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Debate about rights (not human rights, property rights)


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Some people on Eclipse forums make scripts for free
Some do it for money
Post which or if you've done both or neither
Here's the debate topic
If someone asks for a script for free, its a public script
obviously, and can be used for whatever.
If someone asks for a public script (again for free)
and it's messaged to them with no permission of
re-distribution from the scripter, then the scripter
has said rights.
Now what if someone wants to pay for a script?
Now free scripts can be whatever, but for someone to
spend their money which is hard to find right now (economy)
for a script that could be sold to any other game?
That doesn't seem right, why pay for a script if anyone
else can just do the same thing.
Everyone wants their game to standout, to grab players
Features are what make or break a game. If everyone has it,
then it's not much of a feature anymore. So where do you
draw the line? If the person paying doesn't mind then that's
alright, but It'd be hard to see how he wouldn't. Free scripts
are one thing, beggars can't be choosers, but if your going
to pay FOR something…shouldn't you have said something?
The only thing that I'd see that would be a problem about
the payer owning rights is the customer would have to agree
to not resell the product in question.
What's your two cents?
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What I made a big deal?? how?

I asked to add a little comment in the code that said "By Munro", you refused to let me do this. So I said that was retarded. Later we kind of work it out and then you say something like "Well after I own those script/code you get your name in the credits" then you start demanding ownership of the code I sell you. When I start saying its a service fee not an ownership fee you start talking about how I'm "Licensing" out my code.

And I made it complecated? I knew after I left the deal you were gonna try to give me a bad name.
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Munro made it, therefore he has rights to put his name in it. you can't claim it's yours if someone else made it. It's like when you get something that happens to have a brand name on it (which is everything) like, for instance, pots and pans. The ALWAYS have brand names on them, are you gonna scratch out the brand name on a pan and put your own just because you want to call it yours? hell no!
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> I don't see why the guy would need to place a "signature"
> in the script/code if A. everyone already knew he was the
> one who did it, and B. It wasn't going to be distributed

If you've problems with it, then go complain at your government as the law states the author may do that and the client using it may not remove it unless he or she has the permission of the author to do so.

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or just don't PAY for the scripter
I just think there should be principles regarding business :/
If someone is paying for your product/service, then all of
the product/service should be as what they wanted, and
nothing else. The person selling the product/service could
use the work they did in their portfolio or whatever..
A script is not like a painting, a script can be removed, edited
replaced, re-done on the same area (or canvas).
And we're talking about him putting his signature into the script
where NO ONE would see it, so why bother? It's unnecessary,
why not just take credit out in the community, it makes more
sense, and is a smarter option.
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'or just don't PAY for the scripter'
Then you may accept nor use the script though. If you do then you're committing theft.

'If someone is paying for your product/service, then all of
the product/service should be as what they wanted, and
nothing else.'
Did you set up a contract which is signed by the author of the script and of course you? If not then you have nothing to demand. You're actually committing copyright infringement by removing the author's name.

'The person selling the product/service could
use the work they did in their portfolio or whatever..'
Yes, they can, but that still does not allow you to remove the author's name.

'A script is not like a painting, a script can be removed, edited
replaced, re-done on the same area (or canvas).'
I can burn a painting and I can redraw a painting, now you.

'And we're talking about him putting his signature into the script
where NO ONE would see it, so why bother?'
You saw it.

'It's unnecessary,
why not just take credit out in the community, it makes more
sense, and is a smarter option.'
It's unnecessary to remove it and again it is copyright infringement. The author is allowed to put it there and you're disallowed to remove it.

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> It's also unnecessary to pay
> I won't "commit" copyright infringement
> I'll just keep my money.
> Seems I benefit pretty well…I have money...scripter does not
> hmm...sounds good
> and me seeing it doesn't count, I'd already know he did it
> as would he.

That's really fucked up man!
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> It's also unnecessary to pay
> I won't "commit" copyright infringement
> I'll just keep my money.
> Seems I benefit pretty well…I have money...scripter does not
> hmm...sounds good
> and me seeing it doesn't count, I'd already know he did it
> as would he.

You do realize that this is scamming right?  If he sent you the script to your wants and needs with the intention that you would then send him money and you have now not its scamming and I'm pretty sure the entire Eclipse Community won't enjoy you doing this to one of our own.  Also do you seriously need to make such a huge fuss about his name being somewhere only you will see?  Like seriously?
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> It's also unnecessary to pay
> I won't "commit" copyright infringement
> I'll just keep my money.
> Seems I benefit pretty well…I have money...scripter does not
> hmm...sounds good
> and me seeing it doesn't count, I'd already know he did it
> as would he.

You're just a pathetic thief (informal language: Ducking arsehole).

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I do agree that there wouldn't be much point of putting his name in the code, but you're complaining that nobody's gonna see it. If nobody's gonna see it, does it matter if he puts his name in or not, nobody's gonna see it anyway.

plus, you sound like a stupid scammer.
mr scammy, do do doo doo doo.
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> Seems I benefit pretty well…I have money...scripter does not

I've said it to you before I'll say it again. You are not the only customer.


> I do not take
> kindly to being called a thief, or a scammer, whatever.
> Duck it, bye

I don't take kindly to being called a "dumbass that knows nothing about business", Bye.
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Running away from the problems is an option but never a solution.

Give us one reason why we shouldn't think that you are a scammer or/and a thief.

And if you don't take it to be called like that, don't be like it then.

It's your own fault, not ours.

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I think your over reacting, you should have figured all this out before the script was made, or don't use the script and get your money back. Not paying for a script that you said you would pay for when you did receive the script. That is stealing. So if you have such a problem with it and are not paying then that script better not be in your game.
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