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Everything posted by kkid24

  1. dont tell me u knew all those and didnt copy and pate them. and also give others a chance. thats why i didnt whant people posting as many as u did altough a bunch of them were good
  2. i end school on the 18th of june:) w00t w00t
  3. ok so here are the rules: only putone or two jokes per post this is because i dont want ppl copying and pasting 50 of em at one time. ill start One day chuck Norris was bitten by a cobra. 5 days later the cobra died. (so corney lols)
  4. kkid24

    FPS's anybody?

    which 1? any on comp?
  5. kkid24

    FPS's anybody?

    Anybody play any fps's?
  6. i just use this http://visibone.com/colorlab/ very easy and simple
  7. Hey ppl, if ur looking for a very good musicmixer then go to http://www.trakax.com/software/pc/ . Traxpc is an amazing software tht i have used for awile now. So if u need a mucix mixer try it. And did i mention tht its completely free except for and loops tht u want to download from there site. (You can get loops other places just use google.)
  8. kkid24

    Quest creator

    Can someone give me a link to the quest creator or just post it plz. Tnx to all in advance:)
  9. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    thx 4 all of ur help.
  10. first learn HTML(requiered knowladge 4 a lot of other lanhuages), then learn javascript, then ill sat java, and then whatever u want but be warned and of the c's are extremely difficult
  11. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    someone plz help!!!!!
  12. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

  13. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    holy shit its 10.2 mb
  14. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    i saved it as a jpeg but its still to big
  15. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    it says tht the files is to big.
  16. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    My data.ini ``` [CONFIG] GameName=The Tails of Chaos WebSite= Port=4001 HPRegen=1 HPTimer=5000 MPRegen=1 MPTimer=5000 SPRegen=1 SPTimer=3000 NPCRegen=1 Scrolling=1 ScrollX=100 ScrollY=100 Scripting=0 ScriptErrors=0 PaperDoll=1 SaveTime=0 SpriteSize=1 Custom=0 PKMinLvl=10 Level=0 Email=0 VerifyAcc=0 Classes=1 Stat1=Strength Stat2=Defense Stat3=Speed Stat4=Magic SPAttack=0 SPRunning=0 [MAX] MAX_PLAYERS=15 MAX_ITEMS=50 MAX_NPCS=50 MAX_SHOPS=50 MAX_SPELLS=50 MAX_MAPS=50 MAX_MAP_ITEMS=20 MAX_GUILDS=10 MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS=15 MAX_EMOTICONS=10 MAX_ELEMENTS=20 MAX_LEVEL=50 MAX_PARTY_MEMBERS=4 MAX_SCRIPTSPELLS=30 ``` um how do i post sprite sheet?? :(
  17. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    um guys we have a TINY problem…. it already is set to 1.....
  18. google paint.net its a good pixel art creator
  19. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    thx too all 4 da help ill check it out!!!
  20. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    it doesnt say 32x64 enywere…
  21. kkid24

    Sprite problems!!

    Ok so i downloaded the 32 x64 sprite sheet updated thing on the site. then i deleted the sprites in my sprite.bmp in my gfx folder and copyed and pasted the sprites of the 32 x64 sprite sheet into sprite.bmp. now when i go online my lets say magician class showes half of one sprite and half of another and some dont even show up! plz help thx in advance!!
  22. kkid24

    Small maps…

    wait so i download all of the .dat files?
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