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[EO] Questions; Suggestions?


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_Hail to thee, friends, enemies and strangers._

I come here today to ask a question coupled, and request some pointers/tips, suggestions; the likes.
I am presently in Alpha development of my pastime enterprise. Forthwith, my proceedings are to pertain the aspect of this old PlayStation video-game, _Suikoden II_, that I find quite appealing as to the detailing of my setting, but possibly a bigger line of sight(at least, for larger-scale monitors. I don't want it to maximize or minimize (stretch or compress) the character and/or map detail.):

>! ![](http://i56.tinypic.com/2r55fsg.png)
How might I go about the re-creation of such a style on an engine like Eclipse Origins? I clasp the dominance in the alteration of appearance(Artisan interpretation); but nigh the ethics of cyber-engineering. I bear the understanding of it in most ways, especially through guides and tutorials, but for the most part, I lack some, to the more 'tricky' bits (Practical Newb Programmer Level), of the more puzzling concepts during customization processing of scripts, for my own fancy, but I would say I fare well with complications easier than the average pupil, if I have a decent guide that knows "tha streets", and *correct* how-to's. Most guides I have seen tend to slip out on, or forget some required information.

This is my EO, currently. 1600x1024 resolution(attempting full-screen); will have multiple player-options in due time, when I figure that bit out:

>! ![](http://i53.tinypic.com/11s340i.png)
Is this wrong, for starters? It's a bit bugged up right now, it seems. The ground-cursor is off-track a few tiles below the mouse's actual location, and scatters hastily across the screen, when I barely even move the mouse upward and whatnot.
Most guides didn't explain things right, or left something out. It got confusing, so I sort of mixed-and-matched(Bad idea probably, but can't really be helped if even the guide does not give sufficient information to do things right.) bits, up to that conclusion, thus far.

So anyways, in short for the subject of this topic:

**#1.** I would love to know suggestions in the possible different ways to make my game look(if not, exact) similar to the primary Screen-capture.

If I have no new alternate reference to work with from a given suggestion(In other words, if there's nothing to render my current source construction worthless):

**#2.** How might I fix(correct) the cursor position as apposed to how it currently acts with my source edits for screen settings? (Also, a URL link to [a] helpful guide(s) might do me some good, as well.)

**#3.** (ref. : secondary screen-capture) How might I remove the window border(for "real" full-screen) _or_ change the style of it _or_ make it invisible(for a full-screen illusion)? And once again; guide links if any are known of. I would appreciate. (:

**–** EO is pretty rockin'.

**–** Ask/tell me if I need to add more detail of the bugs I'm getting. I will try my best to supply, for it to be easier that you may help me. c:

**–** Elaborating on the screen-captures: My Character is moving 1 square out-of-screen, I'm not sure if that is normal or due to my source edit;
the border looks kind of odd, do I need to edit the GUI or did I just fail to do it correctly to begin with?
And of course, the screwed mouse-pointer, which I explained of a bit earlier. The further I move my mouse upward, the closer the ground-cursor gets to it. And vice-versa, only the ground cursor moves further away from the pointer.

**–** If anyone has some guide link for making optional window resolutions and/or re-positioning the Chat-Box and the likes to correct order, I would love that too. ;) (~Or, did I do something wrong that didn't auto-position things how they're supposed to be? Please correct me if that's how it would work.)

Thanks for reading, thanks for all help; and for everyone's time taken to contribute to the community here at the Touch of Death forums. ^^

Fair winds, and happy trails.
I bid you all adieu. ~

- _Tameric_**
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About the first screenshot, could you describe it a little more how you want it.
Because judging by the picture it looks like they used bigger graphics then the standards around here.

About the second screenshot.
Are you sure you used the right MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY values?
MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY change those to the picScreen (size / 32) - 1.

In your case with a picscreen size of 1600x1024 it should be;
Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 49
Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 31
You'll find it in modConstants

I'll leave the other questions to someone who knows it better.
By the way, thanks for a well written topic.  ;)
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As much fun as you must have with your prose you need to learn to recognise where it's appropriate and where it isn't. Talking about technical specifications is one of the cases where it isn't appropriate. Next time make your point and don't waste words. The more clauses there are the more convoluted your post will be.

Also, I can't get more than a line in to that post with that damn font colour. Use the default.
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> As much fun as you must have with your prose you need to learn to recognise where it's appropriate and where it isn't. Talking about technical specifications is one of the cases where it isn't appropriate. Next time make your point and don't waste words. The more clauses there are the more convoluted your post will be.
> Also, I can't get more than a line in to that post with that damn font colour. Use the default.

