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My interview with HM

TT Snim

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Hello all.  I've had the pleasure of sitting down and chatting with HMonky for the inside scoop of 3.0.  I'll warn you now, there was never any talk of WHEN it was coming out, but I can assure you, when it does it will be the coolest thing ever!

Please, thank Gwen for making this possible!  With out her I would have never been able to do this!


(08:09:33 PM) HMonky: hmm, so I guess I missed you by 9 minutes
(08:10:05 PM) TTSnim: HI.
(08:10:17 PM) TTSnim: I am here now
(08:10:22 PM) HMonky: alright so you are here
(08:10:28 PM) TTSnim: ^_^
(08:11:10 PM) TTSnim: I'm sure Gwen told you all about why I wanted to chat with you?
(08:11:33 PM) HMonky: heh yeah
(08:12:00 PM) TTSnim: OK, do you have the time right now?
(08:12:15 PM) HMonky: yep
(08:12:23 PM) HMonky: "If I don't get this story for her she said I would be on the streets. I can't have that. Not again(so much blood and screaming) she is such a slave driver."

(08:12:30 PM) TTSnim: lol
(08:13:38 PM) TTSnim: All right, I have a number of questions
(08:13:43 PM) HMonky: go for it
(08:13:45 PM) TTSnim: OK.
(08:13:53 PM) TTSnim: *Grabs notes*
(08:14:34 PM) TTSnim: When did you Join Eclipse and how did you find out about it?
(08:14:56 PM) HMonky: hmm, Id say 4 - 4.5 years ago
(08:15:09 PM) HMonky: 5 years as of July
(08:15:18 PM) HMonky: found about it by accident actually
(08:15:55 PM) HMonky: I think I was just upset about the standards that mmos fell into and felt that I could make something better
(08:16:00 PM) TTSnim: Were you looking for a game maker?
(08:16:08 PM) HMonky: ^yes
(08:16:27 PM) TTSnim: What sort of games were you wanting to make?
(08:17:06 PM) HMonky: well, I started trying to make an mmo but it turned into the standard fantasy grinder
(08:17:45 PM) HMonky: after that I spent time building an fps but that didnt work well either
(08:18:26 PM) HMonky: 3 years after I gave up, I revived the project and turned it in as a final for compsci
(08:18:48 PM) TTSnim: Turned it in?  Were you in a programing school?
(08:19:31 PM) HMonky: that was at the community college
(08:20:10 PM) HMonky: yup
(08:20:25 PM) TTSnim: About the new engine it's self, I've read or been told it's going to be multi platform.
(08:20:39 PM) HMonky: I got a demo actually thats ready
(08:20:51 PM) TTSnim: Is this true and what makes that possible?
(08:21:33 PM) HMonky: you can see for yourself, heres the link *a little late, but removing leak*
(08:21:42 PM) TTSnim: *Clicks*
(08:22:01 PM) HMonky: just run "windows_client.bat" or shell the linux shell
(08:22:26 PM) TTSnim: Very cool!  For those who don't know I am using Ubintu Linux.
(08:23:00 PM) HMonky: root access is required to install on linux
(08:23:57 PM) TTSnim: Having grown up on windows that will take me some time to do still.  What program language are you using to make this possible?
(08:35:31 PM) TTSnim: Sorry, I copy and pasted the question.
(08:35:41 PM) HMonky: java mainly
(08:35:42 PM) TTSnim: Faster that way and all.
(08:35:50 PM) HMonky: theres C++ library reference thoush
(08:36:12 PM) TTSnim: Will having it writen in Java change any of the fundamental ways people will script with it?
(08:36:26 PM) HMonky: hmm, just brackets now
(08:36:42 PM) HMonky: if(test)
(08:36:50 PM) TTSnim: I see.
(08:37:17 PM) TTSnim: What advantages will this version have over it's predecessors?
(08:37:34 PM) TTSnim: Other than cross platforming.
