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Pokemon Frontier


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>! * Added action ids for buttons
* Added client/server interactions with widgets.
* started battle networking logic
* making player animations more smooth
* Added Scratch, Shadow claw animations
* Removed hardcoding of password and changed to AES hash
* Added support for mega file downloading
* Updated player updating
* Updated Cache.locateFile to always find the cache no matter what OS
* Play updating mostly works
* implemented basic player updating
* Updated pokemon class and added definitions
* changed map offsets so tiles line up with players
* Flipped coordinate system y axis increasing is movement in the south
* Modified player updating server side
* Fixed eclipse auto rename error
* Refactored offset method name
* Added support for tile movement for players, npcs, pokemon
* Removing project files from repo
* Improved rendering time by over 50%
* Fixed rendering bug with Y axis
* Converting unknown character to integer
* formatted code
* moved FormatPng to graphic package, TransitionExample to animation
* formatted client and server using eclipse, testing git functions.
* Added Experience Bar and Modified Battle system
* Battle Logic Updates
* rendering bug fixes
* World rendering updates
* Cache Update
* Perfected hitpoints/progress bar rendering.
* Renamed skeleton to appearance
* Added Label class and perfect auto positioning
* Added rendering of the new region system
* Added Region System which will load correct maps based upon player x,y
* Improved button interaction
* Re-updated json files for pokemon/moves/abilities and added nearly finished battle system
* Pokemon/Moves/Abilities dumped into JSON
* Updates Moves
* adding map index for region based map loading
* updating map format to gzip/base64
* Pokemon Blac/White gifs
* Pokemon Data
* gzip+base64 sample code
* Fixed transparent colors in tilesets
* Move Effectiveness -> e.g. Fire move on Water pokemon has a .5 modifier
* Updated Pokemon Formulas -> Damage Calculation, Experience Calculation, Experience Types
* Adding new tilemaps for Kanto region
* Pokemon Icons added and updated the battle GUI
* Pokemon Formulas
* Battle rendering updates
* Removed thread library and improved battle rendering along with the
* Threading Library
* Cache Update and Transition Update
* Modified pokemon loading
* Battle Pokemon Class Server/Client sided
* Fixed camera updating / player rendering
* Fixing player rendering to remove absolute values
* BZip2 Compression added to Cache
* Renamed Map
* Nearly Completed Cache Editor
* Fixed player updating offset
* Chat messaging
* Fixed cache loading issue.
* Cache, Region Chatting
* Game class update
* Added commenting for additions to rendering process

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  • 2 weeks later...
> This looks pretty well built. Good job! And I hate pokemon fan made games, so you know it's good.

Thank you! :)

fixed a movement bug

Modified auto scaling for battle rendering

updated logic upon a blocked movement

Modified menu and hp bar

removed logging

clipping extended to surrounding maps

basic clipping support added

player animations added for other entities

movement packets are now kept in sync using walking queues

Dragon claw modifications

battle networking logic

Modified the linux indexOf

changed "nix" to "nux" to allow linux lib to load properly.

Fixed nullpointer issue with client

Added map index to cache + updated cache

Fixed IP binding issue

Fixed server binding to wildcard IP

Added jarinit.bat to create a jar file

Fixed jarfile

Fixed 1 bug when cache dling

Loading screen


Auto scaling

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Got all the pokemon cries

Every single map has been dumped from gen 1 - gen 4 (Including the game cube maps)

Overview image (I wont spoil the Orre region maps they are custom made! ![](http://www.rune-server.org/static/smilies/smile.png) )


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  • 3 weeks later...
* Modified cache to load from dropbox
* dumper updated
* compile error
* added fields to the added pokemon class
* Modified packet sender and config loader
* type checking
* refactored the opponent variable + moved it to Entity class
* refactoring + battle simulator added
* resolved bug
* removed 1 pokemon class and moved its variables to the other
* resolved compilation error
* added support for attack packet
* approach packet mob to player
* Ability added to pokemon class
* pokemon ability reloading moved to configuration loader
* removed alberts shitty hardcoding
* Added Accessors to our stored data
* Wrote configuration loader for definition loading on start up
* Trainer class modified
* removed clipping (temporary)
* Added trainer class
* Added the enterBattle packet
* refactor
* client now checks status of server, does not initialize if server is offline
* moved convertmaps to util, removed duplicate code, cleaned warnings
* more map processing
* Fixed some bugs
* Modified mapper for new ORRE region maps
* converting maps support
* Gif Player
* Tweaked the transition system and added a new transition of a pokeball
* fixed oves file bug and strings for perfection
* Battle Animations can now be transitioned through states
* You can now switch from active to battle state pressing A
* When you successfully fled the battle you are returned to the game
* bug fix refactoring and music player
* battle option functionality
* battle networking and documentation updates
* battle networking logic progress
* implemented interface request
* interface requests can now be made through the server ![](http://www.rune-server.org/static/smilies/smile.png)
* sending battle data
* all buttons sending packet data
* battle state updates
* ArrayUtility upgrade, friends, configs, Item.java, and that should be it
* ArrayUtility.java, MySQLUtility.java, Rand.java, ItemContainer.java, Item.java
* battle code started need to speak with anthony further
* cleaning up packets
* removed a packet that i thought i was going to need but dont (yet)
* getting battle networking started
* pokemon json added
* battle networking logic
* New loading screen for cache downloading
* Made some modifications on pokemon rendering so it supports all
* Flawless auto scaling for battle gui
* added coordinate based event system + sample door event
* All the Front Pokemon gifs have been dumped
* All the Back Pokemon gifs have been dumped


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  • 8 months later...

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