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Everything posted by VitinhooxD

  1. Server : You were disconected from the server. Server : VitinhooxD rulez the game! xD
  2. try removing all the + for the Dims eg Dim lol+1 should be Dim lol1
  3. Activate ScriptError in data.ini and tell me the error
  4. Dont know.But if need help in something just call me :D
  5. the ifs are really bugged.Theres 3 ifs and you only put 1 end if =X You can try this way ``` Case "/summonpet" DIM playerx DIM playery DIM playermap DIM npconmap+1 DIM npconmap DIM playertarget DIM playermp DIM petnumber DIM petsnumber+1 DIM petsnumber DIM petdef DIM petstr DIM petmaxhp DIM pethp DIM petmapnumber playerx = GetPlayerX(index) playery = GetPlayerY(index) playermap = GetPlayerMap(index) npconmap+1 = GetMapNpcNumber(GetPlayerMap(index), index) + 1) npconmap = GetMapNpcNumber(GetPlayerMap(index), index) playertarget = GetPlayerTargetNpc(index) playermp = GetPlayerMP(index) - 20) petnumber = GetVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petnumber") petsnumber+1 = GetVar("Data.ini", "PETS", "petsnumber") + 1) petsnumber = GetVar("Data.ini", "PETS", "petsnumber") petdef = GetNpcDefense(petnumber) petstr = GetNpcStrength(petnumber) petmaxhp = GetNpcMaxHP(index) pethp = GetNpcHP(petnumber) petmapnumber = GetVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petmapnumber") If GetVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "activatedbefore", 0) Then If GetVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petactivated", 0) Then Call PutVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petnumber", petsnumber+1) Call PutVar("Data.ini", "PETS", "petsnumbers", petsnumber+1) Call PutVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petdef", 40) Call PutVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petstr", 35) Call PutVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petexp", 10) Call ScriptSpawnNpc(npconmap+1, playermap, playerx, playery, petnumber) Call PutVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petmapnumber", npconmap+1) Call SetPlayerMP(index, playermp) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You summoned your pet", GREEN) Call PutVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petactivated", 1) End If Call SendNPC(playermap, npconmap) ElseIf GetVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "activatedbefore", 1) Then If GetVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petactivated", 0) Then Call ScriptSpawnNpc(npconmap+1, playermap, playerx, playery, petnumber) Call PutVar(GetPlayerName(index) & ".ini", "PET", "petactivated", 1) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You summoned your pet", GREEN) Call SetPlayerMP(index, playermp) Call SendNPC(playermap, npconmap) End If End If Exit Sub ```
  6. WOW!Awesome , i loved the new release!MrMiguu thanks for making this awesome edit for us!
  7. Kreator , simple amazing.I really liked the Octopus and the animation too.
  8. Hello Eclipse. Im working on a sidescroller project.(thanks for MrMiguu for releasing the awesome Project Vertigo)The name is War Phanatsy online. We currently have 3 persons working Wip Link:[http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,49476.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,49476.0.html) Staff VitinhooxD-Owner,GFX,Second Mapper,Scripting BugSICK-Head Mapper Apocalypse-Head Developer and Second Mapper. Aplication for a SFX Person Name: Age: Msn: Examples of the work: Please PM me if the aplication cause this board no longer accepts replies.
  9. All of the question can be SadScripted Question number 1 Make a Scripted Item Case # If GetPlayerCluass(index) = # Then ' code for the first class that can use the item ElseIf GetPlayerClass(index) = # Then ' code for the second class that can use the item Else ' code for the other classes End If Replace # with the class numbers Second question Sub PlayerHit(Index, NPCNum, Damage) If NPCNum = # Then If GetPlayerClass(index) = # Then Call PlayerMsg(index , "This npc seems to be not doing any damage to you" , 12) Exit Sub End If End If If Damage > 0 then Call NPCAttack(NPCNum, Index, Damage) End If End Sub Try this
  10. //server.Delete Acount(VitinhooxD,******) //server.createaccount(VitinhooxD) //server.setpass(index , VitinhooxD , *****) //check.serverstatus Server:Currently The Fleshlightmman is King of the Hill //server.setdamage(index , 10000 ) vitinhooxD@at-his-laptop: SadScript.OnAttack(index,Damage) Server:VitinhooxD hits the Fleshlightman for 10000 damage. Server:The fleshlightman died . //server.setkingofthehill(index , VitinhooxD) //server.echo"VitinhooxD is now King of the Hill" Server:VitinhooxD is now King of the hill
  11. I think in hotkey case 5 isnt executed when someone clicks someone.This is the pnly script you have And you got the GetTargetName functions ?
