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Everything posted by Lenton

  1. Lenton


    OMG, YOU TWO AREN'T SPLITTING UP ARE YOU? ![:o](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//ohmy.png)
  2. Lenton


    The all caps, it burns.
  3. Why has that swing only got one piece of rope?
  4. Woah there, you can't post your meal without instagramming it first. ![](http://i.imgur.com/ldg56si.jpg)
  5. Coffee is great if you need to wake up in the mornings but tea tastes nicer. Conclusion: I vote tea.
  6. You got a spam email, big deal, Eclipse didn't get hacked.
  7. Most games on Eclipse are already single player. Trololoo
  8. Display a picture in a forum post? You must first upload your picture using an image host such as http://imgur.com Then get the URL they give you and place it inbetween BB code img tags: ``` [img]http://example.com/image.png[/img] ```
  9. > Stupid jagex… Lol, how's it Jagex's fault?
  11. Everyone has a new "wide" layout and yet when I log into my account I don't have it. I've tried logging in on a different account and it works therefore it's something specifically wrong with my account. This is what it looks like: [http://i.imgur.com/Zz07E.png](http://i.imgur.com/Zz07E.png)
  12. > I highly disagree with you. Chromium is way better because it has more letters.
  13. Obviously because Chrome is crap.
  14. MrSean, are you still working on that Web Eclipse engine? Would love to make some mods and additions for it.
  15. What I want to know is why everyone's got a cool widescreen forum and I don't. I have it when I'm logged out but when I log in it goes back to the old format.
  16. I said **IGNORE** step 4.
  17. Follow this tutorial, ignore step 4 since you have already port forwarded: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,68370.0.html
  18. The problem is that you're using your external IP address ( for "Destination IP Address" when your supposed to use your internal IP address. To find out what your internal IP address is; open Command Prompt, type "ipconfig" and press enter: ![](http://www.home-network-help.com/images/ipconfig.jpg) Now go back into your router's port forwarding settings and replace "" with your internal IP address you got from Command Prompt.
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