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[Request][EO 3] Inventory editor


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This might not be do-able but I'd love to just ask away and see if it is.

EO4 has an inventory editor which works really nicely but I prefer EO3 and would like to know if someone could code me a simple server-side inventory editor so I can adjust items in player's inventories as well as their stats and levels.

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VB6 isn't being sold officially anymore. Yes you can find copies on Amazon and Ebay, but it's from people who HAVE bought them officially and half the time are generally expensive for an outdated IDE. There is another way of obtaining a copy, but i don't think  Microsoft really cares about VB6 anymore(albeit Windows 10 still supports it, which i find funny). it's not legal at all to pirate the software but as i said, i don't think Microsoft really cares anymore.
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> Hmm, see I really would like a copy - but I don't want to pay the silly prices, nor do I want to do anything illegal.
> EDIT: I've found a way to legally get VB6 from microsoft's MSDN but it costs over $1000.

Microsoft aren't distributing it anymore though, so it may not neccessarily be a legal copy. Plus, **technically** any copy of VB6 obtained, that you have not purchased **from Microsoft** is a pirated copy, and since Microsoft are no longer selling it themselves, the only way to obtain a copy is through piracy, but as growl and Officer Johnson said, Microsoft don't care anymore.

(Purchasing it from someone who purchased it off Microsoft is still, in theory, piracy, due to the fact that your money is not going to Microsoft, and the fact that **the reseller is not losing anything**, as due to the nature of copying files, they wont lose their copy and you will gain a copy.)

Going off this, I could send you a copy, but since Microsoft wouldn't get anything it wouldn't be legal, _technically_.
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