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Rate these maps please


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Here are some of my game maps, please rate and comment

The Jester Inn


The Jester Inn basement


General Store


By the dock


Outside veiw of Inn and store

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They are quite neat. Not a masterpice but there's also nothing I would hate it for.
Good use of RPGmaker tiles - they fit together ewerywhere as far as I can see. Also you are using the sprites from RPGm so they fit to (but get rid of those slimes or shrink the sprite by half - they are too bit and don't fit).

Only thing I would recomend is adding more detail to outside maps - they seem plain.

And what does those green tiles represent? Exits and actions?
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Your inside maps are pretty good, and I'm liking them.  They have some good detail, but at the same time don't come across as cluttered.  I only have two pieces of advice here;

First would be to cover the black area surrounding the rooms with the grey shade that the borders of the walls have to them.  It just makes it look better.

Second would be to not use that green tile as your indication for a doorway.  Instead, try just making the wall extend downward one square, so it looks like there's a doorway.  That green tile just looks out of place.

Your outside city maps are where things seem to need improvement.

It's a port, I understand that, but the major problem here is that it's very empty.  I can see how with the RMXP tiles you may not find good tiles to use as details for that stone tile, but even in the grassy parts of the map, there's no plantlife. There's a couple remedies here-

1.Try using some of the stuff you used on the inn basement map.  Ports do a lot of trading by ship.  You're bound to find barrels waiting to be loaded, and unloaded.  Along with bags of grain and such.

2.Break up the monotony of that stone flooring tile. Like in the first port map, you could add a grassy area in the middle of the stone, and put a tree there. 

3\. Those ivy tiles on the wall don't really make sense as they seem to be growing straight out of brick.  Make some grass and flowers below them if you want to keep them.

Don't take this as an insult though, or think that I find these maps bad.  Overall, you're doing quite well here.  But there's always room for improvement, and I'm just trying to give some helpful tips.
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