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Everything posted by adr990

  1. Yes and it's very easy to do so. :P I suggest figuring this out yourself. Just look for a code in EO that makes the player block (already told to much eh) , and the rest should be easy enough to figure yourself also. Tutorials ain't make to just copy and paste and let others customize the code to your needs. Unless you think the code actually has a problem, you should do things like this yourself. Adr990 Hint: You don't add another attribute for this, just change the code of kibbelz.
  2. Heya, edit nvm, figured it out: -=- Also, are there any requirments for the NPC which will be the Pet? Does it need atleast 1hp etc. and every stat 1 etc? Thanks in advance, Adr990
  3. Oh I just fingured, and replaced the j's by i's instead of changing the Dim, I didn't see the Dim yet. I'll fix it up the right way this time, eh. And yes, this should fix it. :) -=- Yep, ofcourse it did. haha Great man, thanks for helping me through those little mistakes of fail.
  4. Uh Zopto, read what Lightning just posted: "put the PetMapCache global call and the PetMapCache type in modGlobals, not in a procedure. xD" I placed it wrong too.. *shudders* .. [/ashamed] So this: ``` Public Type PetCache Pet(1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS) As Long UpperBound As Long End Type Public PetMapCache(1 To MAX_MAPS) As PetCache ``` Should go in "modGlobals" Edit: Sorry for double post.
  5. I most of time comment thing out, yea, eheh. I'll do that, right now, but.. Oh my, believe it or not.. I've got a new error: fixed, replaced j's by i's.. as in tutorial.. somehow that got messed up.
  6. Ah, so there it was supposed to go. Oh my.. I should read more carefully. Thanks for your time and help Lightning. :) > I also just skimmed through the code and got rid of a few things which would cause an error. (Not for me, for you) ;) Ah, I indeed noticed it was touched not to long ago. So, I'll go and re add everything on both Server and Client again? * Or actually, remove some code.. haha
  7. Oh, excuse me. eheh I meant that I did update my previous post with my new problem: > Ok I sloved the IsPet and PetData problem, but now I've got this: > > >! ![](http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/8872/petmapcacheerror.png) > > I removed all NPC's and Map's. > (though sometime I need to learn how to use and code a converter..) > > Edit: My 100th post, yay. eheh Eh, yea.. this problems really makes me lost, I can't even think of something at the moment. So, the Server compiling is telling me I didn't add the Sub of PetMapCache, or there is something wrong with PetMapCache at my side, but I can't fingure it out.. Edit: ``` Public Type PetCache Pet(1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS) As Long UpperBound As Long End Type Public PetMapCache(1 To MAX_MAPS) As PetCache ``` I think I've placed that code wrong. I just placed it right after: ``` 'View Current Pets on Map If PetMapCache(Player(Index).Map).UpperBound > 0 Then For j = 1 To PetMapCache(Player(Index).Map).UpperBound Call NPCCache_Create(Index, Player(Index).Map, PetMapCache(Player(Index).Map).Pet(j)) Next End If ```Because I thought it should be safe to do so. Maybe I got it wrong there, eh?
  8. Oh it seems we've got the same problem hmp. But no, I have no fix for us. I really can't think of anything this time.. heh Edit: lol @ Ugh
  9. @Lightning: > Have you updated the MapNpc UDT correctly? You must have skipped it as I haven't seen that error since I released this tutorial. :P Well I added: IsPet As Byte and PetData As PetRec to Map To 'MapNpcRec' And it went on. .. to the next error.. :P I've got this new problem, I edited my post just after you replied. eheh (About PetMapCacheā€¦ now I'm lost, heh)
  10. Ok I sloved the IsPet and PetData problem, but now I've got this: >! ![](http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/8872/petmapcacheerror.png) I removed all NPC's and Map's. (though sometime I need to learn how to use and code a converter..) Edit: My 100th post, yay. eheh
  11. Nice kibbelz! I was about to add something like that too. :P Though I might edit it a little bit up. Thanks man.
  12. Yes but, I like to have such things being easily editable for the person who will be doing the GUI's. eh Oh, also, the picturebox should be set to False. Forgot to mention that.
  13. Cool! I saw this in some game before, and I thought it was a pretty cool addition to show how rich and stuff you are. I'll try this, and eventually face the same problems as posts above.
