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Coding Language Suggestion


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Well, I've wanted to learn a coding language forever, and I've finally buckled down and decided to start learning.

Anyway, I don't know what should be the first language I should learn though. I thought about learning VB, but isn't it really hard to use after you start getting into even remotely complex stuff, because it's so, well, umm, basic….?

Any suggestions?
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DONT learn php, it really shouldn't have become the standard for server side scripting. JSP has a better format than PHP. well, learn both.

As Admiral said, learn C. From C you can learn Java and C++ within an hour.

btw, you said vb is not hard? Have you tried abstract arrays in vb? Neural Networks? Byte Interpretation? Byte Decoding? Byte Shifting? Address manipulation? Memory Dumping? Its never proper to state that complex functions are easy because there will always be even more complex functions.
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C and C++ are both mature, and work very well.

The difference between C and C++, is that C++ is an object oriented programming language.  C isn't.

Both C and C++ can both create Functions, but C is more based on Functions and Structs, while C++ works with Classes.

EDIT: I should also point out, that C programs work in C++, and if you learn C++, C has the exact same syntax (and, C++ can use C libraries and functions).  So if you learn C++, you're atleast be able to understand programs in C
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> first learn HTML(requiered knowladge 4 a lot of other lanhuages), then learn javascript, then ill sat java, and then whatever u want but be warned and of the c's are extremely difficult

are you kidding me? I have no experience with C++ but C# is very easy.
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> first learn HTML(requiered knowladge 4 a lot of other lanhuages), then learn javascript, then ill sat java, and then whatever u want but be warned and of the c's are extremely difficult

Actually, the way HTML is structured, it would be very bad to start out with.  Also, if you go that course, you'll never have experience in pointing, addressing, and allocating memory and sort.

If you start out with C (C is abit hard) first, then C++ (or even just start out with C++), it would take you roughly one week to learn any new language.
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