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  1. Hello there, I am using Eclipse Storm (An edit by Captain Wabbit) And need a quick client fix. I will include a picture to make it as easy as possible. I need the Energy and Magic stat numbers swapped around in placement, as when you add magic, it looks like you are adding to Energy instead. ![](http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6418/helphere.jpg) You must be wondering why I don't just use VB6 and fix such an easy problem myself? Simple, every time I try to install VB6 this system crashes. Blue screen of death, no matter what I do. After requesting for help on the actual Eclipse Storm posting, I found my request was more or less blown off. So here I am now, asking for help from someone who can spare a few minutes to fix the source and upload the compiled fix. Thanks alot.
  2. JvK

    Face Maker

    Awesome little tool. Thanks for sharing :D
  3. Title says it all! Feel free to throw in pictures if you want! Suppose I'll hit it off. I have a Red Tail Boa. Picture is from a few months back. He's still young yet, but is growing rapidly. ![](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs771.snc4/67102_1755510768228_1252733935_1931306_2739072_n.jpg)
  4. JvK

    Friends and ip! :(

    You don't forward IP addresses, your forward the port number. Which will be four digits. Your other systems will connect just fine because they are all connected to the same local area network, your router. Your friends cannot connect with your server until the requested port is allowed by your router. So let's say your server port is 6969 you would have to portforward 6969, then your external IP would be what your friend's require to connect, as well as port 6969.
  5. JvK

    Equipment problem..

    It would be programmed on the client side, detailing which slots were masked over the other using the paperdoll effect. You would have to find the code and change their values so it would render the sword under the shield. If I could get VB6 working I would be more descriptive but I get a blue screen of death every time I try to install it. Huzzah.
  6. Aaron and Azyru you guys really don't need to be so negative about it. Nobody starts out a master. If you guys even possess mapping capabilities, think back to your beginning, did you ever dare too apply for a mapping position? A persons age should hardly matter, you two ragging on him and trying to play a guessing game on his age only makes you two appear less mature. Just something for you two to ponder. Not that you'd care. Prince, I hope that offer works out for you. We all start somewhere, and it's true when it's said that you are better then a great deal of beginners who come to the community.
  7. @Anna: > Why do you watermark ripped graphics? I second this notion! As cool as it is to see the old styles staying alive, the watermarking seemed a bit unnecessary, but to each their own, I suppose.
  8. Looks like it would make a killer cover for a CD album or something! :P Good job.
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