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Everything posted by swiftdeathsk

  1. I'd have to go with DDO as well. Great game, really. Although I actually play WoW. It's a casual game I play when I've got some spare time, it's fun and simple, so I have no issues paying a membership for it. I hope I didn't just pour the fuel for a WoW-flame thread.
  2. Well, don't that just take the cake, Pieguy…
  3. I'm sorry, but lol. Asking someone to randomly be your friend rarely, if ever, works. But best of luck.
  4. @Jaktik: > The game I am working on currently has floating health bars in the weirdest places… any thoughts or suggestions or fixes? NPCs on the map with no gfx maybe? Thats all I can think of.
  5. @Zyvo: > Has anyone else heard? > > They're making new content, with new classes. The Waterborn, I'll go back on it when they're done with that installment. I want to play the Assassin! yeah, I'll probably test the new classes a bit for fun, but hopefully I'll stick with my currently-level-46 venomancer til endgame. sadly, the game has a theme of "get rich quick or get lost" recently, especially with the recent quadruple in gold prices from the anniversary sale. Makes buying cash shop items damn near impossible unless you are rich or pay with real cash.
  6. the image converter creates a blank image when using 128x192 sized RMXP character sprite sheets. here's the one that I personally used that is giving me this problem, perhaps you can look at it and see what's up? It was mentioned earlier in this thread, as well. http://www.untamed.wild-refuge.net/images/rpgxp/ff/knight_f.png
  7. I must be the only person here who has never experienced this… of course, 90% of the time I don't even remember my dreams due to sedation caused by sleep aids (horrible chronic insomnia)... PS. Best Signature Ever, TT Snim.
  8. Jade Dynasty open beta just started, its from the same makers of Perfect World International, just with better (imo) features - and no cash shop, thank god (cant buy your way through the game like PWI). Several different types of quests instead of primarily grinding like many MMO's have *cough* WoW *cough* If you liked Perfect World, I recommend at least giving Jade Dynasty a shot.
  9. @DrNova: > Is grindy, but if you can handle that its a fun game yup, grindy as hell later on. but it's fun in all other aspects. when I get my good, non-laggy computer running again, I'll have to take some better screenshots. youtube vid i made of my venomancer going all-out badass on a ton of mobs, this is the game in action: [Perfect World International - Heavy Venomancer (Watch in HD)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdTA0lSYIe8)
  10. I'm simply pointing this out, its a prebuilt high performance 3d graphics engine that includes other features like collision detection and particle systems. I thought maybe it might be of some interest to the community. wither or not it is used, that's up to the devs.
  11. just now posting Perfect World International? It's been out for closing in on a year now (Sept 08). Good game, but turns into a grindfest at later levels (grinding starts in mid-30's, but only gets bothersome around the 50-60's. Depending on how you do quests and if you use your genie alot, the grinding either gets worse or better by this time.) It's still a great game, though. I play it often, in fact I'll be getting on my cleric in just a few minutes, heh. The graphics can go as low as making DOS games look more appealing (exaggeration, of course), and as high as to compete with next-gen games. I recommend this Free-to-play MMO to any mmo gamer. As well, check out the other game currently in Open Beta by Perfect World called Jade Dynasty (also known as Celestial Destroyer and Zhu Xian)
  12. Here's a few vids that any game developer, indie, mainstream, or hobbyist, could benefit from. This person has many great ideas and an interesting perspective on video games and how they could be improved as a whole. Personally, I consider myself a Hobbyist (with a chance of scattered Indie ^.^), and I try and fit at least 2-3 different ideas in a single game from this. Watch these vids, I'm sure you'll at least be interested in the ideas, even if you don't use them. (I've put them in a single playlist) [Improving Video Games - Playlist](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN0qRKjfX3s&feature=PlayList&p=F1DAC7FE78740A59&index=0&playnext=1)
  13. I haven't been in the game making biz for awhile, and just recently jumped back into it. Among the new engines, I've come across a graphics engine called Irrlicht. I won't link to it, due to rules (unless this is alright, otherwise just google it). Also, I've noticed that the newest version of Eclipse uses Java. There is a java wrapper for the irrlicht engine, as well. There is a project development with the RPG Maker series (XP to be exact), that is currently implementing this, successfully too. Irrlicht is 100% free to use, even in commercial games, and it's amazingly fast with 3D graphics. I'm talking 800 FPS with a 3 year old computer on a demo map with lightmapping, animations, etc. It also has collision detection built into the engine. and the .dll file that allows for all of this is only a few MB large. @from: > Features > The Irrlicht Engine is a cross-platform high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++. It is a powerful high level API for creating complete 3D and 2D applications like games or scientific visualizations. It comes with anexcellent documentation and integrates all the state-of-the-art features for visual representation like dynamic shadows, particle systems, character animation, indoor and outdoor technology, and collision detection. All this is accessible through a well designed C++ interface, which is extremely easy to use… > > ...The engine is open source and totally free. You can debug it, fix bugs and even change things you do not like. And you do not have to publish your changes: The engine is licensed under the zlib licence, not the GPL or the LGPL. > > ....NET language binding which makes the engine available to all .NET languages like C#, VisualBasic, and Delphi.NET. > > ...High performance realtime 3D rendering using Direct3D and OpenGL > > ...Platform independent. Runs on Windows95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Linux, OSX, Solaris, and others. There is even a pre-made 3D world / map editor, called IrrEdit, that you can download with this, and it works separately from the irrlicht engine, allowing you to just add the map file instead of the editor. This might make creating the maps in-game a thing of the past, or improve on this feature, depending on how it is implemented. Just figured I would point this out to the devs here at Eclipse, maybe help making a 3D engine a bit easier to do. I know that 3D is already supported, but maybe this will help reduce any lag there is, or allow for a wider range of resources to be used. I really think this could benefit Eclipse as a whole. But ultimately, it is up to the devs if they use this or even consider this or not. Also, just let me know if posting a link to this site is alright. PS. not intended as an advertisement of Irrlicht.
