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Everything posted by Robin

  1. INI should only be used for dynamic file flow or manual editing requirements. It should also be cached 100% in memory.
  2. Make a new thread. Origins didn't exist back then.
  3. Chrome is more streamlined than Firefox. It's just a matter of time before all the bells and whistles get tarted up as well. Until then I'll stick with Firefox, but if you've ever used it in a professional environment then you'll know that the stability and performance is lacking.
  4. Please don't do that. Some things need it.
  5. Once the Chrome plugins I need for web development and adblocking have matured to the level of the Firefox ones I'll jump ship.
  6. Calculations are based on pixels. Make sure you haven't changed measurement properties of the various controls to 'twips'.
  7. Robin

    Eclipse Teamspeak

    ![](http://i.imgur.com/DVpOk.png) **1.** Download the client here: [http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads](http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads) **2.** Install & Run. **3.** Connect. ![](http://i.imgur.com/y3J4g.png) **4.** Fill in details. _Server IP:_ ![](http://i.imgur.com/AKh8h.png) **5.** Bug me about Origins. ![](http://i.imgur.com/nNogV.png)
  8. Ventrilo > Teamspeak. Get some regulars and I'll appear from time to time.
  9. Robin


    @Nothing: > I changed the picScreen size, rearranged the UI, and changed the GUI. That's your problem right there.
  10. Robin

    Gay Marriage

    @Admiral: > I saw this topic and thought Robin was getting married. I haven't been engaged since Joe was around.
  11. Robin


    You guys are reading way too much in to the whole 'advice' thing. It's a perfectly valid stance. There's no way in hell I'd take programming advice from someone who'd never programmed before (and believe me, many try) nor would I take interface design advice from someone who's never designed an interface before. In terms of using pure CSS3 it's pretty impressive. I've been doing something similar for the NHS. As the program uses my own implementation of Gecko I have full control over everyone having the same functionality. When you start being able to take advantage of outlines, box shadows and linear gradients your designs can really do something different. Please don't forget the importance of a strong, well-designed logo. Using plain text might make sense from a programmer standpoint, but it makes zero sense from a design standpoint. The letterpress effect also makes zero sense in a banner. It's designed to make the text feel like it's printed on the 'texture' you create. You want the logo to do the opposite. It should pop out.
  12. @Captain: > Same > >real men Oh, that's so cute! I bet you still install drivers, too.
  13. Robin


    @Chief: > I just like to do the navigation first, but I'm working on it, lol. Once I get enough of the site down, I'll post the URL so you can tear me a new hole. /shrug. I just say how it is. You don't need to listen to a word I say. ;] Generally speaking I do waffle on, but I do have an eye to spot issues even if I don't always have the solution to fixing them. A lot of the time I'll spot something which looks shit. A real designer would be able to tell you how to change it. I'll simply suggest something to do instead.
  14. Robin


    Much better. Colour scheme has actual contrast. Ditch the stupid '90s pattern background, though. Also stop making damn navigation bars and posting them online. Build an actual template. Any critique I make is isolated. In terms of website quality I need the actual website in front of me to tell you what's what. I will point out now that I'm not a fan of the Web2.0-rounded-rectangle-faux3Dgradient-letterpress bullshit which has been made popular by phone app GUIs. I'll also point out that although this was popular from 2007 - 2010 it's getting _very_ stale now and the people who are jumping on the bandwagon are very late to the party. Minimalistic colour is making a come back.
  15. Robin


    Letterpressing comes from a light source. Light sources come from subtle gradients. You have the letterpress effect without the light source. It's the same as adding highlights to a character design without adhering to the light source in the rest of the piece. There's nothing technically 'wrong' with your design, it's just bland. You've got some plain text logo, some pretty ugly colour scheme tucked banner… thing and you top it all off with a generic texture background and letter press effects. It's pretty hard to critique a header by itself, but yours just pushes all the wrong buttons. A header is the main navigation of your page. It's the first impression of your brand or product. All I'm saying is that I wouldn't want people looking for my stuff to be greeted by that.
  16. Robin


    The saying goes that money can't buy happiness. That's true. It's simply easier to find happiness when you're not having to worry about issues caused by lack of money. We were perfectly happy in a dilapitated council house for years when I was a kid. We'd have been more happy if we'd had the money to repair the smashed windows or the money to actually turn on the heating. Money can't create happiness which does not already exist. It can boost existing happiness, however.
  17. Robin

    Gay Marriage

    About bloody time. Glad to see the Lib Dems going through with their promises. Hopefully their plans to reform drug laws also get that backing of the Tories. Take note America. Third party actually managing to change things. They also oppose the various internet censorship bullshit which is getting imported from across the pond. Looking forward to decriminalised drug usage and more internet free speech. I'm actually not regretting my vote now. For a while it seemed they were just Cameron's bitch. Turns out my correspondance with the local Government was matched by a lot of other people. Glad to see things making a difference. [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17375736](http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-17375736) Also; Religion. > Earlier this month, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, said the "grotesque" plans would "shame the United Kingdom in the eyes of the world" if implemented. Hurr durr. Fuck you, Scotland. Go be independant.
  18. Robin


