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Everything posted by Skillzalot

  1. these always fail before anybody actually does anything, so im with robin on this one no
  2. Skillzalot

    Quest error

    No problem, if you have any more questions feel free to post and ill see what i can do
  3. Skillzalot

    Quest error

    its means the way alatar coded his system when you get all the items it auto completes and puts you on next task :D
  4. what did you do the quest log works fine for me
  5. it doesnt update automatically, you need to close your quest log and re open it
  6. I say look at the way robin renders the blood, or spell animations and figure out how to change it
  7. I got this to work as well as the stun spell, but the dps aspect is giving me a hard time, instead of doing the damage I get the pvp zone message. Any ideas on how to change it. I pulled this snippet out of my source ``` ' Non AoE Damaging Spells Else If isInRange(Spell(SpellNum).Range, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(MapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(MapNpcNum).y, GetPlayerX(Victim), GetPlayerY(Victim)) Then InitDamage = Spell(SpellNum).Vital + (Npc(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(MapNpcNum).Num).Stat(Stats.intelligence) / 2) Damage = InitDamage - Player(Victim).Stat(Stats.willpower) If Damage 0 Then StunPlayer Victim, SpellNum If Spell(SpellNum).Duration > 0 Then AddDoT_Player Victim, SpellNum, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(MapNpcNum).Num End If Exit Sub End If End If End If End Select End Sub ```
  8. Nice job Dj, got it working just fine
  9. Looking good, keep it up
  10. error 10084 means your trying to open another server on the same port
  11. Looking nice keep it up
  12. Looking nice I like them a lot
  13. You got a lot of nice work going for you man. Can't wait to see what you pull of with that storm thing of mine :D
  14. To sum it up in one word experimentation :D
  15. What do you need: A website What colors should be used: Blues,Grays,Blacks(Stormy colors) What genre should be used: Matching this gui if possible![](http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/8531/backgroundfb.jpg)
  16. Other than being really really small i like it
  17. Release when your good and ready. Looking forward to it :D
  18. Um ya just give him the download link
  19. Skillzalot


    I find it to be unique and pleasant to look at
  20. Its cause in the PlayerRec level is set to a byte which limits it to 255\. All you have to do is going into the Client and the server and into the Playerrec and change Level As Byte to Level As Long. Then you need to delete the characters and stuff and there you go.
  21. I can confirm that if you add your own midis to the music folder the map properties will always reset to none.
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