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Anna Comnena

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Everything posted by Anna Comnena

  1. How is a no-scoring tie in soccer surprising?
  2. @Soul: > cum up with this ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/annacomnena/silly/reactions/kagami-lol.jpg)
  3. Not bad, but I was thinking this would be Cameron Diaz fanart or something.
  4. One thing I think is stupid, is why such legal "matings" have to be based upon sexuality. What about two heterosexual bros (or sistas) living together for years wanting to have legal rights to eachother? I mean the fact that they live together suggests they have economic and social investments in eachother. The whole point of marriage is an economic transaction between multiple individuals. Traditionally this has been to effectively provide for offspring, sure, but that doesn't mean individuals don't have social and economic investments in any other people they live with on a daily basis.
  5. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out is probably worth a lot since it had a limited run (once Tyson went to jail NES being a family friendly company dropped that particular liscence from Punch-Out! and added the Mr. Dream version). My brother had that, traded that and Double Dragon to a friend over a schoolbreak summer for a couple other games, but the next school year that other kid was gone (didn't say they were ducking moving away). -_- Oh yeah then later he loaned Secret of Mana to someone who later claimed a burglar hit his apartment (more like he pawned it for drug money). That made me mad because although it was my brother's game it was my favorite SNES game at the time. Luckily I was able to find Secret of Mana at a used game store a couple years after.
  6. Come back when it's an open beta, or keep it to Paradox/Seatribe communities, please.
  7. Mr. Dream Punch-Out or the Real Punch-Out?
  8. Wait… someone from the UK is talking about not having privacy? xD
  9. I liked grandpa with the "nigga gone fishin" shirt
  10. Was that a Japanese sitcom about the average American family?
  11. Yeah I didn't move it, I just removed a spam post, which ironically now would be acceptible in the thread since it has been moved to Chit-Chat. But this thread did kind of feel like a Coke v. Pepsi type of thread anyway. Edit: anyway for this topic in itself, I prefer Firefox because I'm comfortable with it. Also early on there was that drama about Chrome spying on you and whatnot (and now with the recent Google privacy changes) I'm trying to ween myself off the Google juggernaught somewhat; call me a hipster contrarian if ya want, that's more than fair.
  12. Is that a Glock, Anthony? Really? :P
  13. @Harris: > Chrome has a feature where if you click the address bar, it selects all of the text. This is the only thing I chose Chrome over Firefox for. Other than that, they're both equal for me. Um… like every browser does that?
  14. Yeah I agree. Makes me think of the South Park episode where Michael Bay goes all batshit crazy with movie ideas.
  15. I agree with Zonova actually. Instanced gaming is good for small action segments, and I like that aspect with a cooperative PvE (or even PvP) action, combat-intensive segments. But if the game is still nothing but these combat segments, it's worthless in the long run. I don't care how elaborate your combat system is, without other aspects of interaction in a persistant environment, your MMO is useless.
  16. Remember what board this is (for whomever is missing a post they made).
  17. Anna Comnena


    A child board for Haven & Hearth wasn't made to get more people. It was made because the Video Games board was filling up with nothing but H&H threads back in the summer of 2010\. I don't think one will be needed for Wurm.
  18. Anna Comnena


    I was under the impression that a lot of the building, terraforming, and economic features of the game were limited to free players. But I think it still might be alright. Snimmy likes it, but she played that back before H&H came out too.
  19. Are you gonna release this on a movie night like before? Any planned dates?
  20. Everything bad about religion has been derived from religion becoming an aspect of state. Admiral; another thing I think is awesome is how prominent, even in the King James version, of how against Usury Jesus was. And yet if you even bring up things like Muslim Banking, you're called a terrorist. Or that even how prominent the sin of usury has been in the Bible, yet ignored by the Church in general (ofc when some of the Popes were Medici that would be an obvious).
  21. Of course it's speculation, because not every question and concept we have or may develop is based on or can be derived through empirical means. That is where the scientific method will always need some support from other epistemologies. So for the hipster rebel kiddie athiests types who shun any forms of religion and claim to be "scientific" are crippling their own development.
  22. Nobody disputes that. But anti-religious people also don't like to accept that epistemological concepts and constructs are not all based on pure empiricism, either. Most internet atheists always talk about "science" yet they fall into poor psuedo-science concepts and things that are equally epistemologically lazy as issues they whine about religion over.
  23. Wait, there's a Windows 8 now? I still roll with XP.
  24. Oh yeah one thing with a Game Genie, is those help extend an NES's life. One of the problems the old NES had was that stupid lift thing would mess up connections, but having a game genie helped support and reinforce the connections.
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