My apologies for the font colour, but if you don't like it, then please take your criticism elsewhere and, simply _don't read it_. It is how I always write. I did not post here to be judged on my conventional form of grammatically speaking. I posted for _Help_ with development; I wouldn't be talking about what is appropriate here, and what is not, when you just came here to start a flame-war in the _help section_. You are off-topic and contradicting your own laid rules. And just an F.Y.I; people(only _everyone_ that I've asked) tend to believe it to be professional. It is a Habbit of mine, and a tact of most all highly-developed(Top ranked) games to bring to attention the announcements of Administrators and the likes. I don't know what you believe to be "fun", but I see my eloquence as an example of expressing ideal edification. You've got to admit that the annoyance of people whom are grammatically incorrect and uncreative in understanding is getting old, especially when they don't supply enough information for things they need help with. You've practically proved it yourself in previous statements. it _is_ in-fact, appropriate; as-is evidently proven by Kay-No, courtesy to the edited-in comment.

If you're here in this section to help, then by all means, **help**. That is the clear intention if this Sub-Forum.
But if you're here just to judge off-topic with what I was asking of, please think out your speech again, and for the sake of the community, _don't_ post it. There is no need of insolence from under-imaginative minds, or the precedence of taking your life so seriously as if you're PMSing, else you may face the forthcoming of your dull fate. And I know you're the type of person who believes "I'm right, you're wrong." but there is no sense to that when you don't even keep to your own standards.

Perhaps the whole point of speaking how I do is because I would rather learn from someone who isn't a common nitwit. I wouldn't want someone to tell me how to do things wrongly. If you can clearly read my messages, then I'm sure you clearly know your shit. My words are only wasted to those without understanding, creativity; or just to the know-it-all types that act too big for their own, small words.

In short:
_Have imagination._



> About the first screenshot, could you describe it a little more how you want it.
> Because judging by the picture it looks like they used bigger graphics then the standards around here.
> About the second screenshot.
> Are you sure you used the right MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY values?
> MAX_MAPX and MAX_MAPY change those to the picScreen (size / 32) - 1.
> In your case with a picscreen size of 1600x1024 it should be;
> ```
> Public Const MAX_MAPX As Byte = 49
> Public Const MAX_MAPY As Byte = 31
> ```
> You'll find it in modConstants
> I'll leave the other questions to someone who knows it better.
> By the way, thanks for a well written topic.  ;)

Thank you for your reply.
My own thoughts to what I am trying to achieve is either zooming in EO but still keeping a decently big Line-of-sight – I wouldn't want that to mess up the character detail though if people chose a bigger/smaller resolution than my base customary setting. _Or_ just going at it normally and stretching the graphics to my own likings myself. Thanks to the "any sprite size you want" function in EO, I think that solution would be possible now. Then I would just be editing in the bigger line-of-sight; basically, what I'm currently trying to do, unfortunately it seems something went wrong.
Though, I am open to any different suggestions you may have to mimic the primary screen-capture. c:

And, indeed, the modConstants of both Server-Side and Client-Side are both set-up as what you described.
**MAX_MAPX** value is set to **49**, and my **MAX_MAPY** value is set to **31**.
I currently have pretty much a clean source, so I wouldn't mind if you had any other suggestions, or a more definitive guide that has worked for you, that may help me to what I am attempting to achieve. I could just wipe it and start over. ^^

- _Tameric_**
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> -snip-

Bogging down your questions in a mire of superfluous words, convoluted sentences and archaic expressions is not professional. It simply makes reading your little novel an arduous task for those who actually know enough to answer your questions. Wanting you to actually get to the point says nothing about my linguistic prowess which, as it happens, is perfectly sound. If you _were_ a professional writer than you'd understand that the hardest part of language is knowing when to fill your writing with obscure adjectives and when to just shut up and get to the point. In this case it's clearly the latter which you need to learn. Words are powerful things. The more clauses you add to a sentence the more you dampen its emphasis and impact.

The amount of time I have to offer support is severely limited as it is. Having some smart-arse with a thesaurus on his lap posting paragraphs of prose to articulate a problem which could be summed up in a single sentence is wasting time better spent helping someone else.

Here, I'll do it for you;

**Q: How do I make my game screen larger?**
A: **[Follow this tutorial.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67409.0.html)**

**Q: How do I remove the form border?**
A: Click on the form, go to properties and find 'Border Style'. Select 'None'.

That wasn't so hard, was it?
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Here's how this works. You post a question and I take time out of my busy schedule to answer your question. What we encourage on this forum is a willingness to learn. We won't be spending time writing out every single tutorial in convoluted prose simply because you're too dense to understand simple sentences.

I feel sorry that you really felt you had to just spend 40 minutes writing out that essay to someone with a _'My Little Pony'_ in his signature. As such I'll just go ahead and delete the damn thing because, as with all your other crap, it can be summed up in a single sentence. You're far too busy showing off your usage of archaic words to actually tell us which part of the tutorial you're struggling with, however, so your entire post could just as easy be summed up as a blank piece of paper. You're a perfect example of someone who can talk for hours without actually saying anything.