(08:38:07 PM) HMonky: well, id say its the first "true" Eclipse. Between all of the devs, 3.0 is totally rewritten from the ground up
(08:38:43 PM) TTSnim: That must be very time consuming.  You aren't doing this alone, though, are you?
(08:38:49 PM) HMonky: alpha blending is probably one of the most requested
(08:39:03 PM) HMonky: Dev team is Mellowz and I. Crank joined a month ago.
(08:39:42 PM) HMonky: We also have a few other people such as shadowwulf and neon who pop in and give feedback/ideas
(08:40:01 PM) TTSnim: It's good to hear you have a solid team. 
(08:40:19 PM) TTSnim: Tell me more about the Alpha blending and other improved features.
(08:41:02 PM) HMonky: well, alpha blending is probably the first thing that you or any user will notice when running the application.
(08:41:28 PM) HMonky: You can actively change the hue of a tile or make tiles semi-transparent
(08:42:08 PM) TTSnim: Will this be script run or will there be settings for non script writers (Such as my self)?
(08:43:20 PM) HMonky: right now its sourced
(08:43:35 PM) TTSnim: That's good to hear for me.  ^_^
(08:43:41 PM) TTSnim: What about the lighting system?
(08:43:56 PM) TTSnim: A lot of people want mobile torches.
(08:44:18 PM) HMonky: heh, thats not going to happen easily. the only way I see that working is with lightmapping
(08:44:56 PM) HMonky: you can only have up to 10 lights in directx
(08:45:05 PM) TTSnim: I see.
(08:45:27 PM) TTSnim: So the lighting system, per map, is no longer a tile shading?
(08:45:38 PM) HMonky: technically it is an overlay
(08:45:54 PM) HMonky: you got 4 corners to work with and it blends between the four
(08:46:32 PM) HMonky: If the client I sent you worked, it could look like the blending in it
(08:47:10 PM) TTSnim: In the old system the light was actually "Added dark"
(08:47:24 PM) TTSnim: Could we still chose the old method if we wished?
(08:47:31 PM) HMonky: yeah, technically it still is
(08:47:46 PM) HMonky: but the old system made 2maps 1 night and 1 day. imagine the lag
(08:48:19 PM) HMonky: this actively transitions between 4 colors set for different times of the day
(08:48:32 PM) TTSnim: And it's much faster to boot!
(08:48:39 PM) HMonky: oh yeah
(08:48:54 PM) TTSnim: That was another improvement, speed. 
(08:49:05 PM) TTSnim: Just how much faster will this new engine go?
(08:49:17 PM) HMonky: I get 5000 fps compared to 40 from before
(08:49:57 PM) TTSnim: For the layman lets translate that in to terms of players.  How many people have to be on before it lags the system?
(08:50:33 PM) HMonky: id say the most Ive gotten connected to a server was 12.
(08:50:55 PM) TTSnim: So you haven't had the chance to test how robust the system is yet?
(08:51:38 PM) HMonky: well, the demo worked on your linux, crank just reported that it works on windows7, and it works in windows xp
(08:51:58 PM) HMonky: so compatibility is there
(08:52:06 PM) HMonky: weve also spent a ton of time debugging
(08:52:52 PM) HMonky: Crank was working on a tokenized server packet system - that should really speed up connections
(08:52:52 PM) TTSnim: So theoretically it should be able to handle much more on-line traffic than the engines before it.
(08:53:17 PM) HMonky: oh yeah. Marsh and I had like 30 people on at the alpha release
(08:53:23 PM) TTSnim: ^_^
(08:53:30 PM) TTSnim: That's quite a lot.
(08:53:56 PM) TTSnim: I also heard that the maps were to be vastly different,
(08:54:05 PM) HMonky: marsh switched his sprite to 128x128 pixels and towered over everyone's 24x16 sprites
(08:54:35 PM) HMonky: you heard correct. One feature is to scew the tile shapes
(08:54:54 PM) HMonky: so lets say you wanted iso, scew the tile into a diamond.
