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EO 16x16 tiles


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> I'm not sure, but i think i saw how they handle to set 32x32 tile into the client source. Take a look.


Here you go :

' Tile size constants
Public Const PIC_X As Long = 32
Public Const PIC_Y As Long = 32
But i think you have to change a few thinks in other place too. Make the changes and see what happen.


I edited it and it is working, but you will have to change the mapeditor to 16x16 too. I will take a look later if you can't solve it by your own. (hope i can do lol)
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An screen with what happen when i modificate them. It let me select 16x16 but it change the ingame resolution too. I think there its a way to change only the map editor to 16x16, and let pic_x and pic_y unchanged becouse they are used in a lot of codes.
And you have to change the size of tiles that will be show into the picscreen. I think that's why it changed the resolution. Its making the 16x16 to a 32x32.
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> is there a way to fix this ?
> Edit: acutely it doesn't change only the tile size it changes the sprite size and the item size and everything else to 16x16

> I think there its a way to change only the map editor to 16x16, and let pic_x and pic_y unchanged becouse they are used in a lot of codes.
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I tried this about a week ago, long story short changing PIC_Y and PIC_X doesn't do half of what you need to do to make it work.

Unfortunately 32 is used instead of the PIC values a LOT and its up to you to find the relevant bits of 32 and change it to 16\. Conversely, there are parts of the code with 16 that need to be changed to 8\.

You need to have a thorough understanding of how the code works to be able to convert it to 16x16 without out any graphical glitches.
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You don't necessarily need a thorough understanding. You just have to be able to read the algorithm containing the number, and be sure if it's handling what you need it to. Then change the number. But if it's handling something else, something that you aren't trying to resize, you need to know when to leave it alone. Just go through the code with Ctrl+F and find all the 16s you need to change. Change them to 8\. Then find all the 32s and change them to 16\.

In that order, otherwise you'll be changing the 16s you previously made from changing 32s. So you'll be stuck with all 8s. :P
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> yeah i did but i don't know which to change i mean there are 16 and 32 that have nothing to do whit graphics and so i dont know what i have to change

That's where it gets a bit fuzzy. If you cont. to play around with things and better understand how the graphics engine works, you will know what to and what not to change.
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