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  1. Ok, Heres how you make a Npc have its level over its name. First, Open Client.vbp. Now scroll down to "ModText (modText.Bas) And double click it. Now push "ctrl" + "F" Keys. Type in "Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long)" Now scroll down a little until you see- >! Name = Trim$(Npc(npcNum).Name) TextX = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).x * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(Name))) If Npc(npcNum).Sprite < 1 Or Npc(npcNum).Sprite > NumCharacters Then TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - 16 Else ' Determine location for text TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(Npc(npcNum).Sprite).lHeight / 4) + 16 End If >! ' Draw name Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, color) - Now, Right Under the >! 'Draw name Call DrawText(RexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, color) - Add - >! ' calc pos Level = Trim$(Npc(npcNum).Level) TextA = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).x * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$("Level " & (Npc(npcNum).Level)))) If Npc(npcNum).Sprite < 1 Or Npc(npcNum).Sprite > NumCharacters Then TextB = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - 5 Else ' Determine location for text TextB = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(Npc(npcNum).Sprite).lHeight / 4) + 5 End If 'Draw level Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextA, TextB, "Level " & (Npc(npcNum).Level), color) - Now scroll back up to "Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long)" And find - >! Dim npcNum As Long - Now, Right below it, Add - >! Dim TextA As Long Dim TextB As Long Dim Level As String - Now your done! Go up to your vb6 Toolbar, And click on "File" Then click on "save project" Then, Click on "File" Again, And click on "Make Eclipse Orgines.exe" Or w/e your game name is. Now your done! :D Simple edit, I know, But it took me like 2 hours to figure it out o.o Good for noobs like me, right? :D I don't take credit for anything except for copying and pasting o.o Heres the full code for it - >! Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long) Dim TextX As Long Dim TextY As Long Dim color As Long Dim Name As String Dim npcNum As Long Dim TextA As Long Dim TextB As Long Dim Level As String >! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler >! npcNum = MapNpc(Index).num >! Select Case Npc(npcNum).Behaviour Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_ATTACKONSIGHT color = QBColor(BrightRed) Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_ATTACKWHENATTACKED color = QBColor(Yellow) Case NPC_BEHAVIOUR_GUARD color = QBColor(Grey) Case Else color = QBColor(BrightGreen) End Select >! Name = Trim$(Npc(npcNum).Name) TextX = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).x * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(Name))) If Npc(npcNum).Sprite < 1 Or Npc(npcNum).Sprite > NumCharacters Then TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - 16 Else ' Determine location for text TextY = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(Npc(npcNum).Sprite).lHeight / 4) + 16 End If >! ' Draw name Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, color) ' calc pos Level = Trim$(Npc(npcNum).Level) TextA = ConvertMapX(MapNpc(Index).x * PIC_X) + MapNpc(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$("Level " & (Npc(npcNum).Level)))) If Npc(npcNum).Sprite < 1 Or Npc(npcNum).Sprite > NumCharacters Then TextB = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - 5 Else ' Determine location for text TextB = ConvertMapY(MapNpc(Index).y * PIC_Y) + MapNpc(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(Npc(npcNum).Sprite).lHeight / 4) + 5 End If 'Draw level Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextA, TextB, "Level " & (Npc(npcNum).Level), color) ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "DrawNpcName", "modText", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub - All you have to do is erase "Public Sub DrawNpcName(ByVal Index As Long)" And right click on your mouse and select paste! :D Thanks for reading, And i hope its easy to understand….Because i like reading easy to understand tuturials! :D
  2. I need a good guide for eo! I found one, but i ddnt understand it. Im new so i need a simple guide. I know most of the basics, so if it could be straigh forward, that would be good. Thx!
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