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A random topic i thought of while in science (programmers and the sci. method)


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okay so i was in science class earlier today and my teacher mentioned something about how programmers are one of the most important parts of modern science today and without them research would be very difficult and we couldn't test anything through computer simultions. As everyone knows research and tests are 2 important steps of the scientific method which led me to think that when i script and source i use the scientific method everyday. How? simply like this
1\. state a problem (taking in a question or a request)
2\. research (checking your past knowledge of old scripts or seeing if some one has already done it)
3\. hypothesize (create a theory of what the script will do or how good it will be)\
4\. record results (-checking for errors and find a few minor glitches in the program/scripts)
5\. conclude (posting that it is amazing or sucky or just using it)
6\. repeating if needed (if there are bugs simply start back from step 2 and repeat)

-I have created this to make a cool discussion just comment for agreeing or dis-agreeing
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Will I ever see a picture of god? Can't be answered, therefore has no conclusion, There is technically a chance, since if he exists, he's somewhere that he could be found. Until there is proof that god doesn't exist it is possible I could see a picture of god, if I die maybe I will see that picture in the afterlife, It can't be proved that it doesn't exist.
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That is called "hentai" XD lol just messing anyways I believe in god because what people are missing is this, Even if a subtomical atom exploded and created the universe WTF made that atom…..which leads to my life phelocephy, "There is no real answer to life and the question is often mistaken, thus it is not "How was life made" but it is, "How to live it.""
that is the real question but this topic was mentioning nothing of god i have a real passion for science and im catholic.. The scientific method is one of the greatest series of steps created and it is something we use everyday!
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> I can't see how you think it is a joke when it is one of the most commonly used scientific things on the planet next to the SI system

Lol at sarcasm-radar being off. Why would scripting be more srs than the scientific method? You're taking yourself and what you do way too seriously. T.T
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> That is called "Happy Pictures of unadulterated sex" XD lol just messing anyways I believe in god because what people are missing is this, Even if a subtomical atom exploded and created the universe WTF made that atom…..which leads to my life phelocephy, "There is no real answer to life and the question is often mistaken, thus it is not "How was life made" but it is, "How to live it.""
> that is the real question but this topic was mentioning nothing of god I have a real passion for science and im catholic.. The scientific method is one of the greatest series of steps created and it is something we use everyday!

If you can't even spell "philosophy", then I am out of here.


> I know I am lol I <3 programming

As long as you stay away from **my code**, I am fine with it.

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