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Everything posted by jna

  1. I've been playing lately. Jagex got rid of most bots and is attempting to upgrade graphics. I wouldn't be playing if it wasn't for my clan tho.
  2. Lots have left, when I come here from time to time I know very few people.
  3. Meh I still play runescape. If anyone wants to add me, feel free to. User is Jna
  4. Thought I'd share ![](http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/842/99magex.png)
  5. The Mistro one was the best in my opinion. All of them were very good tho.
  6. Haven't been here in so long, guess I'll post my stats for now till i decide to post other stuff. [![](http://www.rsbandb.com/sigs/sig135/jna.png)](http://)
  7. I'll try to donate if I get lucky with drops someday. Meanwhile you will have to wait :P
  8. All of the April fools were very good, I can't choose just one.
  9. jna

    Wtf Just happened

    I think I'll actually be active now.
  10. I should probably start playing again. Although I can't bother playing as f2p, gonna wait till I get mem. Also, grats on 99!
  11. I bet all the good movies are set to air in 2013 after the world ends.
  12. I have two white cats. Had two more but I gave one away and one ran away.
  13. jna

    VB6 Compiler

    Go to the client or server folder and open the client or server vb6 project. If it doesn't open, chances are, you have the wrong VB.
  14. jna


    double click on server.exe
  15. jna


    I repeat the questions you didn't answer: Did you run the server? -If you didn't then, well do it. Does it say offline in your computer or in a friends? If its in yours, edit the IP in the client to
  16. jna

    [EOXMAS] Limits

    So to answer the question he asked, yes you need VB6 and the legal way to get it is buying it in ebay or in a garage sale. There is no legal way to get it free.
  17. jna


    Did you run the server? Are you trying to run the game in the same computer as the server? Do the ports on the server and client match? Edit: Why did you make two topics? One was enough.
  18. @Fabio: > ![](http://www.speedtest.net/result/931420512.png) > anyone jelly? ![](http://reactionimage.org/img/big/023492342.gif)
  19. Should have seen this topic earlier. Its full of pomelos here.
  20. So many have tried to get a board here and failed.
  21. Are you sure there are two different warrior sprites(boy and girl) and that you set it correctly?
  22. Yeah they look very nice. Looked at it a couple of times and I can't find anything wrong.
  23. Welcome, hope you have a nice time here. PS: Choosing pie over cake was the best thing you could do.
  24. I always feel bad when I see everyone's download/upload speed. I barley get 100kb/s when downloading things and that's with luck.
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