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How can I get Eclipse Nightly 2.8 Fullscreen?


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I have tried most of the tutorials on here for the PicScreen and all that, with no success. I was wondering if anyone could help me get a fullscren version working for the 2.8 version of eclipse nightly release. To people wondering why for because of other peoples computers… I could compile a completly fullscreen version, if i knew what to change. And thus would be able to play fullscreen or winowed. My computer screen is HUGE and I'm pretty sure alot of other people out there have good sized screens these days. Most poeple I know do. I know I will have to change the GUI around and make new ones in photoshop but thats not a problem. Thank you.
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Alright. Good start. A fresh topic for the issue.

Now, let me respectfully disagree with you about the screen size. MOST of the world (who own computers) have really cheap or old ones with small resolutions.

I know, that doesn't help but… it is the truth. I am sorry that your friends have newer technology.

So, lemme start by helping a little......
First, I know you already made it this far... because you posted it in the other topic.

So, I am going to go from there...

First you need a general IDEA of how DX8 and most graphic engines work so read this first

>! When you want to draw something to the screen, at least in VB6 you put it in some type of window. In our case a picturebox called picScreen. However, if you were to draw EVERYTHING to the picturebox, it would draw an object, then try to update the display and draw the next object. Between refreshing and re-drawing, you would get a flashing effect that looks awful. So, the solution is to draw to a backbuffer.
>! A backbuffer is basically an image in memory. When rendering a frame, DX8 renders to a backbuffer. All the characters, sprites, etc go directly to the backbuffer and finally, this line of code is called…
>! ```
If InShop = False And InBank = False Then Direct3D_Device.Present srcRect, ByVal 0, 0, ByVal 0
Notice the Direct3D_Device.Present. That is the line where it takes the backbuffer and draws it to picscreen. Thus, your whole game basically.

Ok, so you understand a SMALL idea about the backbuffer. So I will continue by explaining your options…

>! Option #1
Look at this line again
Direct3D_Device.Present srcRect, ByVal 0, 0, ByVal 0
```Notice the first ByVal 0\. We are passing a 0 to that parameter but if desired, you can pass a rectangle, specifically a destination rectangle and it will scale the backbuffer to the size desired. You CAN do this if desired but all it will do is stretch the game screen to fit your window and if stretched too much will look HORRIBLE (yay).
>! Option #2
You can go into the depths of the code, resize the backbuffer, make the game draw more in order to account for the bigger area and edit a bit more to make it work.

And finally my conclusion…

>! What you want really depends on you. I have now given you a SLIGHT idea of the process. Obviously, Option #1 is significantly easier than Option#2\. If you really want the code for Option #1 I will type it up. For option #2… you will have to pay a programmer or work with what I said and try to work it out. Up to you.

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Most people I am friends with who play 2d games do so because they have older computers or are not into hardcore pc gaming..  also a lot of people have cheap plug and play monitors (Im even currently using one till my monitor gets fixed) where the resolution is stuck at 800x600 why try to limit ur 2d gaming community which isn't that large to begin with to only people with large/newer monitors? Anyways hope u get it working I would like to beable to change my screen size in the new.engine as well just not that large so anyone can play..
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Well, he could pull a Crystalshire and detach the UI from everything and make it float so he can scale the screen and position it all in the corners accordingly.

He would need to seperate the rendering system from the constants that cause the game to render, and make it account for screen resizing as well though.. Since they are fixed values by default. :]
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Okay I found a few lines of code that shows the width and hieght of the actual window itself I believe.

Direct3D_Window.Windowed = True

Direct3D_Window.BackBufferWidth = 800
Direct3D_Window.BackBufferHeight = 600

I've been messing with this in both nightly and cyrstal shire. I set it higher and the graphics got tiny. =/ Not what I want at all…

I just need to figure out a way to draw more tiles across a larger area of screen. So yeah what Joyce said. I love the crystal shire layout anyways.
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