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Everything posted by Yuko

  1. @Scypher: > It's called Sarcasm. Learn it. :confused: I don't like sarcasm. And plus it's hard to tell when you're reading it like you're supposed to be helping me.
  2. @John: > This is pretty useless in my view, but some people see a use for it. Well I guess it gives people things to work on, so the game isn't just battles and quests, some people like leveling and skilling(usually girls :P). But anyways…yeah it is kind of useless..
  3. @John: > He is saying copy + pasting tutorials will never really teach you anything… Which is true, in theory if you try and merge the systems yourself, you will start to pick up on the programming concept along the way. Rather with tutorials people usually just copy + paste mindlessly without even reading the code. I'm just going to go on that you guys cannot read.. > ^Implying "Copy this to that" teaches you anything. Reading and trying to understand the code does however. He did not say it doesn't teach you anything JUST Making a point there. And anyways just move on. When someone says they don't get it why do you have to get all in it. Do you have something against me, if you do feel free to message me and not fill up this forum post. KThx
  4. 1st and thanks. I don't know if I'll come across needing this ever, but I'm going to try it out anyways.
  5. That made no sense whatsoever… don't you mean "DOESN'T teach you anything"?
  6. @John: > Never said i was smart… Well apparently you seem like you can merge those files. I can't. I'm sorry I came here to learn new things.
  7. Well you don't need to stick it in my face. SOME PEOPLE Just don't understand what stays and what doesn't. If you have a problem with that you need to learn some people aren't as smart as you.
  8. Awesome. Can't wait for that tutorial on installing to other versions.
  9. @Meisterstück: > ![](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lztvmy1VBx1rnum2bo1_r1_1280.png) > Does this count? Reminds me soo much of CrystalShire…
  10. @Captain: > Erwin Natasha
  11. Yuko

    Random Foods

    @Jungle: > Fried Bull Testicles Lol^ Burritos :D
  12. They saw your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, Larry the Caveman's face. Why do deer run across the road?
  13. I'm just not going to bother. You want to be a picky prick, go ahead, no body's stopping you.
  14. Yuko

    White Power Milk

    That is like the most weirdest thing ever. I think dry cereal is good…
  15. Yuko

    Runtime Error 429

    Here Just Use This 1) Try re-installing the game 2) If it is a friend's make sure you don't need extra files. Sometimes the game can get really glitched up if you don't have all the files you need. I think that's kind of obvious. Sometimes not everyone uploads all the files, because they were too stupid to look at the guides. 3) Try looking for the alert of "Try re-installing" while running the Run Times Installer, sometimes it does this, and most people ignore it, but ends up getting errors. 4) If none of those work I can't help you, wait for a professional comes on.
  16. Yuko

    Runtime Error 429

    Watch the double posting. He has already told us he has installed the run times. What game are you trying to play?
  17. Yuko

    Runtime Error 429

    @LucasA33: > VB6? ;s You have got to be kidding me. You need VB6 to do most of your stuff and so you can compile that stuff. You still have to figure out your error [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,68399.msg860215.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,68399.msg860215.html) (Click That)
  18. Yuko

    Runtime Error 429

    Lucas, Do you even have VB6?
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