(08:55:11 PM) HMonky: you can also have particle effects easily
(08:55:17 PM) TTSnim: Iso.. could some one make tile sets just for Iso?
(08:55:25 PM) TTSnim: And particle efects?
(08:55:31 PM) TTSnim: Have you  left any eye candy out?
(08:55:40 PM) HMonky: well, iso is not supported
(08:55:55 PM) HMonky: wasn't the plasma splashscreen enough for you?
(08:56:12 PM) HMonky: Crank says:
You should just do the color though
Crank says:
and ditch those logos lmao
Crank says:
cause then it will look like a sexy aurora

(08:56:13 PM) TTSnim: I haven't gotten it up on my linux yet, forgive me.
(08:56:22 PM) TTSnim: XD
(08:56:27 PM) HMonky: try it on any computer - it should work
(08:56:45 PM) HMonky: Crank says its slow on windows7, but thats in beta so…
(08:57:14 PM) TTSnim: I'm a windows 2K girl my self
(08:57:34 PM) TTSnim: But my windows has no internet
(08:58:00 PM) TTSnim: I'll brb.
(08:58:06 PM) HMonky: alright
(09:00:30 PM) TTSnim: back
(09:00:34 PM) HMonky: k
(09:00:41 PM) TTSnim: Now I'm confused about the sprites.
(09:00:57 PM) HMonky: what about them?
(09:01:03 PM) TTSnim: I've grown to know only the sprite size of the original shets
(09:01:12 PM) TTSnim: But you can make them any size now?
(09:01:35 PM) HMonky: as long as the sprite size is less than 2048x2048
(09:01:48 PM) TTSnim: Goodness, lol, that would take up the map.
(09:02:04 PM) TTSnim: There are also new sprite animations, yes?
(09:02:27 PM) HMonky: yeah, it loops through a whole line of the sprite for each tile movement
(09:02:49 PM) TTSnim: How many frames are in each animation loop?
(09:03:19 PM) HMonky: 1 frame all the way up to 32 frames
(09:04:06 PM) TTSnim: Wow,  that's certainly a leap from the old system.  ^_^  Must each frame, depending on the size of the sprite, all have to be the same aspect ratio? 
(09:04:17 PM) HMonky: um yeah.
(09:04:23 PM) HMonky: same aspect helps.
(09:04:37 PM) TTSnim: That makes sense.
(09:05:08 PM) TTSnim: And there can be two "Animations" assigned to each character?  One for walking, one for fighting?
(09:05:16 PM) HMonky: thats how its set
(09:05:24 PM) TTSnim: Very cool!
(09:05:39 PM) TTSnim: What about Paper doll?
(09:05:42 PM) HMonky: 256x256 is the suggested sprite sheet size so we had to split it.
(09:06:04 PM) TTSnim: What do you mean split it?
(09:07:09 PM) HMonky: well, I wanted 4 frame movement so that would be 4 frames per row
(09:07:15 PM) TTSnim: OK
(09:07:32 PM) HMonky: 4x32 is 128 so it would be 128x128 pixels
(09:08:13 PM) HMonky: if fighting was included it would be 256x256 - which is the minimum for maximum efficiency
(09:08:30 PM) TTSnim: All right, I think I get it.
(09:08:58 PM) TTSnim: So what about Paper doll?
(09:09:12 PM) TTSnim: (PD is my fave department, BTW)
(09:09:18 PM) HMonky: paperdoll draws basically a sprite over a sprite
(09:09:24 PM) TTSnim: Right.
(09:09:47 PM) TTSnim: An image over the image
(09:11:08 PM) TTSnim: In the old engines we had a PD limit of less than 500.  Can we have more than 500 PD items now?
(09:11:36 PM) Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:
In the old engines we had a PD limit of less than 500.  Can we have more than 500 PD items now?
(09:12:30 PM) HMonky: I had no idea there was a limit. Well, I haven't tested for limits yet but it should be 30,000
(09:13:00 PM) TTSnim: That.. that should keep me busy for a couple of years.
