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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Cool! Are you letting people use it on the servers?
  2. Ridrik

    Locked Classes

    the class list starts with 0\. Basically goes like 0,1,2,3,4,5 and so on.
  3. Ridrik

    2 questions.

    It's all required to source, try using source engine.
  4. Is this for 2.8? Never had that kind of error.
  5. Ridrik

    Pets possible in VB

    Ugh i wish somebody would just start it already.
  6. Ridrik

    Ambardia Database

    So what's the point of posting it here? just to show off? good it worked looks interesting.
  7. Possibly source edit, check out the source edit code on the forum, that might help.
  8. Make a card traiding game, that's something unique.
  9. Click to walk would require a source edit, here's the link: [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,28833.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,28833.0.html) I don't know about click to attack, sorry bud. *typing super fast before admiral gets here*
  10. I bet a few links to some tutorials wouldn't hurt a bit, between topics.
  11. This kind of tutorials already have been made, by i never get a change to actually answer before admiral
  12. That's a little, if you have a good game ;)
  13. Niko, how often does these get updated? XD
  14. Read my posts, thanks.
  15. Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam - all you did. p.s 474 (24.947 per day) - helpfull posts. :azn:
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