobblestone tiles that you can use together and scatter them around.
  6. Just for the record fabio did make a working java client for eclipse.
  7. @Zetasis: > Like I said, don't get me wrong the maps look good, but a good portion of my voting is based off of the tileset chosen to make the map. Just my opinion though. Then shouldn't it be a tileset selecting contest, not a mapping contest?
  8. inb4 this follows the path of mirage online exactly.
  9. Jeff


    @Lynxaria: > I can say however, much like Weeam that I have many friends who serve, or have served, and the greater majority were traumatized by their experience, their minds were left at war. One was even disfigured due to shrapnel hitting her face. I believe 2/3 of the jobs in the airforce don't involve you being in enemy lines. Stuff like engineering and maintenance of planes needs to happen too.
  10. @Zetasis: > The RMXP maps look good but I'll be very disapointed if one of them win it. Why? It's ridiculous to judge the map by the tiles. Kibblez did by far the best use of cliffs, and he should be awarded for it. Nobody else had terracing as intricate. Stuff like this is exactly why I suggested that we should be limited to certain tilesets. Don't get me wrong, using RMXP in a game is lazy, but using it in a mapping contest is practical. It's the most complete tileset available on eclipse, and therefore the best choice to map with. Besides, Justin's the only person who didn't use RMXP and still made a good looking map that felt like a valley.
  11. Jeff

    Num's Pixel Art

    Just edit your newest one to have a thinner handle. Everything else is fine, there were swords that size used by romans.
  12. I put on 10 pairs of sunglasses and saw it. It was pretty cool.
  13. http://i.imgur.com/HuUWK.jpg >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/HuUWK.jpg) >! Seeing as kibblez and duders have raised the level of competition, I must enter a new map.
  14. Jeff

    A face for my game

    @SoulIsAWankatron: > Looks like a terrible depiction of Brock.
  15. @John: > >! ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/8c56231b5ff3c64d2bd8dfbb3a89d478.png) > > Ahh what the hell, might as well try my chances. May edit this later. That's not a valley. @kibbelz: > I thought i would enter now because im lazy to wait for the deadline, > > >! ![](http://i49.tinypic.com/2znpttv.jpg) > http://i49.tinypic.com/2znpttv.jpg > > Enjoy, > > ~Kibbelz Well shit.
  16. >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/J6EB6.png) Entry number one. I may edit this later.
  17. Bevel on the windows looks atrocious, texture on the wall is meh, flowers are extremely weird(not sure if that's what you're going for), why does the door have hexagons on it, that fence doesn't look like a fence. Try using wood for the fence.
  18. Jeff

    Num's Pixel Art

    @Num: > When one of you is a Pixel Artist what is this man/girl that made this? > http://www.pixeljoint.com/pixelart/29178.htm Imho, that's one of the greatest pieces of pixel art I've ever seen.
  19. fuckwhatfuckwhatfuckwhatfuckwhatfuckwhat
  20. @Grizzy: > If you're not going to give me better constructive crit How is the criticism unconstructive? I was telling you what you should work on and where you have room for improvement.
  21. Not very trippy, why do you have so many mushrooms, I don't like your trees that don't have leaves, your tree stumps are weird, rocks are lame. Sure, you used a few bright colors. THat doesn't make it trippy. Blend the colors, bend the colors. Make the grass and rocks interesting.
  22. Jeff

    Dark Matter.

    @Jungle: > Who made the creator then? If everything creates something else then something would have to create him, right? Fuck. @Jungle: > Also, dinosaurs. I meant that if I hadn't known about things like dinosaurs, the universe, etc. I would've believed it easily. Now it seems that a simple creationist idea could only be part of the story.
  23. Jeff

    Dark Matter.

    @John: > I find it easier to believe in this kind of stuff then religious stuff :p How? Not advocating christianity here, but I mean if I didn't know better it would make perfect sense that someone created us. We create things. Everything in this world seems to have a creator. The clothes I wear were made by a machine in a factory. Rocks were made from the ocean via sedimentation. Why can't we be made by an omnipotent force?
  24. Jeff

    Dark Matter.

    @John: > It could also explain Déjàvu ;) That would imply that the course of events is extremely similar every time, leaving humans to develop how they are in this planet earth. If you think about that, the odds could be impossibly small… Or, we're just living the same thing over and over again because every time the universe is exactly the same.
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