(09:13:11 PM) HMonky: haha
(09:13:25 PM) TTSnim: *Drools*
(09:13:45 PM) HMonky: its either that or 5000 collective objects
(09:13:47 PM) TTSnim: *Thinks of all the pretty dresses I can make*
(09:14:02 PM) HMonky: you got hue changing also so
(09:14:19 PM) TTSnim: Sweet!  I can use that for dye lots in the game, yes?
(09:14:51 PM) TTSnim: *Starts to calculate formulas for making various shades of pink*
(09:15:15 PM) HMonky: well, you got 2^32 possible colors
(09:15:29 PM) TTSnim: I'll be using that, yes I will.
(09:15:50 PM) TTSnim: But enough about MY little girl fantasy, lol, tell me about the NPCs.
(09:16:08 PM) TTSnim: Are they different now?
(09:16:32 PM) HMonky: npc system is same as of now. Last thing I was working on was drawing up a new plan for them
(09:16:52 PM) TTSnim: Can you tell us your ideas or do you want to save that for a latter date?
(09:17:34 PM) HMonky: right now it takes a fraction of a second to draw a map, so I was thinking of buffering maps and forming a map from those maps so that the world is seamless
(09:17:47 PM) TTSnim: That would be fantastic
(09:18:12 PM) HMonky: then npcs would function similar to players and just stay within a specific radius of its home map
(09:18:43 PM) TTSnim: Like an invisible leash?
(09:18:52 PM) HMonky: Over winter, I built a neural network so I was thinking of using some of the same functions
(09:18:54 PM) HMonky: yeah
(09:19:09 PM) TTSnim: Nural Network, that sounds a lot like A.I. to me!
(09:19:23 PM) TTSnim: Would this A.I. be used in all NPCs, bad as well as good?
(09:19:42 PM) HMonky: hmm, thats an interesting idea. have npc's join your party
(09:20:03 PM) TTSnim: Or possibly learn to like you to give better deals at a shop?
(09:20:10 PM) TTSnim: Or pets.
(09:20:27 PM) TTSnim: Pets are always in high demand.
(09:20:45 PM) HMonky: well, I was thinking of having npcs guided by a set of rules. Each rule is weighted differently and changes how the npc behaves
(09:21:19 PM) HMonky: but the npc is given the ability to break some of the rules if a more important rule can be achieved
(09:21:26 PM) TTSnim: I'm a HUGE A.I. lover, so this will be vary exciting to me!
(09:21:47 PM) TTSnim: I'd love to talk to you just about AI some time.  ^_^
(09:22:06 PM) HMonky: pull Admiral in as well- he does AI life stuff
(09:22:49 PM) TTSnim: We'll make the AI group of Eclipse, lol.  (Would be cool to have a game where you build a "robot" to fight with that has AI.....  *Shuts self up*)
(09:22:57 PM) TTSnim: Back to the interview!  lol.
(09:23:04 PM) HMonky: yeah
(09:23:18 PM) TTSnim: There was once a drop down menu of some sort...
(09:23:29 PM) HMonky: for?
(09:23:32 PM) TTSnim: I don't quite remember it.
(09:24:28 PM) TTSnim: What I remember was some one had a customizable menu.  You could enter data in to it....  I suppose what I want to know is would there be a way users could save written information to the game?
(09:24:44 PM) TTSnim: Like if they wanted to write an in game book, or diary?
(09:24:49 PM) HMonky: in the java version- yes
(09:24:59 PM) TTSnim: Very cool. 
(09:25:26 PM) HMonky: you can actively modify the engine by replacing class files - the game runs off of its own extension library to java
(09:25:54 PM) HMonky: you can reference parts through commands such as "import eclipse.lib.scripting" for sadscript
(09:26:18 PM) HMonky: actually thats how you make a sadscript object in sadscript
(09:26:47 PM) TTSnim: I see.  Suppose I was in game, though, and I wanted to write a letter to some one who was off line and leave it for them.
