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Everything posted by Mellowz

  1. Give me the IP and port.
  2. Give me the IP and port.
  3. I've heard of this happening before, but I don't know the problem. There's not enough information on the subject. I actually had someone send me their server and client after the bug occurred and it worked just fine on my PC.
  4. I didn't focus on fixing 32x32 sprites since I thought no body used them. Now I know. Thanks. (: **EDIT:** Alright, I fixed all the bugs except the drawing bugs. All the drawing is about to be re-done so I'm not going to even bother with that.
  5. Mellowz

    Windows 7

    Eclipse Evolution works on Windows 7.
  6. Alright, I've created a sub-routine to dump the packet into a file. ``` Public Sub PacketDump(ByVal LogMessage As String, ByVal FileName As String) Dim FileID As Integer ' Check if we're logging. If Not ServerLog Then Exit Sub ' Build the full file name. FileName = App.Path & "\" & FileName ' Get an available file number to write to. FileID = FreeFile() ' Open up the requested file and write the data. Open FileName For Append As #FileID Print #FileID, Time & ": " & LogMessage Close #FileID End Sub ``` Make sure you include this **server-side**, preferably right below **AddLog()**. I would have a finished tutorial for you, but the bank code has changed between revisions. Just make sure you add add this to the server-side sub-routine **SendBank()**. Add this line at the end of the sub-routine BUT BEFORE the call to "SendData()"! ``` ' Dump the packet as-is into a file. Call PacketDump(packet, "Logs\PacketDump.txt") ``` Run the client until the error happens, and then post the PacketDump.txt file on the forums.
  7. Mellowz

    VB6 Problem

    Probably running the wrong setup file… there's a few in the installation.
  8. Next time it happens please tell me the following values for these variables. Index, BankSlot, and ItemNum Also a few questions… 1.) Is the bank full? 2.) If not, how many items are in it? **EDIT:** Also, I need the error number, but I'm guessing it's an "Out of bounds" error.
  9. Mellowz

    Do anyone?

    Why don't you just play the International version of Legend of Ares?
  10. You don't need to open another thread because no one is answering you in the other one. Locked.
  11. @Xeross: > Well the problem with SVN is that it's all remote so for a log, revert, or any operation it needs to query the remove server, with GIT all is stored on the local PC saving bandwidth and it's a lot faster. It also has built in branching etc. where you use folders with subversion. > > Regards, Xeross It's fast on POSIX-based OS's, but as developer I really don't see these as reasons for switching over.
  12. The basic commands of SVN and GIT are all that I need to develop and application online. I use commit, log view, and sometimes patches, and that's it. You don't need all those other features to develop Eclipse. Why change to GIT when SVN works just fine for the type of development Eclipse requires. Sort of like, "If it isn't broken, why fix it?"
  13. @Xeross: > You ment you've used SVN and GIT ? and SVN came out on top, hmm, seems like you chose SVN because it's a lot easier. well hope it gets public soon, and I'll create a GIT repo from the SVN. > > There will still be a use for releases: for people that don't know how to use SVN, for stable releases instead of potentially unstable trunk. > > Regards, Xeross GIT and SVN have just about identical functions which are done in the same exact way. People who contribute would call them "revisions" and not releases.
  14. Eclipse already uses an SVN server, but it's not public. ![](http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l80/Mellow972/eclipsesvn.jpg) I want to make it public (read access), but I keep forgetting to talk to Marsh about it. I've used them both, and SVN comes out on top. However, if we make the SVN public, it will defeat the purpose of releases as everyone will just download the latest working revision.
  15. Mellowz

    Chat logs.

    It's working for me in the re-release of 2.8… I haven't changed anything, either.
  16. Look at the loader to see what it was loading last, then go on from there.
  17. If you don't include App.Path at the beginning, VB will automatically assume you're talking about the applications base directory (where the EXE is).
  18. This is probably a bug… try replacing this (in the client, of course): ``` Private Sub txtChat_GotFocus() On Error Resume Next frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.SetFocus End Sub ``` With: ``` Private Sub txtChat_GotFocus() On Error Resume Next frmMirage.SetFocus frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.SetFocus End Sub ``` And see if that fixes it. **EDIT:** This happens when you log into the game client?
  19. Mmm… thanks for reporting. See people, this is what I want to see. (: The 32x32 code is ancient and is rarely used so we don't test it. I'll check it out.
  20. The issue occurs inside of VBMP and cannot be fixed. The next release uses DirectX.
  21. If you have a status script that displays if your server is online or offline, then that's why. That's the IP address of freemmorpgmaker.com making connection requests to your server.
  22. I was un-aware of this. Thanks for reporting. (:
  23. @Ermenia: > Hello > > i have 2 questions: > - Where can i find the credits (not frm credits) but all the names that are in the credits > so i can change that and add some names > > - Where can i find the commands /trade and /party etc. > > i hope someone can help me > > Greatings, > > Ricardo > > (ALS JE NEDERLANDS BENT EN JE WILT HELPEN MET HET PROJECT MAIL NAAR [email protected]) When I programmed frmCredits, I put all of the names in a picture box. You'll have to re-size the client in the IDE, stretch the picture box down to reveal a picture box inside of the bigger one. The client-side commands can be found in a sub-routine called HandleKeyPresses().
  24. This is a bug and his been fixed in the Eclipse 2.8 re-release. Right now it's in BETA testing for Veteran's and donators.
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