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Archangels Online on Progress!


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**Your Story:**
"The coming chaos should be stopped!" said Mira, the creator of Magic. "What chaos are you saying, your excellency?" you respond. "A very big chaos will be coming upon Lyria." said Mira.

*Mira was actually the creator of the 3 magical planets, named; Lyria, the land where chaos has never reached. Mirya, the planet where the Mira is living. Flesiya, a land which is corrupted.*

"We must save it your Excellency!" you said. "So, seems like you want to help. I'll assign you to a place in Lyria. There you'll meet different kinds of Archangels like you but they're the elites, since they're elites and your just a newbie, you'll be trained by them." said Mira.

*Mira draw a circle in the air* "A…A...A PORTAL!" you said. "Yes, is there a problem?" said Mira. "What are you going to do with that portal?" you answered. "Well, I'm going to send you already to Lyria" said Mira. "I'm not re.....a...d...y ye.....t!" you shouted while your were being sucked by the portal.

You reached Lyria!

>Marriage System - You can marry people…
>Quest System - You could make quests...
>30% is our Experience Rate
> Changeable Experience Rate - A monthly/weekly event which our rates will go higher...
>Max LeveL - 218
>More to be added soon...

**The Team:**
I'm actually recruiting. I'm needing:
-Programmer/s (1 - 2): I know how to program, but I don't have that big knowledge of programming.
-Mappers (3 General Mappers) (2 Event Mappers): Event Mappers are people who map places during events like, Christmas, etc. And then, General Mappers are those who map permanent places.
-Pixel Artists (3): I need some averaging Artist for this one :)

**Sneak Peak:**
Our Main Menu:

**What did we use:**
I actually used Domino_'s OtherWorld. It's his modification of Eclipse Origins. But I deleted and added some features on his modification. I haven't list the other features yet because I'm still adding some more stuffs.

Alatar - Quest System
Domino_- Other Modifications
Image Shack - Photo Host
Tiny Pic - Photo Host

[24/08/2011] Archangels Online's release.  v1.1
[25/08/2011] Edited GUI on the Main Menu. v1.2
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**A hint for You:** Edit the GUI background. I can't understand why in the world do people use WHITE font on a light background, or BLACK fon on a dark background.

I mean - You people want the users to read it? Then make it easy to see - don't expect everyone to stick their nose to the screen just to see some generic description crap.

**Also: Another hint.**
Long cat is long. Nice font is nice. But when it comes to, for example, web adresses - don't use stylized fonts. Seriously, use just plain normal font for the website url - noone is going to spend whole day trying to guess if the adress is "aew.co.uk", "aew.có.ok", "aew.oo.uk" or "aew.uuk.uuk".
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I'm going to work for 6 hours on putting the features up. I'm going to the Plain EO and just add the source codes, but some of it will be my originality. I'll be working on the GUI as well. As you can see on that Main Menu screenshot, it is just a Concept art. I'm going to make some transparency thingy-s. (What a word o_o) I'm not going to do it straight.
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