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Everything posted by SilentGamer

  1. I have to ask, I really do not understand. What is the thing with gnomes? I am missing a key inside joke and it is bugging me.
  2. @Aeri: > Your work is bad and you should feel bad. ![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VCsqWxa1ENQ/TZI2HmpA6pI/AAAAAAAACUk/jQfDtz-68mg/s400/YOU-ARE-BAD-AND-YOU-SHOULD-FEEL-BAD.jpg)
  3. Very, very true. Why can't someone come on the scene with some fresh new ideas these days?!
  4. @Lynxaria: > I still don't know how you're getting an A for this Or he is lying.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5wqHrUD4Xg&feature=related This is another good one from them, it gets better during the end.
  6. @Pete: > I found that on StumbleUpon… That kid is a genius. Yeah, he really is good.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTx3G6h2xyA One of the best songs I have listened to in a while.
  8. I think he has a shine fetish. To be honest it looks nice but try blending in the two colours more, I think that will look more professional.
  9. SilentGamer


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DzB95M4eZ8&ob=av3n this pretty much explains everything in Skyrim.
  10. This is a really hard decision for two reasons. One, is it worth the money you are putting into it. Two, are you going to get a job in the market very quickly. I am in the same boat as you and am probably the same age as you. I am currently doing an level 3 IT Diploma in web design. The thing I thought to myself is what will I get out of it. The thing that I will get out of it is skills, but the skills that I want are all online. This A-level just points me in the right direction. That might be the same with you, so I would advise for you to do a course that does a general understanding of game design to see what area you want to specialize in. This will then determine if you need to go to university or not.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BseyCNMQBc&feature=channel_video_title
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5COSjeIzJtg
  13. I got ISFJ ![](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_3hyaG4pNj4Q/Sr6Y-myrQyI/AAAAAAAAAF4/r3JVtb89JhY/s400/isfj+poster2.jpg) I am: slightly expressed introvert slightly expressed sensing personality moderately expressed feeling personality slightly expressed judging personality
  14. ![](http://i2.listal.com/image/204907/600full-final-fantasy-viii-screenshot.jpg) This is an old PlayStation 1 game but I will have to admit. It is one of the best game I have ever played. It has big boss fights. An engaging story that is surprisingly long. The special moves from all of the main characters are spectacular and to finish it all off it has a trading card game within the game. I can't express enough how much I love this game and I think everyone should play this in their lifetime!
  15. Looks nice, you should make some more. You have some talent.
  16. My favourite developers are Bungie, Naughty Dog and Valve I don't have a favourite game, I have to many games I really like.
  17. You need to learn to spell **YOU EGOTISTICAL BASTARD** I like trains
  18. Looks nice, keep up the good work…
  19. > Epic announced a host of new features in their Unreal Engine 3 development platform today at this year's GDC, the biggest of which is support for DirectX 11 and its assorted tools. The problem is, for most people, these kind of announcements might as well be in Sanskrit – they're full of tech jargon that goes right by the average gamer. > > I've gone through in an attempt to translate what Epic means by Subsurface Scattering and Deferred Rendering. The bolded segments are features of the updated Unreal Engine 3 courtesy of Epic, followed by our explanation of what this means for games. Epic gave us the thumbs up for accuracy. Yay, us. > > ![](http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/115/1153284/gdc-see-what-next-gen-games-will-look-like-20110302082202731-000.jpg) > > Reflections are hard to do in games without wrecking performance. You'll notice that many games you'll play go out of their way to break any mirrored surface so that there's a plausible reason for them to avoid rendering your character's reflection. The solution Epic discusses here sounds like it'll take a simplified version of the scene around a reflected object (like, say, your character in a mirror or a polished metal surface) and apply all the different effects you'd expect on top of them. > > ![](http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/115/1153284/reflection_mapping1_1299179518-000.jpg) > > ![](http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/115/1153284/gdc-see-what-next-gen-games-will-look-like-20110302085923174.jpg) > > Materials like skin and other non-shiny surfaces aren't opaque, believe it or not. Your skin is colored the way it is in part because of the color of the blood running through the capillaries in it, and you can see some veins. This also means that when light hits it, it doesn't just bounce off. Some light penetrates it, which then eventually reflects back. Subsurface scattering sort of emulates this effect with light that hits surfaces the developers designate. Think of the difference between a plastic action figure's skin surface and your own. That's what Epic is selling here. > > Aliasing, put simply, is the jagged appearance that plagues edges in game visuals. Have you ever seen, say, a wire running diagonally from the ground to a structure that looked like it was a collection of horizontal lines laddering upward? That's aliasing. Anti-aliasing smooths these edges. There are a variety of means of anti-aliasing, but the most effective methods can be really hard on video cards. Hair is especially effected, because of its overall complexity. Epic is claiming a better implementation for materials like hair in the new version of Unreal Engine 3, as shown below. > > ![](http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/115/1153284/gdc-see-what-next-gen-games-will-look-like-20110302084525992-000-000.jpg) > > ![](http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/115/1153284/gdc-see-what-next-gen-games-will-look-like-20110302084429618-000.jpg) > > ![](http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/article/115/1153284/gdc-see-what-next-gen-games-will-look-like-20110302084428587-000.jpg) > > If I understand correctly, this will help with things like grass and trees too. When you play games like Bad Company 2 on the consoles, you can see this kind of aliasing (jagged edges) in the bushes and such. Article by IGN.com Isn't this great news?!
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoVb6-s-wEA
  21. Websites, websites everywhere… I can make you a website for the game when it has a stable idea and I can make a storyline, characters etc... Give me a bell if you need me, I will be here. Alone. Doing nothing. By myself...
  22. Have you ever just stepped back from this graphical art and just said "wow, this is terrible"?
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