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Turn-based, dueling-style combat GUI - how do I make one?


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Some of you may be familiar with the turn-based, dueling-style combat GUIs from games such as Dragonfable, RPG toolkit, or AdventureQuest. My question is, how do I make something like that for Eclipse. I think this concept would look really cool for my game, I just don't know how to implement it.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice you may be able to offer. :)
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Hmmm… Depending on how you go about this it wouldn't be too hard now would it?  Create a new form that is called whenever combat is initated.  Have certain parts read from an ini which cause graphics to display.  So that you can do specific "Attacks" and then have each of those buttons correspond to a new ini which has the Attacks info in it :P
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Using a new form is cheap.

Just set up a new rendering loop. Hell, the rendering is the easy part. What you need to do is give the player a new status which means client's don't pick them up. The player themselves wont be able to access all the normal functions.

Simply adding a 'If not Player(index).OutofBattle then exit sub/function' would do the trick mostly. Then, you'd get the hard bit. Writing out the AI and the timing/turn based.
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  • 3 weeks later...
It shouldn't be to complicated if you have a at least a basic knowledge of vb. I made a rpg for a programming project and after using eclipse to make the maps I made a simple turn based combat battle system. It's pretty simple to make the gui for it, one needs to make sure the equations used for combat are spot on though. For a 2d game with graphics simular to eclipse many people often prefere a 2d turn based game versus a 2d realtime action game. Anyway a bit of vb study will not be wasteed if you change your mind because im sure you will need it later if you want to add a bit of "uniqueness" to your game. good luck - cheers!
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