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Everything posted by Diskmaster

  1. ?? So like that some items become invisible, but you are still wielding them… Thats source, I think...
  2. just one question, I am using wireshark now and I want to know how to specify to just look in java packets, or, which packet is RS (ip and stuff)
  3. Because I like making things difficult (and I did not know you could packet sniff with a proxy) Where would I find a good packet sniffing proxy(wow, that sounded lame)
  4. Nvm, solved, you actually CAN do it (I might tell u how, if u really want me to)
  5. Hi, I play RS and, I have no where else to turn to for this kind of advice, but, could you, possibly use a program called Quick memory editor to edit the RS Java memory (this is just in theory, but what would files the send packets to the server look like so I could, oh, I dunno, edit them b4 they send) This would be the best place to start for this kind of question. (and where would I look in the Java memory, like a file or a string, for this packet-sender)
  6. Now w8 a minute, I own a copy of Brawl and I know FOR A FACT that is is both a 3D game AND a sidescroller-fighting game, so asking for tiles is COMPLETELY POINTLESS as 3D games do not use tiles, they use 3D objects as well as 3D models for Characters. I would give you a link to all of my nintendo characters in brawl, but there is a no link rule… (I have mario, luigi, peach, bowser, kirby...)
  7. that epic sucks (not 'the movie I was gunna see is sold out' sucks, it just stinx) But, is all ur data gunna be ok? (it should be)
  8. oh, ok, but I am just saying, wouldn't telling Derek to dim the beginning of this solve all of our previous problems (u can't just put some random word in the script and expect it to still work without dimming it)
  9. yes they do, they always do, unless you are an admin (acess 2 or higher) then the NPCs are non aggressive. Hoped I could help some :azn:
  10. hmm, go on the server and press reload scripts, if that doesn't work, check your Data.ini and make sure scripting is set to 1 not 0 and to make it show you what you did wrong, set scripting errors to 1 as well, try these things and, next time, feel free to post in the scripting questions section, not here..
  11. W8 a minute, where is color defined ANYWHERE!!!!! shouldn't it be dimmed at the top, so, like this: ``` ' Executed whenever a slash command is sent to the server. Sub Commands(Index) Dim TextSay Dim PlayerID Dim MapNum Dim color ```I just want to point out the Dim color, otherwise it should go at the very beginning of the rolled rick slash command (or you could set color = Rand(1,15) at the very beginning of the slash commands sub!?! But, cmon, no one noticed the lack of dimming?
  12. Oh… that is what all those peramiters after the subs mean (I always knew they were variables, but I didn't know they could render a script unusable) Thx a ton!!!!
  13. no, yea, I get that, have u changed anything to my script? I fufill all of the requirements for this script to work (it is supposed to disallow NPC attack on these maps if you are a certain class, a makeshift NPC faction system)
  14. So, we can edit how the customs look too (I am totally giving credit for this, this is WAY better then anything I could do with customs) :azn: Thank God I have MS vb6…
  15. there are little icons of spells when u r editing them that have no purpose whatsoever. I was wondering, how would one go about editing the spells in FRM Mirage so that the little icon is viewed (example, not just a line of text for a spell, a scroll box of spells. Any 1
  16. I h8ted sonic heroes too, the sidescrollers were always fun too. Shadow the hedgehog was cool the first day I played it, then I found out he lost his coolness in this game
  17. ERROR: LeaderIndex, I think it should be Leader(index) But I really haven't seen these sadscript commands b 4, so if u say u added them into the sorce, then sure u can use them!.!
  18. I mean, Sonic adventure 2 (battle) was their best game, in my opinion, to date, Sonic heroes came out and that was ok, but I was bummed that they didn't bring the chao back (one of my favorite features) I mean, if they could make a Sonic adventure 3 battle with chao from sonic chronicals, I even made a chao 3D game before, but it was like sonic advanced, u were a hand and I could NEVER simulate the chao's script and I got nowhere trying. Please say something on his behalfs, opinions and Ideas for an upcoming sonic game is preferred as well like: More chao worlds, 3 neutral and 3 dark and light
  19. ``` If CanTake(index, itemnum, 1) AND GetFreeSlots(Index) = 0 Then 'your item script here' ElseIf GetFreeSlots(index)=0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "this chest is empty", BRIGHTRED) Else 'your item script here again' ```of corse, that is how I would do it. It would first check if you have the item and no free slots, then, if you don't then it checks if you have 0 free slots…
  20. @jangofett287: > wouldn't work, it would just add 10 to avalible energy on every touch, you would need a loop to do it that way yea, no. not a loop, a timer, otherwise it would execute an infinate number of regens, even if it is full and you will probably cause some extremedy lag. also, u might want it to run a quick check to see if it is 9 or less sp full because it will grant you extra sp every time u step on it (just revealed a bug) so lets say you have 500 total sp and you have 499 current sp and you step on the tile, your total sp will become 509, and everytime after that, it will rise by 10!!! so, this script will make little noobs become epic amazing super sp noobs who don't ever need the SPEED stat again. Try adding If GetPlayerSp(index)>GePlayerTotalSp(index) -11 then That might just fix it :azn: and sry I rambled on…
  21. OOOOOOOOK, this is a simple script (or so I thought) that first checks your map, then checks your class before allowing the NPC to attack (you know, like if u enter an enemie's terretory, they all attack you) but it always allows the NPC to attack you and I don't know what is wrong (mabey nothing and IM just not using it right) ok, this is my Sub PlayerHit, the NPC will always damage the human regardless of what this says oh, and under that script is Sub ZA(index): ``` Sub PlayerHit(Index, NPCNum, Damage) If GetPlayerMap(index)= 2 Then Call ZA(index) ElseIf GetPlayerMap(index)>399 Then Call ZA(index) ElseIf Damage > 0 Then Call NPCAttack(NPCNum, Index, Damage) End If End Sub ``` ``` Sub ZA(index) If GetPlayerClass(index)=1 OR GetPlayerClass(index)=8 OR GetPlayerClass(index)=9 OR GetPlayerClass(index)=10 OR GetPlayerClass(index)=11 Then Call Playermsg(index, "Hello" & GetPlayerName(index) & ", Please lead us to the enemy!", BRIGHTRED) Else Call NPCAttack(NPCNum, Index, Damage) End If End Sub ```I mean, it doesn't crash the server or cause errors in any way so…
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