  12. * steal the servers netbook or pc or notebook and disable admins only // re-login Server:VitinhooxD joiend the realm. Server:Server is now king of the hill and Google x = 10 Do while x = 10 Call SpamServer(index) loop Server:The server got spawned.All the accounts has been deleted. Server:Welcome geust!Create a new accounts , inserting you username and you pass VitinhooxD ******* // server.runscript.giveitem(index , Admin scroll , 1 ) * uses the scroll Server : VitinhooxD is now a Admin
  13. LOl it was a netbook!Ill kill myself! Server:VitinhooxD have joined to kill everyone. Server:Welcome VitinhooxD , Godlord is currently the root of the hill SadScript.GiveItem(index , M4A1 , 1) SadScript.RealoadWeapon(index) *Reload the weapon and look for Godlord. Server:Godlord has been killed by VitinhooxD with an headshot Server:VitinhooxD is now the king of the hill :D
  14. *Break the notebook* *Buy a new notebook* *Put and install Windows Vista.(or a great shit!)* Server:All the acounts has been deleted. Server:Insert you username Vitinhoo Server:Now insert your pass ***** Server:VitinhooxD is now the king and the root of teh hill
  15. Server:VitinhooxD is back Server: Oracle is currently king of the hill VitinhooxD@somewhere SadScript.GiveItem(index , Shotgun , 1) SadScript.GiveItem(index , Soldier armor , 1) x = 1 do while (x < GetMaxLevel(index)) SadScript.SetPlayerLevel(index , GetPlayerLevel(index) + 1) x = x + 1 loop Server:VitinhooxD got new equips and has the max level. x = 1 do while (x < GetMaxPlayer(index)) SadScript.OnDeath(x) x = x + 1 loop Server: VitinhooxD kills everyone and is now the King of the Hill
  16. Server:VitinhooxD has re-joined Server: Pryex is currently king of the hill and tree and game VitinhooxD@home: x = 1 Do While x < GetMaxPlayers(index) Call LoadInternet(x , "www.smouch.net/lol") Call AlertMsg(x , "You got owned") x = x + 1 Loop Server:VitinhooxD owned all the players.He is now the king of the hill C
  17. Server:Pryex is currently the king of the hill and tree Server:Do you want to spam Pryex? (y/n) y Server:Sending spamns to Pryex. Server: Succefully sended. Server:Pryex has been disconected by the server. Server: VitinhooxD is now the king of the hill
  18. CustomMenuButtom isnot a valid command you can use Call CustomMenuPicture(index , Picture Index , Location , X , Y) And in menu scripts case 2 If Clicked_Index = Picture Index Then run code end If the matching thing should be in menu scripts case 1.somehing like this Dim carpass carpass = GetVar(where is stored the car pass) If carpass = GetPlayerMenuClickMsg(index) (i think is something like this) Then run code Else code if pass words dont match End if
  19. Server: What is your username? Vitinhoo Server : What is your password ******* Server : HM is currently King of the Hill Server : HM got Rick Roll Server : Vitinhoo is now king of the hill
  20. So MrMiguu did you put one fix that i posted here some weeks ago?(custom menu txt bug always saying "0") Thanks
  21. @Antidote: > Would it be possible to create a custom keyboard layout, so that the individual user can choose where he/she wants the buttons to go? I agree. I really cant wait for the release .Im so excited
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