(09:26:57 PM) TTSnim: Could I do that then log off and it would be there?
(09:27:26 PM) HMonky: all i see with that is utilizing the superior new ini format
(09:27:40 PM) HMonky: have the engine check inis before loging in.
(09:27:47 PM) TTSnim: ^_^
(09:28:29 PM) HMonky: in 3.0 its "PropertyFile.readProperty("file", "key1", "key2", "key3"... "keyx", "var")
(09:29:02 PM) HMonky: so instead of giving everyone else their own ini, you can combine them all
(09:29:18 PM) HMonky: each section can have a subsection
(09:29:24 PM) TTSnim: Like one big Ini orgy?
(09:29:35 PM) HMonky: if you want to put it in those terms
(09:30:23 PM) TTSnim: That will be very helpful as in the game I wish to make I want to restrict chat to the map you are on, and allow people to write up there own quest requests.
(09:30:58 PM) TTSnim: Sort of like writing up a grocery list or what not.  (Rather complicated idea, if I told it all out)
(09:31:39 PM) TTSnim: So this feature is very useful to me as well as any one else I am sure.
(09:31:51 PM) HMonky: you just store it and execute a script on map load
(09:32:25 PM) TTSnim: That is cool.
(09:32:29 PM) TTSnim: Very cool.
(09:32:43 PM) TTSnim: Oh, one more question about NPCs and sprites that I forgot....
(09:32:56 PM) TTSnim: Could an NPC be used as an object?
(09:33:04 PM) TTSnim: Say....  A mobile bed?
(09:33:28 PM) TTSnim: Or some thing you could use like a "Camp fire" that could be transported, or would that be better as an Object?
(09:33:29 PM) HMonky: wow that would be a wierd idea
(09:34:19 PM) TTSnim: I suppose a better way to ask is thus....  xcould you make an item that you could set down any where and activate it on command?
(09:34:35 PM) TTSnim: This way you wouldn't have to rely allways on a scripted tile>
(09:34:47 PM) HMonky: like scripted item?
(09:34:48 PM) TTSnim: (Sorry for the typos)
(09:35:08 PM) TTSnim: Yes, but my items tend to vanish on me an awful lot.
(09:35:34 PM) HMonky: hmm
(09:35:36 PM) TTSnim: You forget your item and wander off and in the OLD engine the map would reset
(09:35:44 PM) TTSnim: Poof, gone.
(09:35:49 PM) TTSnim: Very irritating
(09:35:53 PM) TTSnim: XD
(09:36:25 PM) HMonky: jut to let you know, im recording this for development
(09:36:42 PM) TTSnim: OK. Taking ideas both ways, lol
(09:36:46 PM) TTSnim: That's fine.
(09:37:01 PM) TTSnim: I'll be posting this on the forum, as an interview.
(09:37:04 PM) HMonky: well ideas is what eclipse needs
(09:37:11 PM) TTSnim: I'm just FULL of them!
(09:37:18 PM) TTSnim: It keeps me up at night some times.
(09:37:21 PM) TTSnim: >_>
(09:37:34 PM) TTSnim: I'm not sure it's healthy, seeing as I can't do any thing about them my self.
(09:37:56 PM) HMonky: I dont sleep.
(09:38:11 PM) TTSnim: XD
(09:38:20 PM) HMonky: been up for 300 hours?
(09:38:36 PM) TTSnim: I try to keep it below a steady 100 or so my self, lol
(09:39:14 PM) HMonky: oh yeah, did I mention that the server is also an html server?
(09:39:38 PM) TTSnim: What will that be fore?
(09:39:55 PM) TTSnim: I can scrip HTML, but I'm not sure how that helps the game.
(09:40:01 PM) HMonky: html can interact directly to the server
(09:40:17 PM) HMonky: there is also a java client that can be embedded in an html
(09:40:32 PM) TTSnim: So we could play the game posibbly with out a direct download?
(09:40:40 PM) HMonky: bingo
(09:40:50 PM) TTSnim: AWESOME!
