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Everything posted by shadowwulf

  1. grrr. Not bashing Robin especially since I should know this stuff inside and out by now… but we really need an EO with only these small fixes inside. His personal projects is way beyond the version he released publicly so I don't blame him for the little buggers we find here and there.
  2. yeah i know I can set the original size to crazy huge but I wanted to make towns(at least the small ones) a single outside map with indoors each their own small map. but making the large map is freaking out.
  3. Rofls I unlocked it. helps when reply-ing.
  4. shadowwulf


    @Anna: > There was no variety of melee attacks Morrowind's melee attacks were interesting because depending on how you moved would depend on the attack type I always stick to bows as a main weapon but i thought I saw that there are lines in the game like "a [whatever level] blade skill will let you swing [whatever way] and cause [whatever effect]" Like dive backwards and power attack or something… idk just started playing again.
  5. I am having the same issue… having a total brain fart... Can you give an example of the fix? I added "ReDim Autotile(0 To Map.MaxX, 0 To Map.MaxY)" but that failed epicly. :/
  6. that is even easier… In the attacknpc and attackplayer(ok 1 line repeated) set player target type and target to the correct info.
  7. "switch to the mouse"? I would expect that you would want to conform to the usual WASD movement and mouse for targeting and activation like all other RPGs. But anyways, in the handleattack sub you can check the spots in front of the players by checking the direction they are facing then checking for npcs in those spots going as far as the weapons range value. :)
  8. yeah that part… DX8 rendering isnt put in or something.. I know im right on this being explained before at least. :P
  9. I believe Robin has said that some work is to be done to finish the paperdoll system as it isnt done in DX8 yet.
  10. sent you a PM. but thats the total support you get on the subject.
  11. Magic and Summoning in a space fighter??? Whaaaaa? Looks good but all too familiar. Hoping this is a legit project and does well. Would be nice to see a couple of these more unique ideas take off.
  12. I personally use DriveHQ.com for milestone backups. Hasn't failed me yet.
  13. Unless you want to purchase something that can scan the modified dates and updated just what you changed then the fasted way would be to select your game folder and hit shift+del… JK. every file seperately and overwrite the backup. Or be anal like myself and always make a new backup zip named the date. Then every month put those backups in a folder with the month/year as the name. then every year put those folders in a folder with the year as the name. Then every decade... jk...
  14. wow. Why aren't you just editing the draw text line? After the variable containing the NPC's name add ``` & " " & npc(npcnum).level ``` Might be harder than this since i havent actually looked but thats the direction I would have headed.
  15. lulz. I only needs a flat png to throw behind the number. I already coded all the rest. I suppose I could code all 20 images and refresh it, but I would think that would slow things down and besides, I have been unsuccessful with shrinking 'real' images. thought maybe someone artistic could make a 32x32 or so image of one.
  16. Here is a screen shot of my test map. Notice in the top center of the GUI there is a '20' This was the last attack roll by the player. It is updates as the player makes attack rolls. Request details: -Die is relative to that font size.(meaning that 20 is the largest number so it should just about fill the side of the die) -numbers on other sides must be unrecognizable(can't have 2 sides with a 7 or anything like that) -Transparency is a plus but not necessarily required. -preferably a wood or stone texture if possible. I am open to creative alternatives though.
  17. This is a very old thread guys. These were just a set a found and reconfigured so I won't be using them myself nor working on them.
  18. Can someone give me a breakdown of how this is reading the png files? From what I can tell, It is checking specific spaces(192x192??) and looping through the amount of frames suggested in the editor. Do all frames of animation need to be that big?
  19. this has been posted alot. The real question is, can you find one where you can add your own pieces and make sprites?
  20. Awesome. Got it working. Thanks.
  21. hmm. I don't think I am understanding it. Looking at the line ``` RenderTexture Tex_Char(sprite), ConvertMapX(x), ConvertMapY(y), rec.left, rec.top, rec.Width, rec.height, rec.Width, rec.height ``` It asks for "byval colour as long = -1" I tried adding numbers from -50 to .5 to 50 and either the image doesn't show at all, or it is normal. Is there a way to have say 50% opacity?
  22. Is it possible to set an opacity with this command? I am still googling…
  23. Has anyone come across a template for RMVX autotiles? I want to convert the set I am using over but I keep getting issues with corners. I think I just need to get the base shape right before I do AA but I am swinging and missing so far…
  24. Is anyone else having an issue where a player is facing an npc that is 'north' and the NPC's feet are on top of the player's head? I will provide a screenshot if absolutely needed…
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