  14. Doc? what say you? (yes, improper grammar ftw! :P)
  15. @Al: > yea i think members + free count as 'all quests'? that's not the point… i was actually refering to just the free quests (since i still havent even finished all the member quests, and i love doing quests). the fact is, the requirements alone to even start Dragon Slayer, the end quest, are unachievable in a day, especially for a beginner to the game. and even if he did get the skill requirements to do Dragon Slayer, the fact is that doing all the quests takes too much time to complete, even if you are cheating and run through the entire quest without having to figure things out on your own. then there is the matter of money to pay for food and equipment while you do these quests, since many quests require food for lower levels. even sitting there scamming people into giving him money for stuff takes awhile. therefore, the possiblity of finishing all free members quests "without playing long" as he put it, is 100% downright impossible unless he cheated - in which case makes the game suck because you dont have to figure out the fun stuff on your own. And before he responds saying "I cheated!", I want you to prove it! tell us exactly how you cheated to get all quests finished so quickly. and a legitimate cheat method, not some shit like "i hacked jagex and gave myself 99 in every stat" or something like that.
  16. @Locke: > First off, where in the hell did you come from old buddy(Swift)! Reguba!! or should i say Locke! Lol, I've been without internet for over 9 months, plus i hadnt really been online much right before i lost it… I came back and I'm amazed at the progress Eclipse Evolution has made! I'm assuming that it was Scribbles / Mellowz that debugged the program and helped make it run smoother? Anyways, for the actual topic: Runescape has many new features and updates, along with edited / removed ones. for example, the Grand Exchange place allows people to sell their stuff while they go train, and to avoid dealing with idiots while trying to sell something. On the other hand, they have put in place a Balanced Trade feature that only allows a player to trade a difference of 3k (or more if you are a member and have more Quest Points, ie. i can trade like 15k cuz i have a ton of QU) per 15 minutes... Personally I don't really mind any of the new changes, I just play as i normally do.
  17. i told him not to do it again… but you insisted on antagonizing him >_>
  18. @jcsnider: > I made an account, and beat all the quest in a day and I didnt play long… impossible… especially if you didn't play long. just getting the quests to be able to do Dragon Slayer takes over a day due to leveling and stuff... and if you said you played it for 1 day, and beat all the quests, you have absolutely no possible life. anyways, runescape is a good game, but some of the newer features have ruined it for many players - personally i could care less because I'm done with interacting with other players through trade and stuff... at least i have the Grand Exchange, so that i dont have to screw with idiots trying to trade some ashes for a rune armor item... the community is the #1 worst thing about runescape - but my solution is to not interact with that section of the community. for instance, i try to play only at night so that there are less players. I also play / train in secluded areas with few other people around so i can be left in peace. occassionally if i meet someone that is training or playing where i am, and they arent a complete idiot, i may add them to friends and chat later on - but if they turn out to be a dumbass, they are blocked. i havent played for a few weeks, i still have a membership on my lv 93 account. i'm more interested in Perfect World now.
  19. 7.5/10 for both they are pretty good, but not perfect… and im sorta strict when it comes to judgement :P of course, i will admit that i do not have the best eye for criticizing artwork...
  20. meh, you've got a point… anasky, from here on out you are the King of Noobs in my book!
  21. @anasky: > Uhhm, are you guys serious? > It looks like you're all noobs… > Hold on, I'm posting here! SO I'M A NEWB!?!?!?!?!?!?!? > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > AAAh! > > (etc. etc. etc...) that's not funny, thats just really annoying… yes it's what a noob would do, but please dont do that again... ___________ where's the bathroom in this place?
  22. you know, im pretty sure some of us dont even need to pretend in this game >_> _________ i has good idea fore game! it lyk a mmorpg, but not lyk all u games, it better! play it wiht me! __________ experienced member: "you have to right click on the screen" noob: "okay" -30 seconds later- noob: "i cant find a marker to write 'click'… is there another way?"
  23. hi. im marsh. lol jk marshmellow!
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