(09:41:03 PM) HMonky: all you would need is Marsh's ftp host
(09:41:44 PM) HMonky: upload your html to your server, place the graphics/media in the jar, upload to Marsh's ftp
(09:42:03 PM) TTSnim: And away you go?
(09:42:12 PM) TTSnim: That's better than sushi with cheese!
(09:42:15 PM) HMonky: yep.
(09:42:31 PM) TTSnim: Oh wow, I made my self hungry.
(09:42:37 PM) TTSnim: *Shakes head*
(09:42:40 PM) TTSnim: My question is this, then, boiled down to the core, can we make a function we can use over and over again and leave some where and not have a map reset take it from us?
(09:42:53 PM) TTSnim: Back on topic^
(09:43:40 PM) HMonky: you can store globals in sadscript and redraw the item for all players on the current map. thats what ive got
(09:44:36 PM) TTSnim: So if you had, say, a hand held device that lets you scan for illness in people and you accidentally left it in the shrubs when a monster attacked your party, you COULD go back and get it?
(09:44:52 PM) TTSnim: Not a perfect example, I know, but some times you need to drop items
(09:45:00 PM) TTSnim: Like to hand them over to another player
(09:45:09 PM) HMonky: only 2.5 or 2.2 reset when you walk of the map
(09:45:23 PM) HMonky: well, if thats what you were talking about
(09:45:35 PM) HMonky: either that or I already pulled it out.
(09:45:54 PM) TTSnim: OK.
(09:46:02 PM) TTSnim: On to tile sets.
(09:46:10 PM) TTSnim: I have a question or two for them
(09:46:37 PM) TTSnim: Are there any other differences besides the redrawing of tiles?
(09:47:43 PM) HMonky: two like tiles next to each other draws faster than different tiles. The second frame is also faster than the first. So the worst possible map fps wise would be a checkerboard
(09:48:13 PM) TTSnim: Well there goes my MMORPG recreation of Chess the Musical!
(09:48:33 PM) TTSnim: But all kidding aside you have streamlined the way all things are drawn.
(09:48:42 PM) TTSnim: yes?
(09:49:30 PM) HMonky: blank map gets 21,000 fps using DX. OpenGL is executing at the nanosecond level
(09:49:40 PM) TTSnim: OK
(09:50:55 PM) HMonky: I think I got 5kfps for plasma effects on openGL so speed is not an issue
(09:51:19 PM) TTSnim: No, definitely not.
(09:51:31 PM) TTSnim: Are there any new atributes to tiles?
(09:51:44 PM) HMonky: particle, iso, shader
(09:52:03 PM) TTSnim: Could you use the particle effect for spells?
(09:52:16 PM) HMonky: spells ARE particle effects
(09:52:21 PM) TTSnim: Well, I mean....
(09:52:32 PM) HMonky: no the spell system was replaced with particles
(09:52:39 PM) TTSnim: (Has nothing to really say on the isue having never been one to "Get" spells)
(09:52:43 PM) HMonky: each particle carries damage info
(09:52:43 PM) TTSnim: OK
(09:53:23 PM) TTSnim: So the more that hits you the worse it is?
(09:53:30 PM) HMonky: yup
(09:53:53 PM) TTSnim: Could you vary the speed of the movement?  Like maybe have a really SLOW attack?
(09:54:11 PM) HMonky: its all in the particle engine editor
(09:54:16 PM) TTSnim: AND can you have the speed of a player variable?  So maybe if he's badly damaged he moves more slowly?
(09:55:04 PM) TTSnim: Maybe if he has a lot of "Heavy" items he can't run fast, or if his pack is empty he can REALLY ZIP from map to map!
(09:55:20 PM) HMonky: omg then we will have runescape
(09:55:36 PM) TTSnim: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Wait...  ours will be BETTER THAN THAT!
(09:55:41 PM) HMonky: ya know Im using the same libraries for graphics right?
