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About god..


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> Haha, I lol'ed on that.
> Poor man…

I think hes actually pretty fair. Saying we know how to quantify any possibility of a real deity is extremely arrogant.
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> ![](http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s320x320/426148_209344015839614_185346281572721_360970_635246612_n.jpg)

I couldnt agree more, and its really sad that I do.

I reccomend this:
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> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IAhDGYlpqY

Can't watch the video, too early, but I read the title, so I have a decent idea what it's going to say.

Fun Fact: Jesus spent his time yelling and cursing at the religious leaders, wanting nothing to do with them, while his best friends were thieves, sluts, and liars.  I have a feeling if Jesus were here right now, he'd probably want nothing to do with these grand churches (unless it was to call them out on their hypocrisy), and just be out on the street in the inner-cities, in the prisons, and with the homeless.
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Not taxed

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It's pretty hilarious really. Christians spend all this time talking about the Christ as saviour and how he was treated so bad. But what if some other prophet came along in todays day and age preaching a different religion to any we have already? Christians would do the exact same to him/her that the Jews and Romans did to Jesus, crucifiction. "HOW DARE YOU NOT BELIEVE IN WHAT WE BELIEVE! THAT MAKES YOU WRONG AND YOU WILL BE SHUNNED FOR BEING WRONG!"
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> It's pretty hilarious really. Christians spend all this time talking about the Christ as saviour and how he was treated so bad. But what if some other prophet came along in todays day and age preaching a different religion to any we have already? Christians would do the exact same to him/her that the Jews and Romans did to Jesus, crucifiction. "HOW DARE YOU NOT BELIEVE IN WHAT WE BELIEVE! THAT MAKES YOU WRONG AND YOU WILL BE SHUNNED FOR BEING WRONG!"

I would say that this is actually a valid point. Its hard to not see it this way, I understand that.
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I don't consider myself to be a religious person, in fact, I quite frankly detest the subject and avoid it like the plague. My boyfriends mom is all  about that stuff, and she (unfortunately) visits often, where I must watch my mouth (saying oh my god is offensive!). It's not that which bothers me, but the fact that she decided it'd be a good idea to buy a religious book to give to her friends, including me, and I must act like I give a damn when I clearly have no belief. I am running out of reasons as to why I haven't read it yet (I actually have no idea where I even put the damn thing).

It's a bother when the woman whom sits next to me tries to preach to me texts from the bible, and nothing can be said of it without sounding like a horrible person, I do have to see her everyday during work, afterall.

It's an even bigger bother when I am late for work and clearly in a hurry, that I am stopped by two blokes in robes asking me the big question, if I beleive in God. Excuse me? I will kindly reply "I am undecided." and even that answer brings judgement upon you. I'd hate to see their faces when I really tell them what I beleive in.

If you're a believer, fantastic more power to ya, just please don't push it onto those who are content with what they already believe in, if nothing at all.
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> It's an even bigger bother when I am late for work and clearly in a hurry, that I am stopped by two blokes in robes asking me the big question, if I beleive in God. Excuse me? I will kindly reply "I am undecided." and even that answer brings judgement upon you. I'd hate to see their faces when I really tell them what I beleive in.

Tell them you're a Satan Worshipper. The same works for Jehovah's Witnesses. Or if they knock on your door, answer it naked.
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What it comes down to is that there is going to be nut jobs whether they are religious or not. Stop generalizing an entire religion.


> Fun Fact: Jesus spent his time yelling and cursing at the religious leaders, wanting nothing to do with them, while his best friends were thieves, sluts, and liars.  I have a feeling if Jesus were here right now, he'd probably want nothing to do with these grand churches (unless it was to call them out on their hypocrisy), and just be out on the street in the inner-cities, in the prisons, and with the homeless.

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Everything bad about religion has been derived from religion becoming an aspect of state.

Admiral; another thing I think is awesome is how prominent, even in the King James version, of how against Usury Jesus was. And yet if you even bring up things like Muslim Banking, you're called a terrorist. Or that even how prominent the sin of usury has been in the Bible, yet ignored by the Church in general (ofc when some of the Popes were Medici that would be an obvious).
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