    @Chief: > Thing is, its a fad that died off. Nobody does it anymore, so if I do it, and keep it purely simple, then Its original enough to pass. Trust meh, I know what I'm doing. No you don't. The fad has not died off, it's simply devolved in the realms of the copycats at the bottom of the pile. Couple that with your failed attempt at letterpressing and you've managed to jump on just about every single Web2.0 bandwagon 3 or 4 years after they've passed. Add in the shitty colours and pure text logo and it looks really, really dire.
  19. Looks like another Christwire tbh.
  20. Don't loop that shit. Origins is event-based for a reason. Continue that design philosophy.
  21. Robin

    Kony 2012

    Already posted the same over on Crystalshire so I'll simply quote it here. @Robin: > This isn't meaningful at all. The idea that a bunch of kids posting about him on Facebook is going to do anything is laughable. > > This video was filmed in 2003 and Northern Uganda have been free from LRA violence and war for over 5 years. Hell, they even signed a peace accord. > > Yes, the leader is out there but the recruitment of children has dropped by 80%. This isn't because of some stupid internet viral video, it's because of the Ugandan military and the ICC. > > The Invisible Children group are trying to pass a bill which allows the USA to militarize the region. They're providing misinformation to get the support of the gullible American teenagers who post this shit all over the internet. > > The West, especially the US, so often intervenes with good intentions and just bollocks up the entire thing. There will _always_ be another 'Kony'. The only way the West can help with a long term solution to Africa's problems is to support Africans as equals in their attempt to achieve economic and social liberation and stability. > > Stop kidding yourself that America is some sort of super-power which can solve everyone's problems by killing one side or the other. The world isn't separated in such a black and white way, just as people aren't. > > You need to think more long term. Why did a group like the LRA form and gain traction? Even if Kony and other LRA leaders are caught or killed central Africa will remain a place where militia groups feel comfortable using children as soldiers and the violence will continue. > > A real solution to the problem of the LRA does not focus on the LRA. Grow up and stop looking at global politics with such a sheltered stance.
  22. You'd be better off asking your Grandma for help with programming than Eclipse. No one here does any sort of real programming except a handful of people who have better things to do than answer questions on here. Go register on an actual programming board. I don't want to bring back a damn section which is just Jungle asking how to make 'Hello World' programs in Java then crying when no one answers him.
  23. Stephan seems to hit the nail on the head. I'll simply re-iterate what order I did things. **1.** Learn how TCP/UDP packets work. Figure out how client events can be triggered by server packets. Set up a simple client-server chat system to get this framework down. **2.** Get a basic graphics engine. I'd suggest anything which allows for NPOT bitmaps. No idea what kind of libraries C has to offer so talk to Stephan about that one. That guy knows everything about everything. Find out how to render some basic tiles. Then your character. Then build your chat system on to the graphics engine and get on-screen text rendering working. **3.** Input. Now you have a graphical environment you can talk in you should make it so you can handle input. Don't bother trying to have the input do anything yet. Simply get a few lights on the screen which turn on when certain keys are pressed. Use an actual input library, _not_ the default Windows forms stuff. Personally I jack in to the Windows events directly and handle all mouse & keyboard events with that. Maybe get some basic GUI elements going. Boxes you can drag around or something. **4.** Loops. Now you have a packet driven server-client framework with event-driven processing. What you need now is logic loops. You'll want them both server and client side. The server-side loop will handle all processing for everything. The client-side loop should be limited to things like memory management, animation and input checks. **5.** Entities. You'll probably want to start with something basic like the actual player. You'll probably be wanting to use structs (or classes if you're going OOP) so go read up on the best ways to store data. Whilst you're here you might want to look at creating a generic library for saving and loading struct data easily. Personally I just do direct memory dumps to binary for most of my things and more advanced INI (you'll probably be using XML) for things which are more dynamic. **6.** Link it all together. You've got graphics, you've got input, you've got entities, you've got logic. Now you have the hard part. This is the part where pretty much everyone on this forum falls down. They think that because they've got a UDT and a DD7 front-end that they've got a game. So far you've had libraries do almost all of the work. You're just linking in to other people's systems and using their functions. Now you have to make the systems which are specific to your project so you can't exactly use other people's work. Truth be told you'll probably end up here a few times. I made at least 4 or 5 different engines to handle my projects over the last few years. You learn from your mistakes, so going back and starting again allows you to go over the same old problems with a fresh look. Eventually I woke up and realised I could literally do anything I wanted. As soon as that happened I created a game engine, made Crystalshire and was set for life. Use this time to just learn everything you can. You're at the age where you can literally do anything. It was when I was your age when I first started picking up on all the skills I have now. Don't rely on other people. Learn how to program, learn how to design, learn how to write, learn how to present, learn how to compose, learn how to create websites, learn how to bridge software, learn how to create videos… learn anything you can get your hands on. If you have a thirst for learning then you'll never have any troubles in life. Everything I've learnt from doing this over the last decade has accumulated in to who I am today, and it's a nice feeling to know something you messed around with as a hobbyist has so many real-life worth.
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