  14. Yea, I know it sounds stupid, but only until now I realized what timers are for. .. eh btw this is what my bar looks like: (Yes, I didn't spend much time to the GUI placement, Stamina bar yet.) >! ![](http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/1324/79796248.png) >! ![](http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/7643/58363742.png)
  15. Hello everyone, I wanted to add a delay on login, to avoid kind of problems you could possibly have if there wasn't a delay. :P There probably are like almost none, but just in case. Well here is the code: Make a picturebox in frmMenu (I have it all over the Menu). Name the picture box "delaypic", and set it to False. Find "If isLoginLegal(txtLUser.text, txtLPass.text) Then", under "Private Sub lblLAccept_Click()", in frmMenu. Replace everything under it with: ``` MsgBox "Please wait a while, until the Delay is over." frmMenu.delaypic.Visible = True frmMenu.delaypic.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\load\" & "delay.bmp") Sleep 10000 frmMenu.delaypic.Visible = False Call MenuState(MENU_STATE_LOGIN) End If ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "lblLAccept_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ``` Ofcourse you can modify it to what every suits you. I've got the idea from Reign of London's Eyecatch Framework. And yes, I know the 'Msgbox' probably could be like a GUI pop up, I probably will update the tutorial for that later. ~Adr990
  16. Ah nice man! I was about to add that once in my game, just didn't get to it yet. Thumbs up, heh. I'm gonna test it out, -snip nvm- Thanks for sharing this tutorial, I learned from it. :) (As I didn't have any idea where to start yet actually.. lol) Edit: Works good. Though, I might do it the GetTickCount as suggested by lightning. As timers do slow down the game? (idk) I also will try and make it use the exp/hp/mp bar way, I believe there even was a whole tutorial about that, but first gonna try it myself. Edit2: @ Helladen: Find: ``` Sub ProcessMovement(ByVal Index As Long) ```:) -=-=- Edit3: Got it working, I'm fine with what I have here. Now I wonder if I can make it some kind of stats out of it. So that if people level up, they can upgrade their Stamina. I'll go and try that.
  17. @QWERTYUIoP: > Thought I'd report this; When you chat any longer than the picScreen, instead of going over the line, it just carries on, off-screen. I know this is like almost a month old topic, but I didn't feel like creating a whole new topic for it. But I have the same problem, and I can't figure out how to put a limit on it. I tried random things, but nothing did what I wanted it to do, limiting the chars which you can type at once.
  18. Yea, that's actually a good idea too. :P I indeed was making it a loading screen, as those 3D games have. But now I see what you wanted to do with it.. that's no bad idea at all! Hmm, I'll see what I can do with it, I need to rebuild the GUI anyhow as of yet. :)
  19. I tried it, I had some spare time. I like the idea! But the loading times don't that that long, but sure it's okay if you have a active server and lot's of people playing it. So adding a timer delay would just delay it for no reason, besides the player still can be attacked? I know that's where the timer is for, but still.. Anyhow I want to tweak it to only be there when there is a need to load it. I'll shear it when I'm done. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Edit - I'm done. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ok instead of looking for this: ``` ' Check if they can warp to a new map If Map.Up > 0 Then ``` And do what Carim did, like adding timer etc. Do this: Go to: ``` Public Sub LoadMap(ByVal MapNum As Long) Dim fileName As String ``` And find: ``` fileName = App.Path & MAP_PATH & "map" & MapNum & MAP_EXT ClearMap f = FreeFile ``` Right under that add: ``` frmMain.picCat.Visible = True frmMain.picCat.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\data files\graphics\load\" & "load.bmp") ``` _(And yes, now instead of map 'eye' use: 'load' - also use only one image 'load.bmp')_ Which is just above: ``` Open fileName For Binary As #f Get #f, , Map.Name ``` Now add the part to close it when loading is finished: Find: ``` For X = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS Get #f, , Map.Npc(X) Next ``` Right after that add: ``` frmMain.picCat.Visible = False ``` Which should be right above: ``` Close #f ClearTempTile ``` You're done!! :) - Though, in most cases it will just show up for likeā€¦ 1ms? :P I'm playing it local host and stuff, but I even tried 100x100 maps and it still didn't take long at all. **You still must add the Picture box: 'picCat' like told before by Carim.** ~Adr990
  20. I meant just one button on the Keyboard like: TAB to switch the checkbox, btw. :) And thanks for pointing out about the transparency of the chatbox. Really gonna save some screen space, and make the GUI look better.
  21. Heh, yea I wanted to do something like that too. I think this is the best way to do it, maybe I'll go and add a keyboard button switch for it too, besides being able changing it by mouse. Thanks man. -=-=- Besides, how did you make the Chat transparent, I remember trying that quite a while ago.. But couldn't figure it out. Edit: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72039.0.html I guess what Akio posted will work. I can't try now though as I'm doing exams. Will try it after them though. heh
  22. Woah! Amazing! Really nice. Thanks dude, I will really try and play with it after I'm done with my exams.
  23. Awesome! I will try and play with this after my exams.
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