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Everything posted by varinyc

  1. People willing to learn are going to learn, regardless of this utilities existence. People unwilling to learn are not going to learn, regardless of this utilities existence. People are neither going to get better OR worse at programming by using this utility (given they have the correct mindset) It's a glorified Copy-pasta to save time x_x, that's pretty much all there is to it. lol There really isn't much benefit to doing it yourself*, especially since it's said to log changes. Copy-pasta-ing never just injected new knowledge into anyone's mind x_x * (this is excluding bugs in the utility, which would then bewilder people when it DIDN'T work.) Awesome work Soul =D. I'll be using this here shortly with my 2 new systems ^_^
  2. @FalafulOnline: > My internet has a cap and I was wondering how much running a server takes up. > Hopefully somebody can give me so data and stats on bandwidth usage. > > Maybe for a 20+ people server? Do you have dial-up internet? If no, you're good. If yes, you're still good
  3. ![](http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/102/344/original/1298787074140.png?1298787241)
  4. varinyc

    How to script ?

    @soxio: > Oh it dosnt i'm currently using Eo, does that mean I cannot add things such as guilds etc? It means you will have to program one in WITH VB6 :)
  5. @soxio: > I'm developing a game which will be a _**proffesional**_ online RPG Game. I _**need people to help me**_ make some maps maybe _**design some stuff and basically everything**_ since it's hard on my own. > > I'd like to say thanks to robin and all the people that helped make this engine good job guys! .__0?
  6. Maybe I should change it to REOC x_X
  7. Yus Seriously @_@ ![](http://www.google.com/url?source=imgres&ct=img&q=http://imagemacros.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/do_it_faggot.jpg&sa=X&ei=9VnKTb_4KIPJgQfLtonyBQ&ved=0CAQQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNHKI5e4xDC7GWo3pi-QbGfeRGhv_Q)
  8. @Kreator: > Robins awesome, I trust him, I want his babies, etc, etc =D Apple Bloom has been added D:< cleaned up the thread a bit. It's still a work in progress ^_^
  9. @dxxknight: > sorry for the post but i love how the first one in season 2 says 1970. I set the date to 0 because the actual thread that the post is located in is locked xD. but it says 1969 on mine D:
  10. Updated the topic with the beginning of Season 2, as well as added to the Robin Doesn't need Words section =D aaaand this thread is almost a year old o.o
  11. I find it cool that the snip of comedy on the portion with the hands is read from right-to-left.
  12. Have you tried installing the VB6 Runtime files (SP6) either manually, or with winetricks?
  13. @Rose: > It runs perfectly for me on BackTrack 4 r2, Ubuntu 10.10, and Debian using wine. Just go through the steps of running the Library Files Installer correctly through wine. I was afraid of this x_x. Then it's probably just because of my broken computer >_< *Currently building a newer setup* Whelp, thanks folks xD
  14. I've Gotten The Game working, starting, & connecting. But Around the time the Game Form loads, I get RTE - 5 and other Direct X related runtime errors. (based on what I've looked up on VB6 RTEs anyways) I was told it wasn't DX, but "other" VB6 dependencies that were the issue. Anyone know more about this? or on getting DX working correctly under wine? PS: I Have Windows 7, I'm not interested in just getting the game to run. I can already do that. I want to get it working under wine, among several other things. Any help is appreciated ^_^
  15. @crzyone9584: > then var will go into the credits when i release a new version. Too lazy to find my original thread to change it right now. But I don't need credit for anything outside of ES. It's depreciated, I'll be releasing a new one once I get a new computer & can fluff out all the details (completely redone from scratch). It's my gift to you Crzy! I hope you'll look over it once I get it done.
  16. @crzyone9584: > The short mail system is not part of the friends system. But I will release it for those who would like it. An EO compatible version to the one in ES: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,50294.msg524602.html Thanks Crzy, You had more patience with it than I did x_x
  17. @cpunerd96: > Guys, you don't have to be so mean. First of all, it's not your place to say no to him, it's Robin's. Second of all, what's wrong with having a bow and arrow system implemented? Sure, Robin may not want to do a quest system yet but wasn't there a bow and arrow system in past versions of Eclipse? I don't know. I'm not an Eclipse veteran and I don't know how hard it would be to program these changes but I do know what's rude and what's not. ^ Next an Hero
  18. Donating didn't work for me today x_x Finally figured out my problem though, wasn't my GFX card at all, it was a bad stick of RAM x_x sorry for that waste of your time :(
  19. The Scripting.Dictionary Thing doesn't quite do what I was thinking it did x___x This thread is useless now xD Sorry for wasting your time Robin!
  20. @Azure: > I believe you have mistaken my face for that ass you were licking the day before. I just can't handle stupidity like that, good day to you. You know I love you, but it's been 3 years! My perception of love has changed, and I realize that I don't love you quite the way you have loved me. That and your sister has shown the the most wildest of dedication ~Tear~ sharing me these last 3 years with a sibling she finds repulsive. I think it's best if we ended this… btw, I think she changed her number yesterday... I was told not to give it to you though :/ But that's a family issue, Not mine! I..... I have to go... I'm really sorry... But I have a birthday dinner arrangement with her in an hour or so. I think I'm going to propose! =D
  21. @Robin: > If you've already got a system to load a player's data, then simply get the guild name from that, then open the file with the same name. I'm Messaging a group of people, all in the confines of one guild. I cannot Load the player Data before I know what players are in it. Nor is there any way of figuring out who is in what guild Unless they're online. At least Up to ES it is this way, I haven't used EO yet. **Dictionary Method** Sending a message: Message sends to server > Server looks up Members through the Loaded Guild Array > sends message Finding Guild Info for a certain player: Player Requests GuildInfo > Server Dictionary Searches the Loaded Guild Array for Player > Finds Player's Guild & Info on Guild OR **Index Method** Sending a message: Message sends to server > Server looks up Guild Name By looping through the index > Players Found > sends message Finding Guild Info for a certain player: Player requests guildinfo on an offline target > Server Searches for player > Finds player > Finds Guild Name > Server looks up guild name by looping through the index > Finds Guild Info This is just one of the few things I'm working on. There's other examples of this I have as well. All I wanted to know is if it was a good method to try out, or if it just LOOKED good but actually ran slower. And If anyone knew if something like this would affect my game from being compatible with windows 7\. because I've never really messed with that resource menu before.
  22. ._. I'm Slow on the News it seems D:> Rock on Jcsnider, Looking forward to this projects future :)
  23. @Robin: > If you want to use player's data when they're not logged in, simply write a handful of systems which allow for data manipulation in offline accounts. Similar to LoadPlayer & SavePlayer. But what about Loading a Guild UDT at startup? I'd have to either look up all the guild names in an INI/TXT and load the files like that. Or Number the files. I thought Numbering them would just be faster. So How would I look up which file had which Guild Name other than Going through all of them in a loop till I found it? Or better yet, say I DO Name the files by guild & load them, How Would I go about finding out What guild a Player is in? I thought It'd be much easier just to search the already loaded Guild Info for a name than it would be to look it up through another separate Offline version char file. Since Scripting.Dictionary should be able to look up a char in the Guild through it's Array. I'm sure there's many ways to skin a cat. I just dunno what way would be fastest and/or most efficient. Or if I'm overlooking another option
  24. Woohooo! Added a bunch more quotes and other goodies D:< Thank you JS1!
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