(09:55:42 PM) TTSnim: *Shakes a fist*
(09:55:58 PM) TTSnim: So it's a YES he can run at dif speeds?
(09:56:11 PM) HMonky: yeah
(09:56:13 PM) TTSnim: XD
(09:56:22 PM) HMonky: first addition was unlocking that feature
(09:56:31 PM) TTSnim: I must sound uneducated in the way of the Engine,lol
(09:56:55 PM) TTSnim: This will be the best game maker ever. 
(09:57:57 PM) HMonky: its probably <20% mirage so we could now claim that it is a totally seperate engine
(09:58:18 PM) TTSnim: So it's like.... Eclipse: Dream Edition
(09:58:32 PM) TTSnim: Because it's been a dream for so long to have some thing this awesome!
(09:58:46 PM) HMonky: hell yeah
(09:58:50 PM) TTSnim: XD
(09:58:53 PM) TTSnim: What other features have we not covered the you would like to talk about?
(09:59:20 PM) TTSnim: What other asskickery do I not know of?
(09:59:38 PM) HMonky: hmm... *digs through source*
(10:00:53 PM) HMonky: its highly compatible with EE2.7
(10:01:11 PM) HMonky: as in, an EE3.0 map is derived from an EE2.7 map
(10:01:27 PM) TTSnim: So conversions will be easy?
(10:01:58 PM) HMonky: they can be easy - depending on how your 2.7 game was set up.
(10:02:18 PM) TTSnim: Mine were always a mess, lol.
(10:02:32 PM) TTSnim: I had maps every where
(10:02:47 PM) TTSnim: I had maps that weren't even connected to any thing.
(10:02:59 PM) TTSnim: I'm sure OTHER people will find it easy!
(10:03:01 PM) TTSnim: XD
(10:03:15 PM) TTSnim: How about the bank system?  Or personal storage?
(10:03:29 PM) TTSnim: Will there be a way to have a chest or some other storage not bank related?
(10:03:53 PM) HMonky: well, GUI is loaded from the net and buttons are configured from config.ini. that solves the bank-gui issue
(10:04:15 PM) TTSnim: That's good.
(10:04:36 PM) TTSnim: Oh, Anna and I were talking about this idea....
(10:04:50 PM) TTSnim: On Gaia online there are two ways to edit sprites.
(10:05:19 PM) TTSnim: One is with items that you can easily equip, the other is the hair and eyes which you can not asess from your inventory.
(10:05:26 PM) TTSnim: Access*
(10:05:53 PM) TTSnim: Is there away we could have a skin/hair/possibly eyes editor at the start of the game?
(10:06:14 PM) HMonky: there is a skin editor
(10:06:14 PM) TTSnim: Then maybe have to go to a salon to fix the hair rather than change a wig in the inventory?
(10:06:48 PM) HMonky: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=33319.0
(10:06:59 PM) TTSnim: *Click*
(10:07:47 PM) TTSnim: Yes, this is good for skin, but for hair styles it would have to be differnt.
(10:08:11 PM) TTSnim: Lest say a girl player suddenly didn't like the hair she had and wanted pig tails instead of a pony tail...
(10:08:23 PM) HMonky: well, it was tried with one EE2.x but kind-of failed
(10:08:46 PM) TTSnim: I know it's HUGELY popular on Gaia and is one of the features I'd love.
(10:09:04 PM) TTSnim: Sor of a layer of PD that can only be half acessed by the payers
(10:09:14 PM) TTSnim: sort*
(10:09:46 PM) TTSnim: And only accessed in some shops or in a character creation.  Many other games have this as well.
(10:11:16 PM) HMonky: hmm that would be a benefit, but we, the devs of the engine, cannot make a full mmo to distribute. Wheres the fun in that?
(10:11:29 PM) TTSnim: lol
(10:11:59 PM) TTSnim: Well maybe there should be an official eclipse MMO.  I for one would be the first to volunteer to make all the GFX for it.
