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Everything posted by Reguba

  1. God this thread needs to die… It's making me want to spend lots of money on an absolutely decked out computer that I really don't need... Anywho, best of luck with everything going perfectly smooth with the new computer(it usually never does :O)
  2. Hmm, personally I would recommend Norton. I know a lot of people don't like it but I have yet to figure out why… It has been really, really good for my computer lol. :P As for McAfee, my sis uses that and seems to like it enough.
  3. Haha, awesome video thanks for sharin' :)
  4. Reguba


    Mmm, DBZ… Grunting men... Anyways, Sy|exus the reason I say "series" when speaking of nausica is because I'm used to seeing it in manga format lol I haven't seen the movie in a long time. Anywho the manga is broken into like 4 parts or something.
  5. Reguba

    Draw a house!

    9\. Did you draw a well or a pond? Yes No ^Really? My castle rocks.
  6. See, that's what I'm afraid of though… I'm lotsa luck and no skill... Which! I might add isn't all bad. :P
  7. For anyone who hasn't played L4D here is a little background. Once you complete any of the campaigns the game shows your stats as if they were credits for a movie and then at the very end of the credits it says how many zombies you killed. I just thought that this number was rather funny. :P I about bust gut after I finished this round. [![](http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/5187/1337zombiesux8.th.png)](http://img354.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1337zombiesux8.png) Just thought I would share the laughs.
  8. What is today, but yesterday's tomorrow?
  9. Hmm, broken image monkey boy. All I see is "Image Hosted by tripod" As for the 1st, I'm really looking forward to those noodles, don't let me down Mr. Monkey.
  10. Oh hot damn break out the noodles monkey boy!
  11. Reguba

    Perfect World

    I hope this isn't terribly off topic, but any of you guys looking forward to trying the PW company's new game due around spring 2009? Ether Saga. PW never caught my attention that much but their new one has.
  12. That was odd… Oh and I listened to that with headphones on and something about it really hurt my ears... Like it had bass I couldn't hear.
  13. Reguba

    Attempted Anime?

    Heh, looks pretty neat Mr. Spike!
  14. Hmm, CO never really caught my attention enough to make me want to play it. On the other hand I did play Knight Online for a while, I really enjoyed that game even though it was rather laggy at times.
  15. I got me Left 4 Dead and a WoW gamecard if that counts as a game.
  16. Reguba

    Time problem

    Also, when you set the time for compy make sure you set it via the interwebs, that way it always keeps itself up to date.
  17. Well, they are a bit over the top silly for me but at the same time you do a good job with that really goofy cartoon look so in the end I must say they arn't bad. :P
  18. Mmm, I do want to see a movie…. The Curious case of Benjamin Button - I thought it looked pretty interesting.
  19. All you guys havin' a good day? Get any good loot under the tree?
  20. Hehe, I love Jeff. Awesome comedian but he certainly ain't the "best" ventriloquist, none the less he is good.
  21. I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy holiday season, I hope you all enjoy spending (if you can) time with family and friends and other loved ones :) Be safe and enjoy all that holiday food, presents and fun! And for all you students out there, enjoy the nice long break from school you're gettin'! Btw I'm loving the holiday forum theme!
  22. Reguba


    Ok, here are my all time favorite things: 1\. Fullmetal Alchemist - Great anime + GREAT movie ending, very well done. (I preferred the eng. dubbed over the original Japanese version though.) 2\. All of the movies made by Hayao Miyazaki which include, -Castle in the sky -Princess Mononoke -Howl's Moving Castle -Spirited Away -Nausica series -Google the rest. 3\. Hell Girl - This one for me is an experiment that I stumbled upon, very dark short stories which at the end of the season tend to turn into one merging story. Pretty interesting I would certainly say give it a shot. Some other people have mentioned Death Note, I read a synopsis on that one, seemed very cool from what I read. I would say that one is worth a go, but I would prefer read the manga :P I'm a geek that way. I'll keep thinking and see if I can remember any other REALLY good ones. (I'm very picky with anime and manga…. Naruto can go to hell.)
  23. Reguba

    Battle Bots!

    Opps, lol I read the name as "Oink the Killa" :P Sounds pretty neat Niko keep us up the dated.
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