If you don't understand a step in a tutorial then ask for the writer to elaborate on that point. How you're writing now is not how an adult writes, it's how a child _thinks_ an adult writes and just makes you look a fool.

Here, listen to this whilst you spend the next half-hour writing a witty rebuttal. (Or, more specifically, what you _believe_ is a witty rebuttal.)

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Well for one, I didn't take 40 minutes to write anything, I've been busy with other activities, I don't just stay on a forum all my life whoring around and hijacking peoples help threads.
I didn't ask *you* to take any time out of anything, in-fact, I specifically said I would rather have someone help me who is more understanding than you.

What you encourage is being douche-bags. Elysium had a far better community that didn't treat newcomers like crap.
I'm not the one who seems to like _"My little pony"_? I wouldn't be talking, if you're the one who has it in your signature.
And I actually did explain what I was having trouble with, but you're too busy trying to flame me that you don't bother to try and see it. I don't want you to. I'd rather someone else help.

You proved my points. Threatened by my post showing so, then you delete it?

And how I am writing is not what I care for you to be judging on, so please leave this topic. You make _yourself_ look like a fool. And, no thanks.
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> I didn't ask *you* to take any time out of anything, in-fact, I specifically said I would rather have someone help me who is more understanding than you.

I programmed the engine and I'm the one who gives support. I politely asked you to get to the bloody point so I could actually help you.


> Elysium had a far better community that didn't treat newcomers like crap.

If you're trying to make a point about me making this forum hostile to newcomers then you're barking up the wrong tree. I was one of the administrators of Elysium. ;]


> I'm not the one who seems to like _"My little pony"_? I wouldn't be talking, if you're the one who has it in your signature.

I see that went over your head.


> And I actually did explain what I was having trouble with

Let me guess; It's a point you could make in a single sentence. amirite?


> but you're too busy trying to flame me that you don't bother to try and see it. I don't want you to. I'd rather someone else help.

You're the one who brought this on yourself, kid. I asked you to cut the crap and just post your question without dressing it up. You snapped and started ragging on my arse. Not the best way to treat the sole developer of the software you're using and the only definitive source of support.


> And how I am writing is not what I care for you to be judging on, so please leave this topic. You make _yourself_ look like a fool. And, no thanks.

You're asking for my support for my engine on my forum. Post your question and I'll answer it. Take yourself too seriously and act like a pretentious git and you'll simply be met with incredulity and trolling.

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Giving support is giving support. Kay-No is a fine example. You didn't ask politely, you came across as-if trying to flame me.

And I am so glad that I never saw you in the forums of Elysium.

> You're the one who brought this on yourself, kid.

If you believe that much, then you obviously don't realize how you come-across to people when you post.

I didn't ask for your support.. I made that clear twice. Kay-No is better support than you. And I would say more than half the community is, too.

I asked politely for you to leave my thread. I seek help in someone else. I don't want to deal with you.
Good day, and I'll be on-topic now. So please, stop changing this into an argument. Just go and be about your busy day. I don't care to be a bother of it.
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So what was the orginal problem? I lost track of it lol

> If you believe that much, then you obviously don't realize how you come-across to people when you post.

LOLZ Rainbow Dash is awesome. How does he not come across awesome? He is prolly the koolest brit i've ever had the pleasure of talking to….
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> ![](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e112/Kite_Minase/Reaction/My%20Little%20Pony/1297317435363.png)

I like the young ones. ![](http://I.imgur.com/nnJva.png)


> _Hail to thee, friends, enemies and strangers._

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Tameric: do what Rainbow dash says.  He's one of the 2 people who actually know what they're doing on this forum.  And you ARE using too fancy expressions.  Half of this forum is 12 year old kids (and some of those kids know how to program).  Also, you may have seen him on the Elysium forums as 'robin'.  To address the font color, please use default.  Reading what you write in blue is like running a marathon.
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> So anyways, in short for the subject of this topic:
> #1\. I would love to know suggestions in the possible different ways to make my game look(if not, exact) similar to the primary Screen-capture.
> And,
> If I have no new alternate reference to work with from a given suggestion(In other words, if there's nothing to render my current source construction worthless):
> #2\. How might I fix(correct) the cursor position as apposed to how it currently acts with my source edits for screen settings? (Also, a URL link to [a] helpful guide(s) might do me some good, as well.)
> #3\. (ref. : secondary screen-capture) How might I remove the window border(for "real" full-screen) or change the style of it or make it invisible(for a full-screen illusion)? And once again; guide links if any are known of. I would appreciate. (:

Why even bother argue about this when he summed everything in 3 short and very simple questions.
If you dont like to read his long post about "nonsense" then don't do it? No one is forcing you?

Although, i cant see any point in having green font.
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