(10:12:39 PM) TTSnim: I have a ZILLION ideas in my head too!  Like how to build houses from scratch, or how to make user made quests....  *Shuts up and tries not to ramble*
(10:12:51 PM) HMonky: dray777 ya know what'd be cool? if the entire eclipse forum (EVERYBODY) got together and made 1 game it would be like uber big and would have everyones little touches to it. cept lag like running 1 million webpages...
(10:12:54 PM) TTSnim: It be so epic.
(10:13:02 PM) HMonky: someone beat you to the idea by 5 minutes
(10:13:08 PM) TTSnim: T_T
(10:13:25 PM) TTSnim: I'm always to slow!
(10:13:42 PM) TTSnim: You'd need a director though, to keep every one on track.
(10:14:34 PM) TTSnim: And a community game is in progress in one sub forum, but it might be loosing steam.
(10:14:43 PM) TTSnim: MIGHT, I tell you!
(10:15:17 PM) HMonky: tell them that the most promising WIP gets early 3.0 release with the Vets.
(10:15:27 PM) TTSnim: Ohhhhh......
(10:15:36 PM) TTSnim: I need to Upload my WIP.. NAH.....
(10:15:44 PM) TTSnim: I told my self I'd make all the GFX first
(10:16:22 PM) TTSnim: Well, this is all going to be posted on the forum any way, so they'll read it!  HEAR THAT!?  Best WIP thing?  Look ^!!!  XD
(10:16:50 PM) HMonky: there will also be a GFX contest. Winner gets 3.0 early and gfx included in 3.0.
(10:17:00 PM) TTSnim: What GFX will it be?
(10:17:10 PM) HMonky: sprites/tilesheets/particles
(10:17:14 PM) TTSnim: From where?
(10:17:17 PM) HMonky: ill present templates
(10:17:32 PM) TTSnim: Cool
(10:17:40 PM) TTSnim: And they make the sets?
(10:17:42 PM) HMonky: its to create a ton of compatible graphics for 3.0 before 3.0 is released
(10:17:52 PM) TTSnim: XD
(10:18:06 PM) TTSnim: Well, you may know I'm donatinf all of my tile sets for summer from my WIP.
(10:18:13 PM) TTSnim: Right now I'm working on the trees.
(10:18:19 PM) TTSnim: 100 trees.
(10:18:23 PM) TTSnim: >_>
(10:18:30 PM) TTSnim: I need to get back to those.
(10:18:48 PM) TTSnim: So feel free to use them when ever!
(10:19:58 PM) HMonky: anything else you wish to say?
(10:21:06 PM) TTSnim: Me?
(10:21:09 PM) TTSnim: lol
(10:21:15 PM) TTSnim: About the engine?
(10:21:20 PM) TTSnim: I could say PLENTY!
(10:21:29 PM) TTSnim: But I'm not the one making it, lol
(10:21:49 PM) TTSnim: Any thing else you wish to share?
(10:22:21 PM) HMonky: hmm
(10:22:23 PM) TTSnim: (And I'd LOVE to talk ideas with you "Off the record" latter if You'd let me!)
(10:23:04 PM) HMonky: oh and be sure to run the file I sent you. the splashscreen will trip your eyes
(10:23:08 PM) HMonky: XD
(10:23:25 PM) TTSnim: I'll have to get my bro to get it up and running for me!
(10:23:38 PM) TTSnim: All right, shale we conclude this interview?
(10:23:45 PM) HMonky: fine with me
(10:24:08 PM) TTSnim: All right, Thank you for taking the time to listen to my rambling and answer questions!


Would any one like to talk to me about a game they are making?  I'd love to do more interviews!
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> Teh Adulese link=topic=40175.msg392877#msg392877 date=1236631254]
> If you want to interview TT about StarJumper or The Black Gauntlet give Enigmax and me a message. Always good to let the community know what you are up to.
> - Adulese

Sure, just let me know when you can!
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WOOT! I was mentioned like 4 times :3

You can interview me, but I got nothing interesting besides a collection of game development tools im working on.
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