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Everything posted by L0lz

  1. L0lz

    First Sword

    Oh dear god fix the hilt!!! But yeah fix the hilt and the blade could use a bit more lighting at the top. BUT FIX THE HILT FIRST.
  2. Most of the character renders are out of focus on the signature, try not putting them off to the side and cut down on the premade brushes for your main effects. You just gotta be more creative with what you know.
  3. L0lz

    Hi im new

    0/10 I not even mad ;o.
  4. L0lz

    Nom Nom Nom

    OMF- Give me one. Those look fucking yummy.
  5. @Thorn: > No, he basically just does it by word of mouth. I'll tell him to set up an internet store, though. > > Also, buying stuff from a company doesn't entitle you to free stuff from them. At any rate, most private servers just suck. Custom vendors? Great, I can get my sanctified T10 gear by talking to this guy. All the custom quests that I've seen are just more Kill X many Y, and ALL the private servers I've EVER seen have had many things that don't work, I.e. some class spells and general features. > The only good custom features that I like, and these are the private servers I WILL play on, are the ones where they build platforming areas. You know, where there's a ton of floating stuff in a giant field, and you have to get your way to the top? I kick ass at that. > > What it comes down to though is just to get a job. It isn't hard, you can get a dishwashing job anywhere and in one night you'll have enough for a month of subscription fees with cash left over. Ever play Wow Legacy? That was awesome. I guess I've had a better experience than you D;. Also getting a job varies from one area to another, so don't say it isn't hard because it definitely isn't. More areas especially in the us are effected by the economy more severely than others which makes it hard to get any small job like dishwashing.
  6. @Robin: > @l0lz!: > > > I also go to school in a semi rich/middle class area in CA > > Ah, that explains it. Middle class kids generally make a big deal out of doing anything their parents said were bad for them. Especially the super christian ones ;D.
  7. @Robin: > @l0lz!: > > > It's also really annoying when people act hardcore with weed and try to be all ducking cool with it. GOD that's damn annoying. > > Your friends are idiots then. Everyone I know barely see it as a drug. I smoke it at lunchtime in my van whilst at work all the time. I never said they were my friends. I also go to school in a semi rich/middle class area in CA, it's probably different from where you live I'm sure.
  8. @SoiWilliamSoi: > @l0lz!: > > > I hate how weed doesn't do much to you if you don't smoke it frequently. It's probably why 80% of everyone I know does it. It's also really annoying when people act hardcore with weed and try to be all ducking cool with it. GOD that's damn annoying. > > It's because you don't smoke sweetheart. So assholes bragging about a harmless plant being some hardcore drug like Meth aren't annoying when you smoke weed? Jesus Fucking Christ, that makes me not want to touch it even more. ;X
  9. I hate how weed doesn't do much to you if you don't smoke it frequently. It's probably why 80% of everyone I know does it. It's also really annoying when people act hardcore with weed and try to be all fucking cool with it. GOD that's damn annoying.
  10. L0lz


    Their crafting system is horrible. The quests were okay, but it's usually those lame tasks you do, nothing interesting. Other than that the customization was pretty neat and the graphics ran well on my computer.
  11. @Thorn: > They're illegal because you're experiencing the content that people worked long and hard to make and they aren't getting any payment for their work from it. It's kind of like downloading music, you're not depriving anyone of it by taking it, but that doesn't mean it's not theft. > > 15 a month is easy. Like I said, find two quarters a day on the side of the road and that's it, failing that find a job as a dishwasher or something. If that doesn't work, you can always make and sell stuff, I have a friend that makes chainmail. He can sell a chain shirt for like 300 bucks, and people do buy them. > Also, chainmail hacky sacks are badass. Marsh can kick them into a puddle, and we can keep going without getting crap all over our pants xD What if you've bought their games, and multiple copies of them, and have payed for more than 3 years of subscription fees? ;D. Also Private Servers are a damn different experience then retail, custom features, vendors, quests etc. I remember scripting boss encounters for shits and giggles. Gud stuff.
  12. @Eldoril: > @ Aramyth, > > To get rid of that completely, could that entire file not just be deleted? Is it absolutely necessary to make the game run? I'm pretty sure that timed event file isn't going to to ruin anything. If it does just restore it via recycle bin. ;D
  13. @Ninja-Tech: > Let's reanact doom :) ;D
  14. Constant communication, a way to share files, compromising, both putting effort into the work. Etc. Sharing Client files and hosting the server also allows for multiple people to be on at the same time and allows them to all work on the client when ever.
  15. It's like Yahoo is trying to be the Hardcore Gaming Know-it-all's, but is miserably failing. x_X
  16. Why are they referring simple acronyms as LEETSPEKS? I feel like raging.
  17. I found it pretty fun, the only reason I stopped playing was..idk. Most MMOs I play end up delete somehow.
  18. I thought he was lynched D;
  20. @Marsh: > I have used winrar for years and years without registering. This.
  21. Woops, Didn't see that. Still though, use that as an example. xD You should thought make some tones a bit more dark. Test out the colors.
  22. Here's a quick edit. ![](http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww204/Oxyblood/Test-4.png) I fixed his shoulders, they were too stiff and up. I also fixed the face a bit so it looks like he's looking forward instead of down. Also the feet looked too dead so I did a quick sketch so it looks like he's standing on a surface. You should take those points into consideration.
  23. I'd like to see the man animated. Also his posture is a bit weird. The weapons are pretty good, but could use some contrasting. Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post. ;D Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post. :icon_nif:
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