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Everything posted by Zuleloan

  1. @DrNova: > Grats! > :) > > I'm going on 3 1/2-4 years now, roughly. > > (offtopic, I love the Eragon series, cant wait till the last book) there is going to be another!
  2. This one the favorite one I made [http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=1226108](http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=1226108)
  3. Zuleloan


    I can test or map if needed. working the examples… I cant find them
  4. Happy Birthday! 15 it is right?
  5. ~~2. George Bush Reason- he makes americans sound really stupid. Description of Termination: Should be attacked by the _Internets_~~ Is this considered treason? nvm.
  6. I'm lucky that speech is like a study hall… Rhetoric is my killer class, English 1001 and 1002 formed into one class...
  7. Zuleloan

    The Perfect Game

    I was going to say that…
  8. isn't there a command that does that?
  9. Z is one of the least commonly used letters U least common vowel L I needed a bridge E most common letter L I don't know about this one O liked this letter A as in apple (what I was eating at the time) N I cant really remember where this came from edit Pronunciation: Zoo lee an
  10. Zuleloan

    The Perfect Game

    @Robin: > Personally I'd add a new skill, that allows players to re-build things. With a commission from the Baron of the place, of course. That would be cool. I would add an entire new job to the game. People could pay other people to rebuild their house or build them an entire new one. It would be cool to have weather affect the buildings as we like snow covering everything or wind causing damage to the roofs
  11. @Niko: > Don't question the ban hammer. so is that a yes, because if it is I'm in.(jk)
  12. Zuleloan

    The Perfect Game

    what if at night npcs respawn and they heal the buildings That solves it!
  13. Zuleloan

    The Perfect Game

    movable blocks and destructible environments,Every tile can have an attribute that allows it to be swapped when its health runs out. OMG I had to hit reply 4 times
  14. I'm going to day of a mental break down
  15. @Niko: > - + bone you want to neutralize him?
  16. I'm taking six college courses and a high school schedule…
  17. @Robin: > My username wasn't inspired. I lack an imagination. I was thinking batman…
  18. move-able blocks for puzzles and such. ability to sell and equip stuff to multiple classes…(can't really remember if this was done yet) ability to set the direction and location when you use the fire arrow command. (for traps) more than 10 npcs per map (Balliztik said he was working on this)
  19. You should put this resources so it doesn't disappear
  20. @‪‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭Admiral: > They don't mate; they are Asexual (for those who don't know, it means one Triop has both sex organs, so it does not need to mate, it can procreate on it's own). Each one will lay an egg (or eggs) before it dies (kinda like that Water Horse). > > Once all of them are dead, dump out the water, and let the gravel they were in dry out; then, after days later, fill it back up with water and watch the next generation grow xD > > Also, Triops can get pretty big too… > > They eat just about anything. Put them in an Aquarium with some tropical community fish, and chances are they will end up eating the other fish. No limit to how big they can get either, the more they eat, the bigger they can get. > > Take a look at this monster: > ![](http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/7757/triopsnumidicusak6.jpg) > > Before they died, (of old age, not the eaten ones), they laid eggs (see the above part of my post). If it was just one left, chances are it laid an egg before it died xD there are only males and hermaphrodites
  21. I've been tinkering around with the game and its pretty fun. Anyone else try it? Here is a link to the game: [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=107299&package_id=115859&release_id=599901](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=107299&package_id=115859&release_id=599901) BTW this is a programing game I'll post a ship in a couple of minutes. [http://www.mediafire.com/?zsygz3um3lx](http://www.mediafire.com/?zsygz3um3lx) Thats mine :)
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