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Possible Pet Script


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Nugget, if you're going to attempt a pet script,  read this (so you can know what you'll need, etc):

_You would have to have a way to spawn the NPC on the map; this is possible, actually, and there's even a command for it.  But you would have to get an available MapNpcIndex (and since it only goes to 15, you can have no more than 15 NPCs on a map at any given time; which means if the map is full of NPCs, you can't spawn your pet), then spawn an NPC.

The script may have to run a continuous loop (lag?) to force the NPC in-question to follow the player everywhere, unless you can setup hotkeys for the arrows, to tell the NPC to go left-right-up-down, if it exists.

You would need to rid OnAttack to check if you have an NPC out, then make it "look like" the NPC is attacking the player's target; this can go from simple to very complicated, depending on how realistic you want it to be.

You'll also have to rig the OnMapLoad sub, or w/e it's called, to check how many NPCs are on the target map, find an index (or kill your pet if there isn't an available index), and re-spawn the NPC there.

That's just afew things off the top of my head, but trying to get a pet script system working is a very difficult task; Cyrus did a full sourced pokemon battle system, and there are many, many, people who took his engine to claim it as their own, so them and their little friends can run around their small community saying "lookie what I did mommy" and get their pat on the head, while the hard work went unrecognized.  One member I know, was able to make a fully-scripted pet system, though he never released it….

Then again, if I made one and planned to release it, it would only be because I made it TO release, and wasn't intending on actually using it; though I don't plan on making one, even if I wanted one, because it's simply too hard; and you're talking to someone who's made a system where the player's spells can level up like DG's weapon-leveling script._
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u know, I made a very simple pet script for my player-owned housing system! It is very limited but Ill explain it!
U go to the pet store, and walk up to the counter and buy your new dog or cat (only pets Ive inplemented yet) and bring it home. U use the cat or dog while in your house to release it there, you can have up to 2 pets AND you can buy a dog whistle or a cat caller. u use those to respawn your pets where u are (on your home map). I am almost dun developing a system where u can walk outside and call one of your pets to walk with u (a maximum of 15 houses per map) and I got the letting them out part working, but they won't follow u around and wont go back to the house (it is a pretty simple script. I could give it to u if you'd like, but, like I said, it is extremely limited.)
Well, thats all, if u want it, PM me and I will just send it to u!
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